At that time, I was content! I thought Ivan would agree to my decisions, but I did not know how wrong I was!
“So... about the wedding, I do... not think it is a good idea, Ivan!” I expressed my feelings with a straight face.
Ivan, who was previously admiring the spot that we did not see in a while, had his face turn serious after he heard my statement. He swiftly turned towards me with his eyebrows narrowed.
“Wha... what, what do you mean? I do not understand what you are trying to say!” he sounded confused.
I did not expect such a reaction from him! I was more so thinking that he would have just been happy for me and respected my decisions instantly.
“Ivan, I do not think you are the one for me! I know it!” I said in a rather disappointed voice as I was still taken aback by his reaction.
“I-I do not understand! We have been together for since we were young! We know each other so well! Carmen, what are you trying to say? You are the one for me!” he sternly said.
At that point, I started to get a bit frustrated with my replies because of his response. “That does not mean we are mates, Ivan! Being best friends is one thing and being married is another! Marriage is serious commitment and I hope that you could understand what I am trying to say!” I yelled at his face.
Annoyed, he placed the palm of his hand on his forehead and became a lot more tense! “Listen, I do not know where this is coming from but all I know is that I like you and I want to marry you! Our parents too want this for us, so I am definitely not going to stop this wedding no matter what! So, you can either be happy about this or cry about it, I am not going to change my mind!”
I was devastated to hear these bitter and awful words come out from his mouth! This was not the Ivan whom I used to know for years! Everything changed about him! And I had no idea why he was so stubborn about wanting to marry me! Where did all of that come from?
He walked away angrily without saying another word at me! And I just broke down crying as my knees started to bend.
From that day onwards, I kept my mouth shut but as the days neared the wedding, my anxiety grew tenfold! I could not be myself or think properly. All I knew was that I needed to find a way to break the marriage even if there were only a few minutes to spare.
So, after encountering such a horrible experience, I was here forced to dress up on my wedding day. I wanted to run away from the place, but my dad was a very powerful alpha and hence it was not a good idea to do that. He could send anyone to bring me back to the house.
As I was struggling to get into my dress, I heard the grand door of my room slowly open up after the knob of the door clicked.