I was flabbergasted because the Alpha might be telling the truth, but the scene I saw does not seem to be like a prank or setup. His honest looks worsened my worry, and I accepted his apology, albeit it was not really from my heart.
My rage began to calm down on seeing him apologizing incessantly.
"I think he knows what he is doing, it's a setup, and you caught him half-naked while the Omega was completely stripped off. That is how he fools you after he may have committed a lot of atrocious behaviors." Kyla retorted.
I huffed and uttered: "I have heard you mate, you can leave now," I told him, warding off what he was trying to say.
He became relieved on hearing what I called him.
"Thank you for accepting my apology," he joyfully said.
"It is ok," I replied.
"To be honest, I don't know what came over me today, I did not lay with her but...'
"You don't need to talk about that anymore, it's passed." I interrupted him, not because I have truly forgiven him but to prevent him from disturbing me with lies, forcing an emotionless smile on my face while pretending not to be furious with him anymore.
"With clear evidence, he is still fibbing. Some men can be upsetting," I uttered silently.
"He thinks he shall go scot-free after hurting us. If I were you, I would poison him to death and see if he would have those omegas again," Kyla murmured.
He stretched out his hands for a hug, and I did not hesitate to embrace him. He found his way to my lips and gave me a long mind-blowing kiss, making me go wet even though I don't want to. His hands made a way to grab my butt, but I stopped him. I tried to control my feelings, at least not so fast; He can't have me the same day he slept with Aysel.
"I'm glad we are now on good terms," he said, smiling.
The scene of what I saw in his room kept lingering in my mind, which triggered my anger. I glared at him in disgust without his awareness, thinking of how to strike him back. Immediately Jane yanked the door open without seeking permission. She told him there was an emergency and he is urgently needed.
He dashed out to see what is happening outside, and Jane slammed the door immediately.
Just then, Jane revealed to me that she had been eavesdropping from the door and that she had come to realize the reasons for my strange behavior. She leaned closer to where I was sitting, gently patted me on my shoulder, and whispered: "Mom, tell me how everything happened, and I will sort it out for you because you are still in emotional trauma."
I glared at her with confusion, I wanted to tell her everything that happened and how I'm thinking of paying him back, but what if she tells it to Sebastian, her brother? Then Sebastian will certainly let the Alpha hear about it.
"No one summoned the Alpha. I sent him out to discuss with you," she added.
"Jane, this is a couple's issue, it does not require your attention or opinion, and we have reconciled. I see no value in why you'll be digging deeper into the matter."
"Alright, only if you change your worrisome attitude before I stop disturbing you concerning this issue," she said, standing up to leave. Just then, we heard a commotion outside.
I ran to my window and peeped, and I saw some rogues trying to drag Rick out of the clan.
And Marshall is seen walking about the scene, steepling his fingers and grinning.
"Jane, what is happening in there? What causes the commotion?"
Jane was surprised too about the incident. I tried to run down to the scene, but she held me back.
"Stay in here, let me go find out what the matter is," she uttered and ran out.
I went back to the cushion and tried to relax my mind, but the commotion was serious, making me uncomfortable.
"What could have led to this problem? Could it be that a problem exists between Alpha and Rick?"
I dressed up to go to the scene, clasping the doorknob and opening it, where I met Selena, Rick's mother, who probably had been running. She was coming to my room, perhaps about to knock before I opened the door before her.
"Now I have seen who will explain the issue happening outside to me," I murmured.
She is in a furious state and was exhausted, breathing heavily. I felt sympathy for her.
"Selena, what went wrong?" Who is pursuing you? I asked her.
She lay down in front of me, holding my knee tightly. I patted her on the shoulder and told her to calm down. She tried to utter something, but her tachypnea condition made it difficult for her.
I held her and managed to get her up. She was still unable to speak.
We stood still for some minutes before she regained herself.
"The Alpha wants to destroy the heir of Drake by ordering the rogues to handle Rick. If they harm Rick, who will then be the Drake family's successor?" She said while sobbing.
"Pathetic!" I sighed.
"What is the matter?" "What transpired between the two of them that led to that?" I questioned her.
She kept silent and pretended not to hear what I asked her.
"Please come to my rescue, or else the Alpha will annihilate us," she pleaded.
"She is hiding the truth from you, Helen, there must be a reason for what the Alpha is doing," Kyla murmured.
"Let's go meet the Alpha before the worst is accomplished," she stated, panting.
I did not hesitate to follow her. We walked down to the Alpha, but his sight of seeing Selena augmented his anger. I can see it in his eyes, though my presence made him not react.
"Helen, what have you had to do with this mother of bitches that sided with her son in challenging their Alpha?" he groans.
I thought about what to do. Asking him what the problem is may prolong the issue of rescuing the gamma. I waved to Selena and signaled her to leave so I could talk to the Alpha and calm him down.
"What had Rick done that resulted in summoning the rogues to annihilate the Gamma?" I questioned him after Selena left.
"That is what he deserved though, but I just ordered them to bring him back to his senses by torturing him."
"Imagine Rick trying to fool me. How dare him?" He murmured.