{Lexy's P.O.V}
I arrived home from school and took a shower to prepare for date night. We call it a date night, but it starts at around 4 pm, which gave me approximately two hours to get ready which was more than enough time for this tomboy. I'd have to eat something light as well. My main feast being Tryn. Since Tryn is used to me never glamorizing myself, I thought I'll keep to my usual style when preparing for our date.
After my shower, I applied a light foundation coating and layered some mascara, since its date night, some faint blush, and black eyeliner. I dressed in a sky blue off-the-shoulder top, black shorts, and Sam Edelman boots.
I headed down the stairs to the kitchen. Marcus was perched in one of the kitchen's lanky chairs at the island table. He didn't notice me opening the refrigerator as he was distracted by his phone. The sensible thing would be to prepare anything light as I don't know if he had set out something to eat. So I started making a cheese, lettuce, and tomato sandwich with some mustard. I loved mustard, and I'd implement it in almost any dish. By the time I had turned around, Marcus was gone.
I was done devouring my mustard-filled meal and watching some television when my eye caught something running in the woods at the edge of our backyard garden. I stood up to take a closer look, but at that moment, Marcus reappeared and said we had to take our leave. I brushed it off as nerves before going to Tryn.
I was in the car with Marcus on my way to Tryn's house. It had been two months since I'd been to Tryn's place. I was anxious. Extremely anxious. The last time I visited him, I gave him all of me for the first time. I'd never had a boyfriend before him, so he was my first in every way. My first hug from a guy, my first kiss, my first cuddle, my first time having sex, and my first love.
I shouldn't turn myself into a nervous wreck. We've been together for more than a year, and I've been to his house numerous times, but the last visit was when we first had sex, and since then, he hasn't connected with me. I keep thinking I did something wrong. It's not like I was or am experienced with this. I kept wondering and wishing he would talk to me. Is it about his first time with that dusky harlot?
I'm scared of confronting him, and he hasn't brought up the subject either. Was I not sensual enough? I did everything he wanted. I thought he might abandon me for a while, but he didn't seem any different. I was the only one that was confused and concerned about it. It didn't look like anything was troubling him at all. He was his usual affectionate, considerate self. I think that's part of why I haven't confronted him about it. I'm frightened I would make him realize something that he didn't know about himself yet, and then he would leave me. I'm sure that if he is happy, I should be happy too.
We arrived at Tryn's house. My stomach was in knots. My breath started getting shaky. As a result, I tried to take deep breaths to calm my anxiety.
"Lexy, are you okay?" Marcus asked innocently, looking over the top of his sunglasses.
I froze and stared at him with wide eyes and raised eyebrows. I swallowed hard and then broke eye contact.
Marcus noticed how anxious I was. How painstakingly crystal clear could I be? My older brother sees me being nervous before I visit my boyfriend. I have to mitigate this before I make this any more awkward than it already is. So I smacked a little fretting face on before I made eye contact with him again. Not that it was hard since I was already anxious.
"Tryn and I had a small argument at school. So I hope my visiting him will let us sort that out," I said, sounding as downhearted as I could and quivering my bottom lip just a tiny bit. I observed Marcus after my act.
He gave a warm smile and put his hand on his heart. "He loves you, sis. I'm sure, whatever it is, you guys will sort it out."
I tried to hide the surprise on my face. He is acting like a genuine brother for once. I was sure he would mock me about it. Now we're having an annoying tender moment. Euw.
"Thanks, Marc. I appreciate it."Giving him a crooked smile.
"Now get out of my car, and please...no babies. I'm not ready to be an uncle yet." He pressed his lips and fist-bumped my shoulder lightly.
Thank goodness we're back to our old selves. That was haunting.
I felt my face turn scarlet red. So there's the honest Marcus. I gave him a hard punch back on the shoulder. "I'm not like that!" I got out of the car and slammed the door behind me.
"Lexy!" he called out to me.
I turned to look at him. His head is halfway out the window. "I know you're not."He starts the car and drives off.
I looked down and gave him a small, shy smile he couldn't see. At least I know he loves and respects me under all that bickering. I'm privileged to have a brother like that.
I approached Tryn's door. I took a deep breath and rang the doorbell. I didn't know what to expect tonight. I'm nervous, but I'm blissful. That's all that matters. I might look like a coward right now, but I think it's better if I didn't mention us not having sex for two months. After all, we just got over the dusky harlot situation. Just go with the flow and be optimistic. As long as I make him happy, I can be satisfied.
I heard the door open, and I looked up. I saw an out-of-this-world shirtless hunk full of muscle with nothing but a towel in front of me. I gawked, and my mouth fell open. I radiated erotic excitement. My clit was ablaze and tingling, and I could feel it washing over my face turning it scarlet red. Fantasizing about him naked under that towel has got me hot and bothered. His hair was soaked, and the droplets ran down his face and neck toward his irresistibly oversized chest. It somehow turned me on twice as much. I watched it go down further until it reached the tight wet towel and disappeared. I was disappointed. I wanted to keep watching it. I couldn't help but stare at his divine physique. How did I end up with this guy?
"Well? Are you going to stare all night or actually come inside ?"He moved closer to me, almost touching me with his body. Butterflies erupted through me, and my whole body buzzed. I clenched my fists. His hand reached for my face. I don't know how to react to this. Is he going to start kissing me with only a towel? He might as well be kissing me naked!
My stomach started doing flips, and my heart bashed frantically against my ribcage, it felt like it could shatter. I swallowed hard, and I shut my eyes tightly. I was preparing myself mentally for anything he tossed at me.
I felt his fingers on my chin. My head immediately jerked back an inch. He gave a light push and closed my mouth.
"You were gaping like a fish. Thought I'd help you out."
My eyes flung open, and he was already on his way back inside. If my face wasn't crimson red before, it certainly was now. How embarrassing. Me and my dirty thoughts. I didn't even realize my mouth was agape the entire time. I shook my head and used both my hands to smack my cheeks softly. Get yourself together, Lexy. Since when are you so fanatically hypersexual? Flies could have had a carnival in my mouth, and I wouldn't have realized it.
I pried my jellied limbs off the front porch and followed the towel-wrapped dreamboat into his house.
I heard him chuckle at what just transpired.
It seems he took a chapter from Marcus' book and is poking fun at me now too. I rolled my eyes at him while his back was still turned so he wouldn't see me do it. I had this sudden impulse to stick out my tongue too, but that was when he turned and caught me. I gasped and put my hand over my mouth. Could I stop acting shameful? As if I wasn't humiliated enough already.
He started horse-laughing uncontrollably, not expecting to turn around and see me screwing up my face while my tongue was out.
"You just made my day." He stopped and tried to catch his breath. "I've never seen that face on you before." He said, starting to belly laugh again.
I furrowed my eyebrows and folded my arms. "It's not that funny. I do it to Marcus all the time." I said, turning my face sideways and my chin up.
He retook a few deep breaths before speaking. "It sure was hilarious to me. I've never seen you act childish before. It's like I'm meeting the toddler Lexy for the first time. It's endearing."Adoration glowed in his eyes while he smiled affectionately.
I released my arms and gave a little chuckle too. He was correct. I was never this comfortable around him, even after a year of dating. I think it's because I'm finally at his house again, and he shared that dusky harlot story that was traumatizing to him with me as I did with my story of Xander. It's reassuring.
"I just got out of the shower. I had a prior engagement, and it ran a bit late. I'll go get dressed. Then we can start the movie. Would you mind grabbing the popcorn? Make yourself comfortable."
I smiled sweetly and nodded in agreement. He made his way upstairs. Somehow, I'm relieved he is getting dressed. I would not be able to watch a movie with him next to me like that.
I pranced to the kitchen and acquired the popcorn. He did say to make myself comfortable, and popcorn without a drink wouldn't work. I opened the fridge and saw bottles of flavored water. I took two and shut the refrigerator.
I walked to the living room and put the water down. I saw the movie he rented. It's a horror. Sigh. Now I won't be able to distance myself from him to halt my erotic fantasies. I have cold feet and get a fright from a door banging shut. I could already imagine mounting myself on top of him, hiding my face in his chest, and clutching him tightly while shaking with terror.
The idea of me mounting him caused my imagination to go wild again, and before I knew it, my sexual arousal skyrocketed. I felt myself getting flustered again and realized what I was thinking. I snapped myself back to reality and initiated another double-handed smack on the cheeks to pull myself together. I don't know when I've become this lustful, but it is seriously infuriating me! It feels like I can compare my emotions to a carnival of clowns at this point in my life. My little tantrum at the dinner table with Mom, my snapping at that dusky harlot, my jealous temper in the school hallway, and now this lustful explosion of emotions. It's confusing, to say the least. It's like my sensations are out of control. I am turning sixteen next month. So it's, in all likelihood, just hormones. I shook it off when I heard footsteps coming down the stairs.
I made my way to the couch and looked at Tryn. He's dressed. His hair is ruffled dry. Presumably, towel dried. He was wearing a white V-neck shirt with a pair of jet-black sweatpants and a pair of pitch-black socks. He has the power to make anything look stylish. He treaded to the TV and put the movie on before he settled down next to me. He lifted his arm and motioned for me to lay under it with my head. I jumped at the opportunity, making it too apparent that I was still lustful and a little flustered. The corners of his lips rose; he had a barely noticeable smirk. He emitted a sweet scent. It's something I haven't smelled on him before. "Are you using a new cologne?"I asked, puzzled with a bemused expression.
He looked down at me and gave a little frown. "No, I didn't even put on cologne."
His scent is so amazing. "It has to be something new. A new shower gel, maybe?" I licked my lips, stuck my nose in the air, and sniffed aggressively, enjoying the scent obsessively.
He started guffawing. "It's finally starting." He said excitedly.
I looked at the TV. The movie hadn't started yet. "What's starting?"I looked at him bewildered.
"Nothing. I was thinking out loud to myself about something. What's up with you today? And no, it's the same one I always use. I've been using it for years, and it's just ordinary white soap."
My eyebrows raised. I'm perplexed as much as I'm stunned. I remember him smelling fresh like he just got out of a shower any time of the day, but I'm sure this is relatively new. I started smelling myself and the couch to see if it wasn't that, but it wasn't. I'm sure it is him. He laughed at me, smelling my armpits and the couch.
"You are weird today." He says, shaking his head with a sincere smile on his face.
The look of confusion on my face was evident, and he gave a little frown. "Lexy, are you okay?"
I looked up at him before rolling my eyes. "I just smelled something intensely heavenly and wanted to find the trail…Trail? Did I say I wanted to sniff a trail like a dog?" I laughed contagiously.
He started chuckling too. "Wolf. Not dog." He grabbed the popcorn and shoved it under my nose.
I gave a tiny sneeze before I pushed it back at him, giving him a frown. "Do you want me to start sneezing through the entire movie?"
He smiled softly. "I thought maybe it was the popcorn you were smelling."
I took the popcorn back and gave it a slight whiff. I shook my head. "Nope, not that either."
He shrugged and played the movie. "Then I don't know. Sorry, hun."
I make myself more comfortable moving left than right to find the most comfortable spot before putting my head on his chest. It's definitely him. The smell is coming from him. At this point, I don't care what products he is using anymore. I'm savoring the euphoria of it. I tried to keep my attention on the movie and not his sexy, seductive body so close to mine, but my hormones wouldn't let me, and this alluring smell was undoubtedly doing something sexual because I was almost on top of him. It was almost like this smell was the cause of my erotic sensations going crazy. I'm not sure a scent can do that, but it contributed to my flustering every five minutes throughout the movie. Is it because I'm at his house and I know we're alone? I couldn't hold back anymore.