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The Luna And Her Tragic Fate

Belle Carnation
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We nearly finished the horror film, yet I shut my eyes firmly, but it wasn't out of horror. I attempted to block out my ...

Romancelove-triangleWerewolfVampireAlphaLunaFemale leadBillionaireEroticSexSecond Chance

Chapter One - Dusky Harlot Part One

{Lexy's P.O.V}

I was writhing in excruciating agony in the passenger seat beside Amy in her Jeep. The shirt Tryn had given me isn't suppressing the blood loss. I'd been deprived of too much blood, and my strength was fading fast. I couldn't secure it firmly enough on the wounds myself. I felt severely weakened and impaired as the blood seeped through the shirt and my fingers. Amy sped through every intersection and stop sign. I've never seen her drive with such intensity. I wish she would stop concerning herself with me and concentrate on the road, or I won't live anyhow. Unfortunately, there's nothing she can do except get to the hospital in time. She was racing down the streets but persisted in trying to thrust the shirt on my wounds, glancing my way every five seconds. It was nerve-wracking. I needed to tell Amy to direct her attention to the road, but when I attempted to speak, they were soundless words. I started shivering as my body went into a cold sweat, and it started running down my face. I was battling to keep my eyes from closing and felt myself deteriorating. I started feeling glacially cold and slipping in and out of consciousness. I needed to fight to stay alive and persevere for my family, Tryn and Amy. I needed to see Xander once more.

With a swirling turn, my body collided with my door window, shattering it to pieces, and I took a crushing blow. After this, I felt no more discomfort or pain from my injuries. I also felt no dread about how she drove, but I couldn't breathe and started gasping for air, trying to fight. I could feel my end was approaching.

I tried to keep my eyes open for a little longer, refusing to succumb to the ethereal plane until we reached the hospital, and that's when I saw it. An enormous crimson wolf the size of the Jeep. It ran through the forest beside the road, but I didn't feel frightened or intimidated. It felt oddly familiar. It was keeping up with the car effortlessly. I tried to tell Amy, but my voice was still mute. I heard it let out a melancholy howl, and I could feel him calling me in despair, but the end was drawing too close, and I had no strength to struggle anymore. Was I hallucinating in the last moments of my life? Was this my spirit animal expecting to steal me away? I nearly bled out entirely at this point, and I felt paralyzed. My mind mirrored what my body felt and shifted into a weakened state, and I wondered if maybe it was best to depart with my spirit animal. Acknowledging that my end was near made it effortless to let go. I dwindled and awaited my summons to eternal slumber.

One Week Earlier.

I woke up to the familiar scent of home. I walked over to my bay windows. It's dawn. The sun peeking over the horizon made the crimson aurora glimmer over the skyline. It made for a heavenly scenery. I opened my window and took in a breath of fresh air. Last night, there was a downpour, and the smell of fresh rain on the ground was still in the air. It filled me with idyllic tranquility.

I decided to get ready for school. I made my way to my en suite bathroom and took a shower, cleansed my face, and brushed my teeth. I turned and gradually treaded to my closet. I took a pair of black tights, Converse boots, and a loose T-shirt with a red wolf printed on it. For some reason, I've always been enchanted by wolves. I can't unravel why, but they are magnificent, majestic beasts.

I walked downstairs to have breakfast. The old wooden floors creaked under my steps. It was a luxurious house, but it needed to be renovated. We've maintained it but never changed a thing about it. This house had too many memories, so we rejected any plans for a more modern home.

I arrived in the dining room and was met with silence. Everyone except Mom was probably still slumbering. I comfortably sat on the chair at the dining room table. I looked up and saw Mom approaching me with a plate. It was filled to the brim with toast, bacon, eggs, and sausage.

"Good morning, Mom." I smiled at her sweetly.

"Good morning, Honey." She smiled back and put the plate on the table in front of me.

"Thanks, Mom, Are we eating lasagne tomorrow?" I asked excitedly with twinkling eyes.

She chuckled mirthfully, then she squinted her eyes mockingly at me and said, "Yes, dear. We eat it every week on a Tuesday without fail."

"I'm just asking." I laughed at her playful nature.

"You're asking because you want to learn the recipe, right?" Mom asked analytically.

I giggled. "Yes, but I know better. It's not the time."

She nodded her head in correspondence. "Soon, honey"

My mom's name is Sarah. She is delicate and petite. She has light brown hair streaked with little gray hairs, green eyes, and light creases around her mouth and forehead. Looking after all of us is a blight on her appearance, but we love her for everything she does.

Marcus joined me at the dinner table, and Mom brought him a plate too.

Marcus is my older brother. He is nineteen and has short dark brown hair, brown eyes, and a medium bronze skin tone. Girls go zany for him, and he is quite the charmer.

"Good morning, sis," Marcus said while yawning.

"Good morning, Marcus," Mom said jokingly.

"I was going to greet you, Mom, but I'm still sleepy, and like always, you both are going to team up on me again," Marcus whined.

"Seems like the perfect time to play with you if you ask me," I said deviously.

"Oh, come on, Lexy. You know I don't have any good remarks in the morning. My brain is still slumbering," He said groggily.

"And that's why I love it. It's like punching a teddy bear. You sit and take the beating but don't do anything in return. It's the only time I really have fun teasing you." I said and giggled.

"Don't make me bring Xander into-" His eyes widened and stopped mid-sentence.

I know he didn't mean it. He said his brain was stagnant, but I had just lost my appetite. "I suddenly feel lethargic. Pardon me." I got up from the table and made my way up the creaky stairs.

"I'm so sorry, Lexy. I wasn't thinking. I just forgot." Marcus exclaimed after me.

"It's okay. I'm not angry. Just not hungry anymore."

I entered my room. I slammed my door and tumbled into my pillow, and cried. School starts a little late today because of sports being held early, and luckily I don't do sports. So I thought I'd go back to sleep off this frame of mind. Hopefully, I would have forgotten about this morning when I woke up.

We lived in a tiny town called Hogsback, with a population of 1029. Everyone knew everyone. All the parents matured together and their grandparents before them. Our house is enormous. Each of us has a room except the twins. They shared one. There was one empty room, though. Well, not precisely open either. It was our brother's room. Xander. Until he disappeared. Everyone suspects he got lost in the Endless Forest. People call it the Endless Forest because, well...It appears immeasurable. It continues infinitely. Our house is at the edge of the town, beside the forest. Mom is always particularly stern about us lingering close to the endless forest since we live beside it, owing to what happened. The entire town is petrified of it. They are constantly whispering about the vulgar noise carried out by the forest at the late hours of the night and that the darkness will devour you if you get within a stone's throw away. It was always hair-raising for me.

Until it ensued with my brother. Xander. Just thinking about him gives rise to bereavement. He had the same blue eye pigment as mine, yet he had hair that was a lighter shade of blonde than mine, a light honey-blonde tone, to be exact. We did everything together, and he always safeguarded me when Marcus ridiculed me. He was nearly fourteen when he vanished. I was thirteen. It feels like yesterday we spent time together in my room. The sad truth is it has been almost three years since he disappeared. It feels like a fragment of myself died that day. I have a void in my heart that will never be filled. Nothing is the same without Xander. He was the one that brought the most light into my life. Since then, I have felt like a dimmed lamp. The flame is there, but it's not as strong and bright as it could be. I have changed a lot since it happened. It's almost like a part of me disappeared with him. I still have hope that he will bring that part back with him one day. I still have Marcus and the twins, but even Mom used to be a dazzling radiant light before he disappeared.

No one speaks of it, though, making me even angrier. It's like they are trying to forget him or even pretending he was imaginary! I caught Mom taking down his pictures once, and I exploded.

"He isn't gone! He'll come back! He won't leave me!" I said, seizing the pictures and putting them back on the shelf.

We both cried ourselves to sleep that night.

I awoke to a soundless house. Ray and Rosy, the twins are probably already at school, whereas Marcus is at the gym. Mom was doing her daily errands. So I was all alone. It was time to get ready for school, so I put my strawberry blonde hair into a long ponytail. I dabbed some foundation on my face and layered my mascara. It made my bright blue eyes pop. At that moment, I heard Amy honk her horn. I grabbed my bag and ran downstairs. I took the lunchbox mom had made and put it into my bag.

I ran outside to meet Amy, and I got into her Jeep.

"Good morning, sexy legs," I grinned, wiggling my eyebrows at her.

"Oh, stop, they're not that pretty." She chuckled, covering her mouth with her fingers.

"Goodness. You're so girly. You never cease to impress." I said teasingly.

"O.M.G, I said stoop!" She cackled so loudly.

"So when are you getting your boyfriend?" I asked her, trying to converse as we have spoken about everything since we became best friends.

"You know the deal, Lexy, I'm waiting for my soulmate," she said, suddenly sounding annoyed.

"How are you going to know? I don't understand. Why not just try to date someone?" I said, rolling my eyes at her.

"Lexy, I will know. I don't judge you for dating Tryn. So please don't judge my ways." She seemed almost upset and angry at me.

"I'm not judging! I promise I'm not. I'm envious. I wish I had waited till I met my soulmate and had the patience you have, but I don't. So I can't understand how you can." I said, pouting my lips and crossing my arms.

"You don't think Tryn is your soulmate? You waited till you met him. I'm pretty sure you just found yours before me. That's all. You don't know it yet. Tryn understands you a lot more than you think. No fights for over a year? He knows how to handle you. He gets you. I want that. You're so lucky. So please don't mention it again because I'm the envious one." She said coldly at the end.

"I never knew you felt that way. I could break up with him and become your soulmate? Together forever." I said, trying to cheer her up.

She giggled. "You would never break up with that Greek God of a man." She laughed again.

"Probably not." I snickered.

The rest of the drive to school was voiceless, and I started inspecting her outfit. She wore red stilettos, a red mini skirt, a white tank top with her red lacy bra peeking slightly, as well as a red overcoat with bright red lipstick. Her makeup was applied like a celebrity's; it made her green eyes look otherworldly. Oh, how I wish I had her figure. She has faultless breasts with a quintessential ass. It might seem like I'm ogling my best friend right now, but I can't accept how she matured like a divine deity and me like a ghastly ghoul. I mean, how does someone have platinum blonde hair inherently? Most people say she colors it, but I'm her best friend, and I know that's inaccurate. Most girls detest her for her extraordinary body and bewitching appearance.

We arrived at school, and she spotted me gawking at her.

"You know I could enlighten you with an intro to fashion if you wanted me to."

I broke eye contact and pretended to suddenly study the tree next to the car, attempting to avoid her reaction to me ogling her. "I'm perfectly fashionable the way I am. Thank you very much." Even I knew that was overreaching. My daily outfits were ordinarily unfeminine. I whiffed my shirts in an attempt to detect any odor before putting them on for the third or fourth time.

She put her hand on mine and leaned forward to make eye contact.

I looked back at her blue eyes and studied her waiting for her to speak.

She expressed tenderness and smiled delicately. "I mean.. you know, Tryn. All the girls want him. So I don't want you to lose him to a bimbo because they can't see you the way I see you."

I looked down. She had a point. The most sought-after and irresistibly handsome guy in school is dating me. I don't know why he finds me special. I don't even wear matching colors, yet we've been dating for over a year.

"Tryn sees me. Don't worry." I smiled back at her before getting out of the car.

I walked into the school and immediately collided with a brunette girl. She scoffed and looked at me with a vulgar expression. I apologized by bowing my head slightly.

"I'm sorry. I should've watched where I was walking," I told her sincerely.

She looked me up and down. Then, her friend whispered something in her ear. She glared at me, slack-jawed and perplexed as her eyes ballooned.

What could've been so shocking? I thought to myself.

"HER??" she said to her friend, utterly shell-shocked.

Her friend just nodded like she was intimidated by this dusky harlot.

"So you're the slut that's dating Tryn?!"

"Uhm... yes, but we've been dating for over a year. So how are you just finding this out now?" I narrowed my eyes at her.

"Tryn and I go way back. He was at my school before he transferred here. We dated and had sex before he broke up with me to move here. So I naturally came after him. I'm here to get back what is rightfully mine." she said in a matter of factly tone with a smirk.

"Well, even so, he broke up with you and left. That should tell you something. He would've made it a long-distance thing if he wanted to be with you. Not that I know where you're from since he never mentioned you before, and coming after him? I'm getting stalker vibes, in my honest opinion." I said, shrugging my shoulders and rolling my eyes at her.

Her jaw dropped again. She was stunned at what I had just said to her. She started stuttering. "I...I ca..can do just what I want." She sneered at me and yanked her backpack over her shoulder, securing it firmly while she stormed out the door.

"Wow, what a bimbo," Amy said.

"You're telling me," I scoffed. I turned and continued walking into school toward my locker. After that irksome encounter, I felt unnerving and insecure. I wonder if Tryn is here yet. I might text him. I want to know who this girl is. Not because I'm over-possessive or… at least I don't think I am? No. I just want to know what obstacles might lie ahead. She did say they dated and had sex. I don't need to be anxious, do I? On the other hand, if there's an ex around that is stalking him, I think I have a right to know.

I started calming myself by thinking of how he has always been there for me whenever I wept about Xander. I trust him with my entire soul. He would never do anything to hurt me. He is loving and always thinks of only what I want and need. I'm not the distrustful type, anyway. We can get through this without even so much as an impediment in our relationship, but I still need to know about this to be mentally prepared in the event I do see a distasteful ordeal. She does look like the pushy type. I'll text him anyway.

Lexy: "Hey, babe. Are you at school yet?"

Tryn: "Yeah, I'm waiting outside the headmaster's office. Want to meet up after I'm done? We can ditch class," *wink emoji*

Lexy: "NO! Haha. If my mom finds out, she will tell my dad. That is not something I want in my birthday month."

Tryn: "Hahaha! I know, babe. I was joking. Where are you right now?"

Lexy: "At my locker. I had a very intriguing interaction with someone a few moments ago. I wanted to speak to you about it."

Tryn: "Oh? Do you want me to come now?"

Lexy: No, no. It can wait. Meet the headmaster first. Why does he need to see you, though? Are you in trouble?"

Tryn: "No, nothing like that. Someone I used to know just transferred here. I'm sure he just wants me to make her feel welcome."

I felt nervosity, and my stomach dropped.

Lexy: "Oh, I see. Well, have fun."

Tryn: "Did I say something wrong, babe? You seem upset?"

He knows me well.

Lexy: "No. It's nothing. I'll speak to you about it tomorrow. So don't worry, babe. I'm sure it's nothing.

Tryn: "That's it. I'm coming right now."

Lexy: "NO! It's okay, I swear. I'll speak to you about it tomorrow, babe. I'm fine, I promise. I love you.

Tryn: "Why only tomorrow?"

Lexy: "I just don't feel like dealing with it today, honestly."

Tryn: "I dislike putting it off until tomorrow, but if you're sure. I'll respect it. We can talk about it tomorrow."

That's when I stopped texting and just stared at my phone. I couldn't confront this issue today. I don't know how to go about it. I'll think about how to approach this appropriately. Is this girl dangerous to our relationship? Or is what I'm sensing incorrect? I'll have to wait until tomorrow to find out.

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