Basma's P. O. V
"Alhamdulillah, first day of Ramadan," I smiled.
I stood up and sauntered to the bathroom to take a hot shower. In less than thirty minutes, I showered. I wrapped my towel and sashayed out.
It took me more than ten minutes to choose what to wear. I ended up wearing a pink shirt and black sweatpants. I quickly dried my hair, tie it with a scarf and went downs stairs to kitchen.
"Basma you don't have lectures today?" Umma asked cutting onions.
"Yes umma," I replied with my hands in my pocket.
"Alright then help me with this onions please," she said moving to the sink to wash her hands.
One word about boyfriend and I'm out of here.
“Oh I forgot to tell you, your uncle, hameed and his family are coming from yola today. So that means we have a lot to cook today.” She informed. "But umma it's the first day of Ramadan," I whined. "Call them and tell them not to come then.” She glared at me.
"Umma you know I can't.”
"Then shut up and continue cutting the onions."
“Urgh!!” I groaned silently.
(Bapba hameed is abba's younger brother. He lives in yola with his family. He has 4 children, yazeed, Rahma, iklima, aliyu and then babpa' s wife aunty ramlat).
It's already 5pm when umma was already on my neck. "Basma please hurry up will you!" She looked frustrated. “Umma please stop stressing yourself it's just 5pm, we still have like two hours and uncle hameed and his family are not here yet.”
"I know, I just want to finish everything on time.” "Badiyya cut these tomatoes and basma fry this chicken.” She instructed.
"They are here!!" Jawad announced. We were already done arranging the food items on the dinning table. As I heard jawad announced they're here I quickly ran to my room to take a quick shower. I was out in less than twenty minutes, I put on a black abaya and tied my head with the abaya's veil. I ran downstairs before umma starts looking for me. I entered umma's living room with Salam and they all answered.
"Aunty ramlat, welcome. Ina yini” I greeted sitting down close to her. She replied with a smile, “basma, thank you. How are you?”
“I’m fine Alhamdulillah. Ya hanya? (how was the journey?)”
"Lafiya Alhamdulillah.” I stood up and went to where my cousin Rahman was sitting. “Young lady, can’t you greet?” I teased. She glared at me, "You're just 8 months older than me.”
"Oho dai I'm still older than you.” I shrugged. "Hey where's iklima? I asked. “She's with badiyya upstairs," Rahman replied. “Lemme guess aliyu is with jawad?" I asked her. "Yes of course.” She answered typing something on her phone.
"Where's hamma yazeed too, I haven't seen him in like forever?"
"He lives in kaduna, you live in kaduna and you guys never meet at all?" Rahma asked in amazement. "He works here in kaduna and he never visits us?" Umma asked. "Maybe he's always busy with work." Rahma responded. "He'll be joining us for iftar Insha Allah." aunty ramlat added.
I stood up and went straight to abba's living room to greet my uncle. I slowly entered with Salam and they both answered. I squatted to greet my uncle.
Babpa (uncle) hameed ina yini? (Good evening)”
"Basmatu look at how you've grownup,” he smiled at me. I chuckled with my head down fiddling with my fingers. "Ya kamata ache kina gidan miji gaskiya (you should be in your husband's house by now)” Babpa said. I looked at him and quickly lowered my gaze. "Babpa don't worry very soon I will be In sha Allah.” I assured. "Toh Masha Allah," he grinned.
"I know my daughter, she's not ready to get married anytime soon." Abba talked this time. He sounded serious. “Then you look for someone who suits her." babpa said. My eyes opened widely but I was still staring at the carpet.
Abba chuckled. "When she's done with school and still doesn't bring anyone we will see where it goes."
I sighed.
It was close to Iftar. So I stood up to go back to umma's living room when I heard a deep voice.
"Salamu alaikum.” He entered. "Yazeed.” Abba smiled at him. “Yes abba.” He squatted and greeted abba. My eyes were on him the whole time.
“You’ll never grow tall, won’t you?" He interrupted.
"Babpa warn him wallahi I don't like it when someone calls me short!" I said pouting with my hands on my chest.
They all started laughing. "Yazeed stop teasing her please." Babpa said playfully. I glared at yazeed and stuck my tongue out.
Rahma, yazeed and I were gisting when we heard the adhan being called. Rahma and I went to my room while yazeed, babpa hameed, Abba and the little boys went to masjid.
"Do you see how hamma yazeed was looking at you, I think he has a crush on you." Rahma said after she finished praying. I laughed a little, “c’mon rahma, don’t be stupid. That can’t be possible. This guy bullied me all my life.”
“Hey I'm serious, you guys will make a perfect couple and make beautiful babies.” She sighed dreamily making me to roll my eyes. "Haha too bad it's not going to happen!" I snapped at her.
We walked downstairs to the dinning room and sat down. I was sitting down opposite badiyya while yazeed sat down by my right and rahma sat by the left.
Both my parents and yazeed's kept teasing us.
"Masha Allah you guys will make a cute couple,” aunty ramlat said eating. I find it annoying and uncomfortable. I looked at her shyly and quickly continued eating.
Both our parents started laughing and making funny jokes at first I was enjoying it, now they're making me so uncomfortable. I had to excuse myself to go to my room. Thirty minutes later or more Rahma came in.
"Hey what's wrong?" Rahma asked the moment she walked in. “Nothing.” I shrugged not taking my eyes off my phone.
"Ok ooh! Umma said you should come down stairs it's time for tarawee.”
"Okay I'll be down in a sec.” I sighed I quickly stood up and headed straight to the bathroom to perform wudhu then headed straight to the family masjid...