It was time for Fajr when I heard someone knocking at my door. I quickly stood up and went to open the door rubbing my eyes and walking sluggishly. As I opened the door and met Abba standing in front of me. I quickly squatted down and greeted him.
"A waali jam abba (good morning baba)” He answered with a smile on his face. "A waali jam Basma" (good morning basma)
"Jam na Basma?" (How are you basma)
"Jam koo dume" (Fine, thank you)
"It's time to pray Basma." He informed. "Okay Abba." I smiled and stood up heading towards the bathroom while he left for masjid.
As I finished performing wudhu I came out of the bathroom straight to my new soft brown carpet picked up my hijab and prayed. I recited my morning supplications and went back straight to sleep.
"Wake up sleepyhead.” Badiyya tapped me on the shoulder. "What?" I whined. “Umma said I should wake you up to help her make breakfast." She informed. "Why can't the maids help her?" I groaned. "Just get up already adda Basma." She said, dragging my hand. "Achu" (leave me alone) I whined dragging my hand back.
She left me and I gladly went back to sleep. Few minutes later or an hour Umma came into my room blasting my ears I stood up with my eyes still closed, walking slowly to the bathroom. I had my bath and came out. I dressed up in something comfortable before hopping on my bed again. Badiyya and jawad went off to school that time. And Abba went to work, so it's just me and Umma.
I got bored instantly, then I decided to call my best friends, Farida and Najah. Farida lived opposite my house while najah lives few blocks away from us, so we're technically neighbors.
“Hey how's the new house?” Najah asked. “It’s so amazing." I said with an exciting voice. "Am coming for that your new Kylie lipstick." Farida said. I could hear her giggling. "You are not going to see them babe.” I said throwing my hand up. We talked for like almost an hour. All they talk about is me getting a boyfriend. “Since you guys don’t have anything to talk about but me getting a boyfriend. I’ll take my leave now. And I haven’t eaten breakfast.”
“You are really good at changing topics.”
We said our goodbyes and I hung up the phone. I threw the phone beside me and sighed.
"They will never understand." I mused to myself. I was just about going into a deep slumber when I heard a knock at my door.
"Salamu alaikum.” Umma peeped through the door.
"Wa’alaikumus Salam." I said trying to sit down.
"Am I disturbing?" She asked plumping down on the edge of the bed. "No umma, I was even bored.” I replied. “Good.” She smiled. "So basma I've been wanting to ask again.” She started. “Umma please don't start with the boyfriend thing cause I don't have any." I cut her off before she could finish talking. "Don't you think it's time to find love before it's too late?”
"Uhmm, umma it's not that easy to look for someone who will truly love you. They always want something.”
"How about i help you find your Prince Charming?" She winked.
"Noo umma I'll find him myself.” I smiled sheepishly. "Are you sure basma?"
"Yes ma'am." I assured her. She left me there still blushing. "Ya Allah help me" I muttered to myself.
"Adda basma wake up for God sake. You love sleeping too much." badiyya said shake my body. “Urgh!” I grumbled. "You again.” I added. “Yes it's me again," she answered with a big grin on her face.
"It's almost maghrib so you better get out of that bed.” She said walking out of the room. I looked at the clock and it was already time for maghrib. I went straight to the bathroom and performed wudhu. Prayed and went downstairs to help umma cook dinner.
I was cutting carrots on the chopping board, lost in my thoughts when my little brother jawad tapped me on the shoulder which made me come back to earth
"Adda Basma, Abba wants to see you." He informed. “Me?" I said in amazement. He nodded. “Alright.” I took a deep breath and went to meet him in his living room. “Salam alaikum."
"Wa alaikumus Salam, Basmatu." Abba likes calling me basmatu but I really don't like it. “Yes Abba." I said lowering my gaze. I sat down on the carpet right close to him on the couch, my head was still down, fiddling with my fingers. "Basmatu, you know you're in your final level at university, right? He reminded. "Yes Abba.” I nodded, knowing what exactly he will talk about.
"Don't you think it's time to settle?" He asked. "You know what I mean.”
"Kay abba (no abba)” I pretended as if I don’t know. "Do you have someone interested in being part of your life?" I covered my face with my left hand, blushing. But then I remembered, I never even look at any guy talk Less of loving him. “No Abba, I don’t have anyone.”
“Really?” He asked. “That’s surprising.” He added. “As beautiful as my daughter is, nobody is interested in her? Are you sure you’re not the one chasing them away.” I chuckled and covered my face with one hand. “No Abba, I assure you I’m not the one chasing them away.”
"Okay my dear you may leave. Allah miki albarka (May Allah bless you)”
"Ameen abba."
As we were done cooking dinner, we all went to the dinning and started digging in.
I went to my room; Prayed isha and read my Azkar. After that, I went straight to bed. For four good hours I couldn't sleep, I was rolling and I having flashbacks on what my parents talked to me about. "What am I going to do now?" I mused to myself. "How will I start looking for my husband?"
"Where will I start with?"
I kept questioning myself.
"Hey perhaps I should accept imam, since he asked me out like a gazillion times. Imam is a good guy and he is religious, he came from a good family. I know abba will like him. No wait it's definitely not going to be imam, he's not my type. He doesn't even know how to dress well. Besides he's not that cute or handsome"
"Urgh!” I grumbled I decided in seeking refuge from Allah; that’s the only way. That’s the right way.