It was after 3:00 AM when Lisa returned to our apartment. I expected her to shower, but she came immediately to the bedroom, placed something on the bedside table, undressed, and slid, naked, under the covers beside me. I turned to hold her, but she moved to the edge of the bed.
“No, Billy, the rules are that you mustn’t touch me.” Her voice was flat. She lay staring at the ceiling. I could smell her sex and lingering traces of her perfume. “He also said I wasn’t to shower until morning. That way, you would be reminded of where...of what...” her voice trailed off and she was silent again.
After awhile, she took a deep breath and began to speak. “I have to turn this on,” she said, reaching for the object she’d put next to the bed. “It’s a recorder. He wants me to tell you everything that happened. I’m to try to describe it in detail and leave nothing out. He wants me to tell what I was feeling and even things I was thinking. I have to include all of the things he said and everything I said.” Her voice began to quiver, and I thought she might cry. “He said I have to record it now, tonight, before I forget things.” She paused. “I’m not sure I can do this, Billy. The last four hours have been horrible, worse than I could ever have imagined. That man, Billy, he’s...he’s, and cruel, the things...the things he made me say...the things I had to do...” she paused again to regain control. “The worst part is that he set Richie up. He planned this whole thing so that he could...could, oh Billy, I hate him. He’s perverted, and we must...I must do whatever he says. And now I have to describe all that happened to you. I’m so tired, Billy, so tired.”
“Then don’t do it.”
“I have to. He wants to listen to the tape tomorrow.” She arranged the pillow behind her and shifted to a sitting position. “Frank is smarter that we are, Billy. And he’s a monster.” I reached toward her once more, but she shook her head. “I’m exhausted, Billy. Please, let’s get this over with.”
“Why the recorder?” I asked.
“Like I told you, he’ll play it back later. He wants to be sure I tell you everything and that I don’t lie. I think that he believes it might make a difference between you and me.” She paused. “You won’t let it, will you?”
“No, of course not.”
“He made me swear to tell the truth, but he also made it clear that I’m to say things that will please him, pump up his ego, things that will indicate that I like him and…and want him. But I hate him, Billy. You have to believe that.”
She reached over to the bedside table, and I heard a tiny click as she turned on the machine. She sat perfectly still, continuing to stare up toward the ceiling. When she spoke her voice was lifeless. “To tell you the truth, Billy, I was so grateful that he agreed to take me out of that awful bar I didn’t think of you when we left. I didn’t think about the fact that he was responsible for me being there, that he and that boy Carl tricked Richie, and that he made me go there and made me do...those things. I only thought about the fact that he got me out, got me away from those men, that he saved me from...well, you know.” She watched the tape turning for a moment, then she looked across at me. “Oh, Billy, I’ve never been so ashamed. Doing what I did. Saying those words. Kissing Frank like that.” Tears formed in her eyes. She wiped them away.
“Those men, Billy, you saw them. They were like animals. There were times during the rest of the night with Frank when I wanted to scream, but I kept thinking it could have been worse. And Frank kept saying that he might take me back there if I didn’t...if I didn’t...” under the blanket she reached for my hand and squeezed it.
She clicked off the recorder. “He knows when I’ve turned it off so I’ll have to explain. But, Billy, please try to understand. I have to say the things I’m going to tell you, and I really had to do the things I did.”
“Yes, I know. Don’t worry. It’s Okay.”
“And like I told you, he wants me to say certain things on the talk about him now in ways that...that will excite him tomorrow when he hears it.”
“I understand.”
She switched on the recorder again. “When Frank and I got outside, I almost slipped on the ice. He kept his arm around me and led me back to the car. I was so relieved to be getting away from there, I forgot to get into the car the way he told me to. He gets in first. As I enter, I have to pull my skirt up almost to my waist and sit with my bare skin on the seat. I have to face toward him and keep my knees spread so that that he can touch me down there if he wants to.”
She glanced at me to see how I was taking it. Satisfied, she began again. “Like I said, I had to get into the car a second time because I’d forgotten how he wants me to do it. His car is old and rusty. A Buick, I think. The seat was freezing cold.” She shifted in the bed and was silent for a moment. “As soon as we pulled away from Ryan’s, he started masturbate me again. Then, he put my hand on him...on his...his penis...I mean his...his cock. That’s what he wants me to call it. I could feel how hard he was. He said, ‘You want that?’.
“I answered, ‘Yes’.
“‘Ain’t you forgetting something?’ he asked.
This time I leaned over and kissed his neck. “Yes,” I said, “I want it.” His fingers were making me wet.
“‘You like what I’m doing?’ he wanted to know.
“Yes, honey, I answered, I like it. He kept...touching me there as we drove. He knows just how to do it. He almost made me have an orgasm.
“By the time we got to his apartment, I was very wet. He opened his door and left me sitting in the car. I got out and quickly followed him. It had started to snow again. My legs and feet were so cold. His car has no heater. I went into the apartment behind him. When I closed the door he told me to lock it. His apartment was even filthier than when you and I went there together.” She paused to explain, “He said I was to tell you exactly what everything looked like and not lie about anything.
“There were dirty dishes on the table, empty beer cans and glasses, newspapers, a broken lamp. Maybe you remember, both the couch and chair are soiled and ripped. All the blinds had been pulled down.” She looked at the recorder. There was still a lot of unused tape left. She closed her eyes for a moment and shook her head.
“When we got inside, he pointed for me to stand in the middle of the living room. He sat on the arm of the couch and told me to take off my coat and let it drop on the floor. I did. Then he said, ‘Show me your bare breasts’. No, that’s not right,” she corrected herself. “He said, ‘show me your bare tits’. I pushed my dress down off my shoulders. My nipples were hard. ‘Put your hands under your tits”, he said, ‘and hold them out like you were offering them to me’.
“I did like he said. He had me stand there like that for a long time. Finally, he motioned for me to cross to him. He stood up and put his hand down between his legs. ‘Take it out’, he said. I began to unzip his pants. ‘Kneel’, he said. I was so ashamed and scared.
“I got on my knees in front of him and slowly pulled down his zipper. I started to reach inside, but he stopped me. ‘Not yet, baby, not yet’, he said. He’s a big man, Billy. His belly hung over his belt. I had to lean back to look up at him. ‘Now’, he said, ‘I want you to tell old Frankie what you’re hungry for, and say it nice, you know. And don’t give me that penis shit’.
“I had to think what he wanted me to say. I have trouble saying those words, Billy.” She turned away from me, letting the tape run while she tried to compose herself. She sat back again and staring straight ahead, she continued. “Like I told you, I was on my knees looking up at him and I said, ‘I want your...your cock’.”
“‘You can do better’, he said.
“‘Please, honey, please let me have your cock’, I said.
“‘What you going to do with it?’ he asked.
‘‘‘What you want’, I said, ‘whatever you want’.
‘‘‘Unbuckle me’, he said. “I reached up under where his belly hung down over his pants and unbuckled his leather belt. I then tugged his pants down. He doesn’t wear anything under his pants. I was shocked, Billy. He’s very white. I mean his skin is smooth and white. You can see the blue veins. And he has no hair, no body hair, no hair between his legs or on his chest or belly.”
She paused for a moment, then continued quietly in the same flat monotone. “His...cock, Billy, it’s big...big and smooth white. It’s maybe twice as long and thick as yours, Billy.” She glanced quickly at me. I looked at the tape and nodded. “He spread his legs and reached down and lifted his...his cock.
“‘You can start on these’, he said. His testicles...I mean his...his balls were big and heavy and, like the rest of him, white and smooth. ‘I want nice kisses’, he said, ‘kisses that I can hear’.
I knelt there for a long time kissing his...balls, kissing and...and licking them with my tongue. He calls it ‘tonguing’. I was kissing and tonguing his balls because he had it in his power to send my son to jail.
“‘Your mouth is getting hot and wet’, he said.
“I looked up at him, ‘For you,’ I said, and then...then I licked him, I mean I slowly tongued the underside of his...cock.
“‘Play with yourself’, he said. I reached under my dress and began to rub down there between my legs.
“‘You gonna suck my dick or what?’ he asked.
“It was so disgusting, Billy. I’ve never done that. Not for you, not for anyone. I never even thought of it. He smelled bad down there, Billy. I felt sick, like I might vomit. ‘Do it!’ he yelled. I tried to take his thick cock into my mouth. I had to open very wide and almost gagged. He’s just too big. I couldn’t take it all. My hand was still between my legs. I think I was about to have an orgasm…I mean I was ready come when he stepped back away from me.
“He stood there looking down at me. When he stares at me like that I get afraid, really frightened. He’s so big and he can be mean. I bowed my head. ‘Lower’, he said. I leaned forward until my head rested on the floor. ‘That’s better’, he said. ‘Now, pull your dress up over your ass’. I did as he told me. ‘Okay, now turn around and spread your cheeks for me. I want to see your little…asshole’.
“With my forehead touching the rug, I turned and then reached back and pulled my cheeks wide for him. Oh, Billy, it was awful, as bad at the bar in Ryan’s. I’ve never been like that in front of anyone, not even you. The rug was gritty and smelled bad. He made me stay like that for a long time while he stared at what I was showing him. I tried to hold back the tears, but I felt so ashamed I couldn’t.
“Finally, he said, ‘Just like I thought, pink and brown, and tight’. He mentioned how wet my...pussy was. Then he said, ‘Is that where you want my first load? You want it up there inside your hot...your hot...cunt?’
“I started to lift my head and turn around. ‘Stay where you are’, he said. Then he took off his pants and walked around in front of me and stood over me with his legs spread. I could see his big black shoes on either side of my head. ‘Now’, he said, ‘remember what I told you in the bar about what you gotta keep asking yourself, and you might also remember it ain’t too late to go back to Ryan’s’. He waited. Then he said, ‘Tell me where you want my first load, you horny little bitch. Look up here and tell me and tell me nice’.
“I knew what he wanted. Billy, I was so afraid he might take me back to that awful place. I raised my head and put my hands on his shoes. Oh, Billy.” She reached over and touched my arm. Then she looked away. “I...I...said to him, ‘I want it in my mouth, honey.’
“‘You swallow it when I come?’ he said. It took me a long time to answer. The thought of it, of his...his come in my mouth, of swallowing it, oh, Billy, I wanted to scream and run for the door. But I said, ‘Yes...yes, I will’.
“‘Right, baby, you learn fast’, he said. He stepped back and sat down in the overstuffed chair and spread his legs. ‘Crawl’, he said, pointing to the floor between his legs. On my knees, I crawled to him. ‘Take off your dress, but not your shoes, leave them on’. I did as he ordered. Except for my heels, I was naked. On my knees naked between the legs of this man who...who...” she didn’t finish. After a moment, she began once more.
“He handed me his pack of cigarettes and lighter. I lit one for him and put it between his lips. As I leaned forward, my nipples brushed against his cock. When that happened, I felt a funny feeling running down between my legs. I have to admit it, Billy, I was getting excited. I just couldn’t help it.
“He took a drag on the cigarette, then he looked down at me and grinned. ‘Okay’, he said, ‘how do you ask? How do you ask real nice for what you want?’
“I said, ‘Please let me...let me suck you’.
“‘Good, you almost sound like you mean it.’
“‘I do mean it’, I said. ‘Please’. I reached for his stiff cock.
“‘Put your hands behind your back’, he said, ‘and rub your tits against this big prick you’re so hungry for’. I did. My hands behind my back forced my breasts forward. I swung them against his cock. Both my nipples and his cock became even harder. ‘Keep your hands behind your back and tell me again what you want’, he said. I looked up at him. His big white belly sagged above me. He licked his thick lips. I could see in his eyes that he was making fun of me, he was making me feel small and helpless. And, Billy, that’s how I did feel, but all the same I was wet between my legs.
“‘Please, honey’, I said, ‘let me suck’.
“‘And what else?’ he asked, glaring down at me.
“‘Please come in my mouth, honey’, I answered.”
Lisa put her hands over her face and sat there rocking back and forth, crying quietly. After awhile, she wiped her eyes with the edge of the sheet and continued. “Billy, honestly I couldn’t believe I was saying such things. I...I...never... I just couldn’t help it. I knew he wanted me to talk dirty like that. I knew he wanted me to say the words and do...and do the things I did. I kept thinking about poor Richie and what might happen to him. And I kept thinking about those men at Ryan’s.”
She wiped away the last of the tears and, glancing at the recorder, put down the sheet. She began once more. “Frank placed his hands on my head. I was still kneeling in front of him, naked. He guided me to the end of his thick cock. I opened my mouth wide and closed my lips around as much of it as I could take. With my hands clasped tightly behind my back, I...I...sucked him. It only took a few minutes before I could feel he was ready come. He shot it into my mouth and kept holding my head so I couldn’t turn away. It came in hot spurts. I thought he would never stop. I almost choked, but I swallowed and swallowed and he was still moving my head back and forth. He was saying, ‘Suck...suck...suck it!” Finally he was finished. ‘Good girl’, he said. ‘You have some things to learn, but for starters, that wasn’t bad. I think you might have a natural talent for...cock sucking.’
She sighed and closed her eyes. I thought she had fallen asleep, but she soon began again in the same tired monotone. “I wanted to touch myself. My vagina was dripping and that little red sensitive part at the top, he called it a clit, was swollen. I wanted to come home and have you hold me. I wanted so much to fall asleep in your arms.
“Instead, he took my wrists in his hand and pulled me up. I followed him into the bedroom. It smelled stale like dirty socks and unwashed bedding. He pushed me down on the bed, then lifted me and turned me around so that my head was at its foot. He stood there looking at me. ‘That’s the way I want you’, he said. ‘Whenever you are in my bed, I want you so that your head is near my dick. I want you to look at it when you’re awake and dream about it when you’re asleep. I want my cock to be right there when you open your eyes. And pretty soon your mouth will get full of spit just thinking about it. Pretty soon you will be hungry for it, for the taste of it, for my come shooting into your mouth. Pretty soon that’s the way it will be’.
She turned to face me. She looked so sad. “I can’t remember his exact words,” she said, “but that’s close to what he told me.”
“Then he said, ‘You’re going to be in my bed a lot. You’re going to be naked in my bed whenever I want you. Say it’.
“I said, ‘Yes, honey, whenever you want me, I’ll be in your bed. I’ll be naked in your bed for you’.”
Before going on, she went into the bathroom and brought back a glass of water. She offered it to me. I shook my head.“Well, then Frank took off his shirt and shoes and socks. His whole body is smooth and very pale. There’s no hair on his legs or his chest. And you can see all these blue veins crisscrossing under his skin. But he’s strong, Billy. His legs and chest and shoulders are big. He’s a very powerful man. Under the fat is hard muscle.
“He lay down beside me and pulled me around so that my head was just inches from his heavy balls and his...his big white cock. I wanted to sleep, but he began touching me...fingering me down there between my legs. Each time he touched clit, I couldn’t help but push against his fingers.
“‘You want it?’ he asked. ‘You want to come?’
“‘Yes, honey, please, yes’, I said. I couldn’t believe how quickly I became excited.
“‘Then you got to get me hard again, you know?’ he said. ‘Do it, Mrs. Lindal, make your new man hard’.
“Once more I began to kiss his balls and lick his limp cock. It seemed like a very long time before it began to get stiff.
“When it was hard, he grabbed my hair and pulled so that I had to look up at him. ‘I don’t think you ever sucked cock before, ain’t that right?’
“I nodded. ‘That’s right’, I said, ‘never, until tonight’.
“‘So, now you’re a cocksucker. Say it’, he ordered.
“‘I’m a...a...cocksucker’, I answered.
“‘And just whose little cocksucker are you?’ he asked.
“‘Yours’, I answered.
“‘Say it’, he demanded, ‘say the words’.
“‘I’m your...your…cocksucker, honey’, I said.
“‘That’s right, and don’t you ever forget it’, he said. ‘And from now on when anyone asks you what you do, what are you going to tell them?’
“‘I…I don’t know’, I said. His question confused me.
“‘What are you doing now?’ he asked.
“‘I’m...I’m sucking your cock’, I said.
“‘Then if anyone asks what you do, what are you going to tell them?’ he repeated.
“‘I...I’ll tell them that I...I suck Frank’s cock’, I said.
“‘Right’, he said, ‘and if they ask you what you are?’
“This time I knew what he wanted. ‘I’ll say I’m Frank’s...I’m Frank’s...cocksucker’, I said.
“‘Okay’, he said, ‘you got that right. Now, suck’.
“I kissed it, and licked, and sucked until he was ready.
“‘Now what?’ he asked.”
Lisa half turned away so that I couldn’t see her face. “Put it in me’, I said. ‘Please put it in me’.
“‘You’re still having trouble with the language’, he said. ‘The word, baby, you got to get used to saying the word’. His fingers between my legs were driving me crazy. He knew just how to do it and when to stop.
“‘Fuck me’, I said, ‘please, please, honey, fuck me’. I begged him, crawling up, kissing his bloated belly, running my tongue over the veins, licking his chest, putting my tongue in his mouth, pushing clit against his cock, and finally straddling him. I leaned over so he could bite my nipples while I slid down on his thick cock, bending forward so that it would touch my clit, then my breasts were brushing against his chest. At first his cock, which is so thick, hurt me so bad I thought I might faint. But soon, it seemed I stretched to take him. His...his cock filled me up. He has this way of doing it so that when he wants to, he can keep rubbing his cock against clit. Also I could feel him inside of me, this huge cock pushing in and out of me, sliding against me, stretching me inside and pushing deeper and deeper. After a little while I heard myself yelling, ‘Fuck me, fuck me! Fuck me hard!’”
She glanced at me and then at the recorder. I nodded to let her know I understood. But as she was describing this last part, her voice had changed. It wasn’t exactly passionate, but it wasn’t the same tired monotone either.
“Finally, Billy, I came. It was a great explosive orgasm that seemed to last for minutes. But he didn’t come with me. He stayed hard. He slowed down his pace, sliding his cock along the length of my pussy in long slow strokes against my clit. He reached up and pinched my nipples. They were very sensitive. He pinched them hard and it hurt, but it also felt good. His huge belly was sweaty under me.
“Gradually, I felt my clit begin to swell. Once more I bent down and kissed him, you know, French kissed him. He began to rotate his hips to keep pressure on my clit. Then suddenly he rolled me over and he was on top. His cock is so big it never came out of me. He speeded up the rhythm of his thrusts. I tried to wrap my legs around him, wanting to feel him even deeper inside me. He laid heavy on me. I couldn’t see anything or feel anything but him.
“‘You like that, baby?’ he laughed
“‘Oh, God, yes!’ I cried. ‘I like it! I like it!’I was ready to come again, rising to meet him, wanting to make him come with me. I screamed as I came and he pounded into me harder, and he was grunting, his heavy body pressing on me, his cock shooting into me as we came together.”
She switched off the recorder and lay back exhausted. I tried to put my arms around her but she shook her head. “No, please, Billy. It’s against the rules and I’m so upset and tired.”
“He won’t know.”
“Yes, he will. He’s a devil. He’ll know. Besides he’ll ask me and I can’t lie very well. He’ll see it.” She finished the glass of water and turned to me and touched my face. “I’m so sorry, Billy. I know it’s very painful for you. I never thought it would be like this. And we have a whole month of it.”
“You can’t Lisa. You can’t do it, and I can’t take it either,” I said.
“We have to, Billy. There’s nothing else we can do.” She started to nod off to sleep, then remembering something. She opened her eyes. “Billy, tomorrow morning we have to go to one of those waxing places, and then you have to shave He wants me to be completely smooth, no hair at all, just like him.” She closed her eyes again and was fast asleep.