One night at the beginning of the third week, Lisa came home and went through the same ritual: glass of water in the kitchen, undressing in the bathroom, timidly sliding into our bed careful to leave space between us. I waited, expectantly, for the recorder and the complete description Frank insisted on. But she was silent. Finally, I asked, “What is it? What’s wrong?”
“Billy,” she turned to me, “the man’s insane. I can’t do it. I really can’t do it.”
“You’ve thought that before and you always managed.” I could hear the anger in my voice. “I’m sorry, Lisa. I didn’t mean that they way it sounded. I guess this is wearing me down, too.” She didn’t say anything. “Tell me,” I said, “what’s the next step in Frank’s plan to destroy us?”
She waited awhile longer, then began, “There’s this man named Silk. I’ve mentioned him to you. He’s Frank’s best friend. He’s a bum and a drunk. He sometimes stays at Frank’s.” She turned away and shook her head. “He’s horrible. Skinny and filthy. His teeth are broken, and there are these scars and pockmarks on his face. He’s got raised red blotches like scabs on his body. He’s so ugly, and he smells awful, like he never bathes. There’s this strong urine smell, too. I can’t stand to be in the same room with him. He never says much, just grins.” She paused and shifted her weight in the bed, turning a bit toward me again. “Frank sometimes lets Silk watch.”
“You mean when you and Frank...”
“Yes, he sometimes watches us.”
“He doesn’t....”
“No, he just watches. At first, it was awful knowing he was there, but I’ve gotten used to it. Recently he must have done Frank a big favor and Frank...” She rolled to her side of the bed and lay there for a long time looking at the ceiling. Then she started once more. “Frank made me invite him here tomorrow afternoon. I have to...I have to do for him like I do for Frank, only here in our place.”
She was silent once more. Finally I asked, “So, what did you say?”
“What could I say?” She turned her head toward me. “Frank reminded me that this was the third week, only eleven days to go, and I hadn’t gotten any extra days added on. He also threatened to take me to Ryan’s if I objected. But, Billy, this Silk...he’s so disgusting...dirty and perverted. He has these ugly warts on his body. The way he looks at me and keeps grinning. The thought of even having him touch scares me, Billy, really it does.”
“When exactly is this Silk coming here?”
“Around four tomorrow afternoon.” Frank said you ought to be here just in case. He thinks Silk may be a little bit crazy. He said Silk was to stay in the living room with me and you should put a chair in the kitchen entrance so you could keep an eye on things.”
“What if I go crazy? What if I kill the bastard?”
“You can’t, Billy. You can’t do anything. Like you said, it’s probably part of Frank’s plan to drive you and me apart. We can’t let him do that Billy.”
“No, you’re right. And in less than two weeks this nightmare will be over.”
She put her hand on my arm. “Silk has to report back to Frank everything that happens. Frank gave him the tape recorder and showed him how to use it. If you do or say anything to interfere Frank will add extra days. You have to stay in the chair unless Silk gets rough and I need you.”
“Could he get rough?”
“He has this idea in his head that I think I’m better than he is. He calls it ‘uppity’. He’s never had a woman except for the kind he paid for. He hates all women, but especially me.”
“Oh God, Lisa! What exactly are you supposed to do?”
She turned away again and faced the wall. After a long wait, she said, “Like I told you. I have to wear something that will...that will excite him...get him excited. Then let him have...let him have...what he wants.” She paused. “It will be terrible for you, Billy. I’ll have to say and do things know, that Frank makes me say and do. But, Billy, it will be worse for me, much worse. I’m not sure I can. Frank can be mean and demanding, but Silk...he’s evil, you know, truly evil.”
“How old is this Silk?”
“Middle or late fifties. He’s so ugly. I’m afraid I’ll be sick. When he watches us, he has these little eyes, like pinpoints, like a snake. He almost never blinks.” She rolled over, face down and banged her fists against the pillow, “Oh God, Billy, he’s so horrible! Just the thought of him...of his filthy hands touching me...of...of...” she began to cry.
The next afternoon, I left work about three o’clock. It had been snowing for several hours and was supposed to continue until early evening. The apartment was warm and comfortable and smelled heavily of Channel. Lisa had closed the drapes. In the living room were several fresh candles, not as yet lit. On the coffee table was a new bottle of Hennessy, the ice bucket, and two glasses. The dark thought came to me that even before Frank, our place had never been so inviting, so obviously romantic.
The bathroom door was closed. I hung up my coat and sat at the kitchen table. Outside, the snow continued to fall. Perhaps it would prevent Silk from coming. Maybe we could break our agreement with Frank. Maybe these careful preparations might turn out to be for me after all. Maybe Lisa would do for me what she had promised to do for Silk.
I turned away from the window. She was standing there in the kitchen doorway. It was one of those moments when I could not believe a woman as beautiful as she could be here, could actually be my wife and love me. She had never seemed as desirable or as vulnerable. I wanted more than anything in my life to make love to her here, now, on this wintry afternoon, by candle light.
She wore a tight black skirt that buttoned down the front. The last few buttons had been left open. A wide black leather belt encircled her slim waist. Through a white transparent nylon blouse, her small breasts were clearly visible, her perfect nipples smooth and pink. On her feet were the black leather heels she’d worn at Bruno’s. Her legs were bare but glistened with a sheen of oil. Her mouth, too, glistened. I think she had been crying. She crossed over to me and put her hand on my shoulder. Her tiny nails were pointed and bright red. “Billy, I’m scared,” she said.
I patted her hand.“It will be okay. I’ll be right here.” She sat down opposite me. “Maybe he won’t come,” I said, “the roads are bad.”
“No, Frank called an hour ago. Silk is at his place. All he has to do is walk over. He should be here any minute now.”
“What else did Frank say?”
“Same as before. You must stay here in the kitchen where you can see into the living room, but you can’t say or do anything. A bad report or something bad on the tape will mean extra days for me.” She reached across the table and put her hands on mine. “Please, Billy, let’s get through this the best way we can. I’ve made up my mind to keep thinking the whole time, ‘no extra days and no Ryan’s’. You should do the same.”
“But is all this necessary? The candles, the brandy, the way you look?”
“Frank’s idea. He told me exactly how to arrange it all and what to wear.” She pulled the curtain aside to look out into the court. “The tape worries me. I’ll have to say things, Billy...things Frank expects to hear. Maybe you’ll have to talk on the tape, too.” She reached over to touch my cheek. Her hand was trembling. “You understand, don’t you?” I nodded. “And I’ll have to do everything Silk wants me to do...” I could see the tears starting from her eyes. “I hate that man, Billy. I hate him more than I hate Frank. Like I said, he’s evil and I think he hates me, too. Hates all women because he’s never in his miserable life had one.”
She wiped her tears with the hem of the curtain. “And now, this afternoon, here in our own place, he will have me. I mean he will have me completely, have me like Frank has me. He will have me like he owns me.” She took my hands, “Oh, Billy, this is going to be terrible for both of us.”
“I understand, Lisa. It will be okay. I promise.”
She looked from the window. “He’s coming,” she said, quickly letting go of the curtain. “Will you open the door? Get him settled in the living room. Then come back to the kitchen and turn on the water in the sink. When I hear it, I’ll know it’s time for me. We have to get through this, Billy. Somehow we have to get through it.” She hurried into the hall. I heard the bathroom door click shut behind her.
Silk wore an old Army coat and laced-up Army boots. A woolen cap was pulled down around his ears. He stood on the sidewalk, grinning at me, his broken teeth yellow stained, his eyes, as Lisa had said, bright black dots, unblinking. From his overcoat pocket, he pulled the familiar tape recorder and, holding up a long crooked finger, pushed the button that turned it on. “Well,” he said, still grinning.
“You’re Silk?” I said, unintentionally loud.
“Mister Silk, Billy. It’s Mister Silk.” He pushed past me, clomping up the stairs. I followed him into the living room. He brushed the snow from his cap and started to remove his coat. “Nice place you got here.” He surveyed the room, his hard eyes noticing the Hennessy. After carefully placing the tape recorder on the coffee table and checking to see that it was running, he poured himself a drink. “It will play for two hours,” he said, pointing to the recorder. “If that ain’t enough, I got another tape.” He fished it out of his pocket and handed me his damp coat. Just as Lisa had said, he smelled of sweat and urine. “The tape’s running now,” he reminded me.
He looked around. “It’s kinda dark, Billy. You oughta light some of them candles.”He quickly drained his glass and poured another. As I lit the candles, the room took on a warm, golden glow. “Pretty,” he said, easing himself into my big chair. “I like candles.” When the last one was burning, I turned to go back into the kitchen. “Wait a minute,” he said, his eyes squinting up at me, the ugly grin still spread across his face. “I ain’t heard you offer me nothin yet.”
I didn’t understand what he meant. “I mean you didn’t invite me in. You didn’t ask me to have a drink. You hardly spoke a word to me. I think you got an attitude, Billy, and it’s pissin me off.” He held up the recorder then put it back on the table. “Ya, know,” he continued, Frank sent me over here cause he said there was somethin you got here that you wanted to give me. I’d like you to tell me what it is.”
I turned my back on him. Before I got to the kitchen, I heard him slam his glass down on the table, “Extra days, Billy, fuckin extra days, and maybe Ryan’s again. If you ain’t nice to me, you gonna cause trouble for you-know-who!” he shouted. I returned. He was grinning. Except for a thin fringe of hair hanging over his ears, his head was bald. In the candlelight the sharp features of his face resembled a bird, a seagull. “Well,” he said, “whatcha got for old Silk?”
“Lisa,” I answered.
“Who’s Lisa?”
“ wife.”
“You offering me your wife, Billy?” The grin broadened. He waited. When I said nothing, he tapped the recorder.
“Yes,” I said.
“And what should I do with your uppity little woman, Billy?”
“Whatever...whatever you want.”
“I might want a lot of things, know what I mean?” He placed his hand on his crotch. “I might want to take her clothes off.” I didn’t answer him. “Can I do that, Billy?”He leered at me. “You telling me I can undress your wife right here in your living room?”
I nodded. He pointed again at the recorder. “Yes,” I said.
“Yes, what, Billy?”
“Yes, you can...undress her.”
He held his long, grimy fingers up. “I’ll probably want to put my hands on her, you know, touch her bare skin, squeeze her pretty nipples. You standing here saying I can play with your wife’s titties, Billy? You sayin I can play with them pretty white titties?”
He was pushing me close to the breaking point and he knew it. “Yes,” I said.
“I happen to know Frank makes you shave her pussy every day. That right?”
“You shave it today?”
“This morning.”
“Goddamn, Billy! I’m changing my opinion about you. You was shavin your wife’s pussy early in the morning before you go off to work. And you was doing it cause old Silk likes to see a shaved pussy. That’s damn considerate.” He chuckled. “Did you shave it real close for me, you know, make it nice and smooth?”
He put his hand on the bulge in his pants. “How about this, Billy. After taking her clothes off, and feeling her bare tits, and looking at that shaved pussy, I’ll most likely want to slide my stiff prick into your little wife. You saying I can do that, saying it’s okay for me to shove my cock up into her tight cunt?”
I wanted to crack his skull with the table lamp, but I remembered what Lisa had already gone through and her fear of Ryan’s. “Damn you, yes!” I said. “You can do whatever you want. That was the agreement.”
“But, Billy,” Silk grinned, “I want to hear you say it and so does Frank. Say the old ‘F’ word for us Billy-boy.”
“Yes! Yes! You can fuck her!” I shouted.
Silk took another drink. “Calm yourself, Billy, the afternoon ain’t even started yet.” He drained the glass, watching me carefully. “I also seen how good she goes down on Frank,” he laughed. “And Frank says you gotta watch just like I been doing. But you ain’t to say or do nothin.”
“That’s right,” I said.
“Well, all this is very generous of you. You think she’ll do me good? Maybe she’s even got the hots for old Silk?”
“Don’t count on it,” I said.
“Well, if she don’t do me good, I’ll be sure to let you and Frank know,” he said, tapping the recorder once more with a bony finger. “The snotty bitch got a lot to learn and I could teach her, maybe better than Frank can.” He sat back, grinning and looking around the softly lit room. “To tell the truth, Billy, I’m gettin anxious to see this sexy little wife of yours.” He gestured for me to go into the kitchen. I turned on the water and let it run for a moment before turning it off. Then, I dragged a kitchen chair to the doorway and sat down. The kitchen entrance opens directly into the living room. Our apartment is very compact, so I could see the entire room except for a small dining area. I could easily hear all that they said.
Lisa walked by without glancing at me. Her eyes stared straight ahead almost as if she were in a trance. She looked so small and fragile. She stood by the end of the sofa, facing Silk. Her back was towards me. “Well, well,” Silk exclaimed, “if it ain’t Miss Uppity! Make us a drink little Lisa and come back over here so I can get a good look at you.” She dropped ice into the glasses and poured two drinks. “You see the tape recorder?” Silk asked.
“Yes, I do. It’s running.” She crossed to Silk and handed him his drink. Then, she stepped back away from him. I could see that she was trembling.
“Know why it’s on?”
“Well, you better get your ass over here so Frank can hear what you say.” She moved up to stand in front of him.
“Closer,” Silk said, “right here between my legs.” He spread his knees.
She quickly drained her glass, placed it on the table, and three steps brought her to where he indicated. “Like this?” she asked.
“That’s right.” He sipped his drink and slowly appraised her, his eyes hard and unblinking. “Billy is right. You sure are a good lookin woman, but you know that, don’t you. Your kind always does. Kinda smallish, but I seen how good you can do a big man like Frank.”
“Thank you, Mr. Silk.” Her voice was expressionless, just as it had been on the nights when she described her encounters with Frank. Silk didn’t seem to notice.
“I can see your titties right through that blouse. You wear it just for me?”
“How come?”
“I thought you might like it. That you might like to see me this way.”
“You tryin to get old Silk excited?”
“Frank wants me to please you.”
Silk nodded his head and pointed to the recorder. “Frank says there’s two words you still have trouble sayin. He told me you need practice.” Silk waited. Lisa looked at the floor. “The words,” Silk said. “You got to learn to talk like the trash you really are.”
Lisa raised her head. “I…I...don’t...” she began.
“The words are ‘fuck’ and ‘cocksucker’,” he said. “Now, goddamn it, tell me what you want to do with this?” He grabbed his crotch.
Lisa stared at the tape recorder for a moment. “I...I…want cock,” she stammered, the color rising to her cheeks.
“And then what do you want?”
“I...want...I want you me.”
“That’s better.” He sipped his drink and looked up at her. “Tease,” he said, “you know, tease me like you do for Frank.”
She reached down and slowly unbuttoned her skirt, stopping just below her pussy. Then, she spread her skirt and rubbed the inside of her bare thighs. “Like this?” she asked.
“Yeah, the way Frank taught you. The way I seen you get old Frank hot.”
She moved her tiny hands up over her hips and blouse to cup her breasts. With her red pointed fingernails, she pinched her nipples. She stood like that and opened her mouth, and the tip of her tongue circled her parted lips. Silk pointed to his belt.
Lisa turned away, shaking her head. After a moment, she approached Silk again. She got down on her knees between his legs. She loosened the belt and pulled at his zipper. Silk leaned back. “That’s it,” he sighed, closing his eyes. She slid his pants down over his pale, bony hips exposing a small, thin, brown, uncircumcised cock...half erect. She knelt there looking at him, her hands on his thighs. He opened his eyes and stared down at her. The foolish grin had disappeared. His mouth was set in a hard, straight line.“Okay, Mrs. Lindal, that’s your married name, right? Lindal?”
“Yes, yes it is.”
“Billy’s little wife.” He paused. “Yeah, Mrs. Lindal, whatcha gonna do with it?” He gestured toward the tape recorder.
She slid her hands up to fondle his balls, which looked like a small brown bag of wrinkled skin. “I...I’m going suck it,” she said flatly. “I’m going to be your...your...cocksucker.”
“But I ain’t washed in awhile. It don’t smell so good down there, does it?”
Lisa had turned her head away. “No,” she said, “it smells bad. I...I...can’t...”
“I didn’t clean up cause I want my crotch to stink. Frank says you got to learn to like the smell. So, I brung you a lesson. You’re gonna put your head between my legs and you’re gonna breathe deep and sniff good and you’re gonna like it. Tell me, and I don’t want no fuckin ‘yes’.
Lisa turned back to face him. She inched forward. “I’m going to put my head between your legs. I’ll breathe deep and like what I smell there.”
“And you’re gonna suck my prick and lick my balls?”
“Yes, I’m going to suck your...your...prick and lick your balls.”
“Why you gonna do that, Mrs. Lindal?”
“Because it’s what I want.”
As she began to bend her head over his stiffening cock, he stopped her. “Just a minute,” he said. She waited. “You ain’t asked yet. Remember how you always have to ask Frank?”
“I’m sorry, Mr. Silk. May I please...please do it?”
“Well, I don’t know. Maybe you ought to see if Billy out there thinks it’s okay.” He pointed toward me. Lisa didn’t move or answer. “My guess is that Frank would like you to ask Billy,” Silk said, smiling down at her. “And Frank would like to hear Billy’s answer.” He looked over at me and gestured once more toward the recorder.
Lisa turned slightly to face me, although she seemed to look past me. “I...I’d like to do it...”
“Do it?” Silk questioned.
“I want his...his cock, Billy. Is it all right?” Her voice was expressionless.
I held tight to the arms of the chair and said louder than I intended, “Yes, Lisa.”
She looked back at Silk who nodded and watched intently as she once more lowered her head. “First stay there awhile breathin it in, sniffin me.” He held her head against his crotch. I could see her shudder. When he let go, she started to draw back. “Do what I told you,” Silk ordered. Lisa leaned forward, into him. He kept her there for several minutes. “Okay,” he pushed her back. “Look up at me and say how you liked it, how you like the smell.”
“I don’t!” Lisa cried. “I hate it!”
Silk jerked a thumb at the recorder. “But with a little practice, you could learn to love it. Ain’t that right, Mrs. Lindal?”
Lisa glanced at the recorder, “Yes,” she said softly, “with practice I could learn to love it.”
“Me and Frank gonna see that you get plenty of practice. Now, suck my prick like you do Frank,” he instructed. “Just use your tongue.” He leaned back and closed his eyes again.
Lisa tilted her head to the side and started at the base and licked the underside of his cock back and forth slowly. I could see it stiffen immediately. She paused and looked up at him, “Like this?” she said, in a way that suggested her question was really directed to the recorder rather than to Silk.
Without opening his eyes, Silk shook his head and sighed, “Yeah, that’s good. You’re doing me just like you do Frank.” She began again using only her tongue on the underside of his cock. “What is it Frank calls you?” he asked.
She paused, looking up at him. “His little...cocksucker,” she said.
“Do you like it when he calls you that?”
“How come?”
She lifted her head. “ makes me feel good when he calls me that.” Silk waited for her to explain. “I mean it makes me excited...makes me hot.” She thought for a moment. “And proud,” she added.
Silk laughed out loud and turned toward me. “You hear that, Billy? Your pretty little woman here says she’s proud to be Frank’s cocksucker.” He looked down at Lisa who had bowed her head. “Ain’t that right?” he asked.
“Yes,” she said, raising her head to meet his unblinking stare.
“Well, Mrs. Lindal, I expect Frank will be pleased to hear it. And what about old Silk? You like doing him good? You learnin to like how it smells there in his crotch?” Instead of answering, she started to lower her head over his hard cock. “No,” Silk said quickly, “that’s enough for now. We got all afternoon. You can get up.” Lisa rose to her feet, standing once more between Silk’s spread knees. Silk looked up at her, smiling. “Now I want you to tell old Silk what he can do for you.”
She stared at a spot above his head. “Touch me. I...I want to feel your hands on me.”
She cupped her breasts, “Here.” She opened her skirt and, unbuttoning the last button, drew it aside to show him her smooth pussy. She ran her finger along its crease. “And here,” she said looking at him now, “touch me all over.”
Silk leaned forward. His long, thin fingers moved up her blouse and over her breasts. She shut her eyes, and I could see hear her draw in her breath sharply as he squeezed her nipples. “Like this?” Silk asked.
“Yes...that’s the buttons.”
Silk quickly did as she asked and pulled at her bare nipples with his grimy fingers. “Hard,” Silk said. “They hard for Silk. Silk makin you hot?”
“Yes...pinch them. That’s it...more.” She had closed her eyes and thrust her hips forward.
“Yeah, sluts like a little pain with their sex. Your pussy wet?”
“How come?”
“I’m hot. You’re making me hot.”
“You know Billy’s sitting there just like I did when Frank was doing you?”
“Yes,” she said, “yes, but I can’t help it.”
“Well, if you’re so hot,” Silk rolled her nipples between his thumbs and forefingers, then you must want somethin?”
“Ahh...yes, yes I do.” Her head was back. Her eyes were shut.
“Thinkin about it all day, was you?”
“Yes, thinking about what you would do to me.” Her voice was still flat. She was simply saying words for the recorder.
“That’s right. Now, take your skirt off. Stay here, close.
Lisa unbuckled her belt and the skirt dropped. She stepped out of it and taking Silk’s hand placed it between her legs. “Please,” she whispered, “feel.” She stood on her toes and with both hands opened herself to him.
“Jesus, Billy, she’s wet!” She gasped as Silk pushed a finger into her. “Can’t let that go to waste. Right, Lisa? You ready?”
“Yes...yes, I am.”
“Kiss,” he said.
She hesitated, then leaned over and, taking his pockmarked face between her tiny hands, bent down to kiss him. His fingers were inside her and she squirmed as he masturbated her. I sat there watching, as she tongue kissed this skinny old man with the broken teeth. I watched as his hand moved between her legs. I watched as she lowered herself to her knees again to kneel in front of him.
She quickly unlaced his filthy boots and slid them off, while he shrugged off his shirt and pulled a long-sleeved undershirt over his head. Scattered over his body and legs were, as Lisa had said, dark raised warts about the size of quarters. Lisa removed his black socks. His body was pale and thin, and his rib cage and hipbones were clearly visible. His feet, like his hands, were long and narrow and dirty. And Lisa, my dear Lisa, so exquisitely beautiful, knelt there before him.
“How bad you want it?” he rasped.
She glanced at the recorder. “Please,” she said. Her hands moved along his thighs again, and she drew her fingernails lightly up both sides of his cock. “Please,” she whispered a second time, “I want you fuck me.” She pulled Silk to his feet.
“I know you’re fixin to make it a quickie and get old Silk out of here. I can tell by the way you’re actin. Well, forget about that. We goin go slow.” He crossed to the couch. Lisa followed. “You’re gonna tease me like you do Frank,” he said. He turned back to look at me and grinned. His lips were wet with saliva. The irregular red marks covering his naked body were splotchy. In one hand he squeezed his thin, brown cock. He held his other hand up to me. “Look, Billy,” he wiggled two fingers, “look how juicy your wife’s pussy has got.”He laughed and, turning to face Lisa, put both hands on her ass cheeks. Except for her heels, she was naked. He pulled her up against him. He whispered something to her.
Without looking in my direction, Lisa said, “Billy, he wants you to bring your chair out into the room so you can see better.” Silk whispered to her again. “He wants me make love to him the way he’s seen me with Frank.” Her voice was a monotone. Silk’s hands moved up along her body and cupped her breasts. Suddenly his fingernails dug into her nipples. She cried out.
I rose and started toward them. I had taken no more than a couple of steps when Silk yelled, “That’s enough!” I stopped. “Now,” he said, “you get your goddamn chair and pull it out here by the doorway and you sit your goddamn ass in it, and you goddamn stay there or else!”
“Please, Billy, do as he says,” Lisa said.
I went back to the kitchen and pushed my chair a few feet into the room and sat down. Silk was tongue kissing Lisa and pulling her into him, grinding her pussy against his stiff cock. He turned his head toward me again. “Frank don’t never fuck her till she does something...well let’s just say something special to him.”
“Please don’t...” Lisa began.
“And after that,” Silk interrupted, “he makes her beg for it.” He stepped back and slowly lowered himself down on the couch and stretched out. “Ain’t that right, Lisa?”
Lisa had moved to place a pillow under his head, “Yes, Mr. Silk, that’s right.”
“Let me see where you’re gonna put this cock of mine,” he said. Lisa lifted her leg and placed one foot on the armrest of the couch above Silk’s head. With two fingers of one hand, she parted her pussy lips. Silk looked up and laughed. “My, my, that high class cunt all ready for old Silk?”
“Yes, it’s ready for you.”
“Finger it,” Silk said. “I want to watch you play with yourself.” Lisa did as he ordered. “But don’t you come,” Silk said. She rubbed her clit slowly. Silk was scraping his dirty fingernails along the back of her calf and thigh. “Ahh, that’s nice,” he said. “She got a red button, Billy, real red and all swole up. Looks to me like she needs to be fucked.”
“Yes,” Lisa whispered, and began moving her hips.
“Say it, you bitch. Tell old Silk what you want.”
“I want you me.”
“And how does Frank’s little cocksucker ask?” Silk grinned up at her.
“Please...please...I want you to please…fuck me.”
“Well, you want fucked, you got to stop playing with yourself and tease me a little more, you know.”
Lisa bent over and tongue kissed him while reaching to take his cock in her hand. Then, kneeling beside the couch, she licked his scrawny chest and his stomach, working her way down to his dark brown cock.
“This is how she does Frank,” Silk said. His cock was rigid and twitched whenever she touched it with her tongue. “Show old Silk your asshole,” he said. Obediently Lisa turned around. Kneeling, she lowered her head to the rug. She was now facing me, but she did not look in my direction. “Spread,” Silk said.
She reached behind her and pulled her ass cheeks apart. Silk made her remain like that for a long time. He stared at her ass and stroked his cock. “Say it,” Silk commanded.
“Please, I want you fuck me.”
“You ever play with yourself for Billy to watch?”
“Say what you want again and call me something nice.”
“Please, honey, please...fuck me.”
“You ever show Billy your asshole like you’re showing me right now?”
“No, never.”
“Say again. Say what you want.”
“Please, please honey,” Lisa’s voice was huskier now. She turned her head to look back at him. “I need it, honey. Put your...your cock in me...fuck me good.”
Silk stood up. Quickly Lisa moved to the couch and lay down, spreading her legs. She raised her arms to pull him on top of her. She guided his thin, dark cock into her while she parted her lips to receive his tongue. Her beautiful legs wrapped around him. With her hands on his buttocks, she pulled him deeper into her, thrusting up to meet him. I could hear Silk moaning and grunting, and the rhythmic creaking of the old couch. The sounds were being faithfully recorded for Frank.
“Jesus!!” Silk gasped. “You got a hot, tight cunt!” Then, his guttural cry filled the room as he came. Lisa continued to thrust furiously, but it was no good. Silk pulled out of her and rolled over, panting. Lisa sat up, her face and body flushed. She caught my eye but quickly looked down at Silk who lay there watching her.
“I liked it,” she said.
“But you didn’t come?”
“You still hot then?”
Lisa glanced at me and then at the tape. She placed his hand between her legs. “Feel,” she said. When he touched her, she gasped and pressed on his hand.
“Well, Mrs. Lindal,” Silk grinned, “if you want more, why don’t you get yourself fixed up again? Make yourself look like a high priced whore for old Silk.”
She stood up. “Yes,” she said.
Silk looked at her. “Tell Billy, while he’s waiting for the second show, how about making us some coffee and bringing it in here.”
Lisa crossed in front of me holding her blouse and skirt in front of her. Her face was scarlet. She could hardly speak. “Billy,” she looked directly at me, but I couldn’t tell what she was feeling, “can you make us some coffee?” I nodded. She disappeared down the hall. Before the coffee was ready, she had gone back into the living room.
“Ahhh,” I could hear Silk saying, “that’s my girl. Sit here over here on the couch, by me.”
In the kitchen, I put the cups on a tray along with cream and sugar and the coffeepot. I carried it into the living room. Silk was still naked. He looked grotesque: his pale skin splotched, his sunken chest, his scrawny neck, his skinny legs and long dirty toes; his skull like a cadaver, sunken eyes, thin lips, yellow teeth. The sight of him turned my stomach. Lisa wore a thin black nylon robe tied loosely at the front. She still had on her heels. She was snuggled up against him, his right arm around her, his hand inside the robe fondling her breast. She had reapplied her make-up. Her red lips seemed swollen.
My hand shook as I poured the coffee. “Some wife you got here, Billy. She could probably make five hundred a night.” Silk said. He pinched her nipple. “And still hot, ain’t you?”
“Yes,” she said, looking across at me, warning me with her eyes not to do anything.
“What you hot for?” Silk asked.
“For this.” She put her hand on Silk’s cock, but she continued to stare at me. She knew I was ready to explode. She seemed to be saying, ‘Hold on, it’s almost over’.”
“It ain’t goin to do you no good like that, is it?” he said.
“Got any ideas?”
“Could Billy go back into the kitchen?” she asked.
“In a couple of minutes. I want him to know what I been going through these last weeks.” He took his arm from behind her and opened her robe. “Wet your lips,” he said, grinning. She did and then slowly bent her head down and lifting his flaccid cock, began to kiss his wrinkled scrotum. As the sack swelled, his cock began to stiffen.
Silk looked across at me and grinned. “Frank likes when she does that. He likes to hear her kissin him down there.” He patted her head. “That’s right. Do like that. Let me and Billy hear you loving old Silk’s balls.” She made soft kissing sounds, pressing her lips lightly against his tightening skin.
“Ahhh, that’s good,” Silk said. He nodded to me. “There’s some other things she does to Frank that I ain’t allowed to make her do to me, but she sure kisses good.”He patted her head again, “don’t you?”
She glanced up at him. “I want to please you,” she said.
Suddenly, his eyes narrowed. He grabbed her hair and yanked hard forcing her head back. She cried out. I started to rise but he motioned me back. He leaned over her upturned face his spittle spraying her, “You fuckin bitch,” he hissed. “You think you’re better than me. You know what I want? I want Frank to give you to me for a week. Frank’s too easy on you. I know what you need. You need to be Silk’s woman for awhile. You need to be Silk’s little whore.” He let her go. She looked terrified. “Old Silk would teach you good,” he said, looking to see that his words were being recorded.
His anger passed just as suddenly as it had flared up. “Now, Mrs. smart-ass Lindal, if you’re so fuckin anxious to please me, get started.” He moved her so that she lay on her side, her head in his crotch, her back to me, her knees drawn up. “Spread,” Silk said, touching her thighs. Obediently, she opened for him. He began to masturbate her. She squirmed against his hand. Silk looked at me. “She’s a hot bitch, Billy. You got no idea how hot. I seen her like this lots of times with Frank. When she gets hot and wet, Frank stops playin with her pussy and makes her answer some questions. It’s like a game.” He took his hand from between her legs. “Keep teasing me like that, but when I ask you somethin look up here and answer, like you do for Frank.” She ran her tongue over his balls and along the underside of his cock. “You hot?” he asked.
She looked up at him. “You know I am,” she said. She took his hand and pushed it down between her spread legs.
“No, not yet.” He pulled his hand away and directed her to the tip of his cock. She circled it with her tongue. “This is what Frank asks her,” he said. “You like that? You like lickin me? Say it just the way you answer Frank.”
“Yes, can’t you tell I do?”
“You like my cock better than Billy’s?”
She hesitated for a moment then said, “Yes, better than Billy’s.”
“How much better?”
“Lots...lots better.”
“Why? Look up here and tell me why?” She tried to go down on him again, but he stopped her. “Why, damnit?”
“You make me come.”
“Don’t your husband make you come?”
“Not like you do.”
“You mean not as often, or not as good?”
“ make me come more and you always make me come good.”
“Yes, with you it’s always better.” He pointed to his crotch. Quickly, she slid her mouth down over his cock. Once more, he put his hand between her legs. She moaned and ground herself against him.
He looked over across at me. “That’s what Frank asks her and that’s just what she tells him. With me, I know she don’t mean it. But with Frank, I think maybe she does or at least she’s beginning to. Maybe you can tell.” He lifted her head and turned her so that she faced me. Her mouth was wet, her lips swollen. “Now,” Silk said, “before Billy goes back to the kitchen I want you to tell the God’s truth, understand?”
“Yes, I understand.” She continued to look at me. I could see her eyes beginning to tear.
“And I want you to talk loud enough so that it’s clear on the tape. When you say them things to Frank about liking his cock more than Billy’s, are you pretending or do you mean it?”
She glanced away from me toward the recorder. “I...I’m not pretending. I mean it.”
“You saying you like Frank to do you more than your husband?”
She looked down at the floor between us. ““Yes...yes, more than Billy.”
“Okay, Frank be glad to hear it,” Silk said. He shifted her around so that she was kneeling above him, straddling his bony hips. Her pussy was poised above the purple head of his cock. He reached up and squeezed her breasts and with his long fingernails pinched her swollen nipples. She gasped, then lowered herself. I watched his cock slide into her. She leaned over to slip her tongue between his grinning lips.
I returned to the kitchen. In a few minutes I heard her scream and Silk groaned as they came together.