Saturday, November 10th, 2018.
11:00 p.m.
-You can keep the change, bro. – Aslan said, throwing a 50 lire bill into the taxi. He was standing on the sidewalk and Hayat hugged him from behind, hiding her face behind his back. Her face was a mixture of laughter and shame. She smiled for having lived the best half hour of her life, and she was embarrassed because she had lived the most impetuous half hour of her life. How to face him now, once they were out of the car? Out of that daring bubble? Ever since they got out of the car, Hayat hadn't met his eyes. He searched for her hand and as if she were a shy kid, she hugged him from behind, and found in the middle of his back the perfect hiding place to rest her face. His scent was impregnated on his shirt, and without noticing it, she had begun to press her nails into his six-pack. As soon as the taxi was gone, Aslan immediately rested his hands on top of Hayat's hands. But she kept a tight grip.
- Hayat? You're making things very difficult for me. - He let out a long sigh that made his stomach rise and fall, making Hayat finally loosen her grip.
- Hayat? We have to go inside ... Come ... - He released himself from her arms and turned to face her.
- Allah! Allah! What is this!??? - Aslan said looking schocked at Hayat and trying to hold back a laughter.
- What? - Hayat's silly smile turned into a thin line, and a wrinkle of worry surfaced between her eyebrows. "Is he laughing at me?" - she thought.
-Why are you laughing, Aslan? I know, I know, - she started pacing back and forth on the sidewalk - I did it all wrong! And now, you're making fun of me, is that it?
Trying not to laugh, Aslan held his lips tight and his chest moved with laughter, and he had both hands on his hip when he said:
- Hayat, we have a problem.
- What? What is it? What did I do?
-Your mother's gonna kill me.
- Why? Has she seen us? What about her? Are you gonna tell her?
-No ... it's not that, even if we don't tell her, she'll know.
- Allah, what are you talking about?
-Your face ... your mouth ...
-What about them? You regretted it, didn't you?
- Never! It's just that I scratched you, a lot. – Aslan said, taking a deep breath and running both hands through his messy hair.
- What do you mean, scratched?
-My beard, I think you've got beard burn... Your skin is all red and scratched. And your mouth, I think it's like doubled the size. - He let out a muffled laugh between his lips.
- Allah !! Allah !! I don't understand anything ... Well, I did feel that my lips were a bit funny indeed ... Aslan ... what now? - Hayat's heart felt as if it had run a marathon. So much to take in, so many feelings, how would she deal with all of it?
He looked at her and smiled, slowly closing and opening his eyes, he licked his lips and began to narrow the distance between them on the sidewalk. "Allah, how is he able to walk in slow motion? He needs to be studied..." - Hayat thought as she watched him coming toward her. Aslan lifted her off the ground by the waist and Hayat threw her arms around his neck. As if she weighed no more than a pillow, he spun her around, foreheads touching and their hot breath mixed with the cool night air. When he put her down, they didn't break the embrace, and as if they were already doing it for a thousand years, their mouths met as the river meets the sea. Naturally.
The kiss began very tender and delicate, only the lips touching. This time it was Hayat's turn to pull his face closer, moving her hands from the back of his neck to his face. Feeling that beard between her fingers, she didn't even remember that his facial hair was the reason for all that fuss. Who cares if she was going to be scratched, if it was going to be obvious? She wanted to bury herself there. He walked backwards and opened the door to the house, which was always unlocked. Without breaking the kiss, Aslan kicked the door with his foot and moved a hand to the back of Hayat's neck. It didn't take long and his tongue began to touch her lips lightly, asking for entrance, she allowed it and they kissed deeply. He made her walk until her back touched the door, Aslan pressed his whole body onto hers and could feel her breasts respond to him. He felt her nipples getting hard and that made him leave her mouth and move behind Hayat's ear, then he took her earlobe between his lips and went down her neck. Aslan felt Hayat's chest rise and fall with the arousal he was causing her.
Hayat felt her neck being devoured by Aslan and the wet sensation came not just from Aslan's tongue tasting her skin, but from a part farther south in her body. It was as if her panties could slide at any moment, no matter where he touched her. "What's happening to me?" - she wondered. Even though Aslan was crushing her against the door, it seemed that down below they were still too far. Instinctively, she lifted one leg off the floor and pulling Aslan even closer, she brushed the back of his knee. In less than a second, Hayat felt his hand holding her bare thigh so strongly that she had got herself another bruise. Her dress slid up, and with one leg being held by Aslan, Hayat threw her head back, shutting her eyes real tight, and despite biting her own lip, she let out a groan. Now, his erection fitted even more where she knew it belonged to, between her legs. He was smoothly pressing it against her center and after what seemed like hours licking her neck, he said, sighing:
-Hayat, we have to go inside, otherwise I won't be able to last longer.
- All right. - It seemed as if something had clicked on Hayat's head - "Come in? Last longer...? What did he mean by that?" Hayat felt on edge, she let him lead when he reached out for her hand, but her stomach seemed to sink with every step they took toward the house. "Ahhh ... I shouldn't have drunk this much ... What's gonna happen now?"
Aslan let go of her hand and turned the key, opening the frontdoor of his house. He looked back and smiled at Hayat, saying:
- Come on in, make yourself at home, I'll be right back.
As he walked away, Hayat could release all the air she held in her lungs and relax her hands that were clenched into tight fists. She wished that hallway would be endless so she could look at his strong, wide and muscular back forever. "How can he be so handsome?" - she thought. She let out a sigh as she lost sight of him.