This is the most idiotic idea I have ever come up with—not counting the time I bought leeches as pets since it was the best thing that ever happened to me. No, this is by far the worst thing my ass came up with that I’m surprised with myself how this popped up inside my head when I could barely make an essay more engaging to read than a grandma solving crossword puzzles. Judging by how Elise kept rambling over the phone while pausing a few times due to her makeup artist applying makeup is proof enough.
“Are you fucking serious—yes, that shade is nice—now, where was I… yes, are you really serious with that plan of yours? You’re not even sure that it will work! Who knows, you might just set yourself up for more trouble.”
Exhaling through my nose, I sat back on the couch. Papers were scattered around the coffee table, and a noontime drama was playing softly on the television. The cup of green tea is now cold next to the potted cactus that had seen better days. A bag of chips laid open a few inches away, close to losing its crispiness. I twirled a piece of my hair between my fingers as I listened aimlessly at Elise rambling on the other line. After confirming with her that nothing indeed happened between me and Aurelius that night, she was quite saddened. Probably thought that I might be attracted to the British man and forget about my love for Desmond which is a really hard task to do considering the fresh wounds. Forgetting love was harder than I thought.
Well, she did take the trouble of giving me a box of condoms—the woman thinks I could fix my sorrow with sex? God… is that how she fixes her arguments with Aiden? I don’t even want to imagine or think about it.
Shaking the nasty images that littered my mind for a few seconds, I focused back on the conversation. “I’m telling you it might work.” I sighed, shifting my feet to a comfortable position. “Elise, I’m desperate and I don’t want to seem pathetic once I go to his wedding. I’d rather die than let him see how miserable I was when he left. You would do the same if Aiden were to marry that psycho bitch of a sister of yours. Don’t deny it, I know you will. Now, I just want him to fucking blow his eyes out at how happy I am now that he’s gone.”
“Fine, fine. But do you even want to go to the wedding? It’s torturing yourself!”
With a smirk on my lips, I grabbed a chip and bit it. It was still slightly crispy, but that did not matter. “I know, but it’s much more fun if I rub it on his face that I wasn’t affected by his sudden departure. Seriously, I don’t even know who the girl is and I’ve searched for her name on every social media platform I know. She’s not linked to the university or anyone Desmond is close with. This might be some arranged marriage his family pulled or some shit. I mean, you might be able to tell since you were in the same position before.”
Elise sighed. “Not all arranged marriages happen overnight. You shouldn’t be troubling yourself with those things. Maybe they just met at a bar or something. Why don’t you go out and find another man? Desmond is a bag of shit for leaving you and here you are, jumping on the next train bound for a life filled with pain. Don’t go to the wedding. You might just embarrass yourself!”
“I can’t do that,” I mumbled, gazing intently at the invitation that I considered a ticking time bomb just waiting to explode on my face. His name next to hers felt off. It wasn’t too long ago that he was associated with me. Praying that it could just disappear from this world would just be silly. “You know I won’t just stand at the sidelines and let him have the last laugh. How can he do this to me, huh? I loved him, Elise. Enough that I wished it were me he was marrying, but let’s face it. Married life isn’t something I am ready for. So please Elise… help me.”
She was silent for a few minutes and I was beginning to think that she had abandoned me when she chuckled lightly on the other end of the line. “You’re not going down without a fight, huh? Fine, I’ll give you his phone number. But you’ll be the one to convince him, okay? I am not doing all that. You hear me?”
“Thank you, woman!” I laughed. A huge smile on my face at her yielding. Elise was like this, easy to yield after a bit of convincing. “I promise I won’t put this chance to waste. Thank you so much! I owe you one.”
“Aiden’s gonna kill me…” she muttered to herself before clearing her throat, a hint of defeat in her tone. “I hope you know what you’re doing. Good luck though.”
Once the call ended, I placed my phone down and grinned at the plan I had devised falling into place slowly. A text message from Elise containing the phone number of Aurelius Clarke flashed on the screen a few seconds later. Without another second to waste, I dialed his number and waited for him to pick up. According to Elise, he’s only going to be here in Devont City for two weeks before returning to England. The wedding is scheduled three days before he leaves. It rang twice before the man I had been wanting to speak to picked up.
“Hello? Who is this?”
This better work or I am merely betting on a losing game.
“Hey. This is Alex Bay, can we meet up somewhere?”
» — ✣ — «
“I was honestly surprised you rang me up.”
Wrapping my coat tighter around myself, I eyed the orange leaves that painted the pavement in an artistic disarray Mother Nature is capable of. Winter is coming and it won’t be soon for the whole city to be covered in snow and merry kids playing with it at the park. The cold weather invites everyone to wear their best coats and boots, ready to be hip and trendy even during the winter. Christmas would also be upon us in a month, another holiday that would remind me how alone I am. Just great.
“Trust me, I was surprised at my own decision as well.” I breathed, shoving my hands into my pockets in hopes to warm them up. It has only been a few minutes since we met up yet it has gone so freezingly cold. The sooner we finish talking, the better. “But I was thinking… for me to forgive you, I thought up something.”
“You? To forgive me?” Aurelius then chuckled, his hand wandering through his wavy locks that were shining under the sunlight. It was so bright that I had to look away unless I burned my retinas. Such a handsome man with equally beautiful locks could be so blinding to stare at for too long. “What did I do wrong?”
Narrowing my brown eyes at him, I crossed my arms at his audacious statement. “Well, I don’t know—probably tried to escape the responsibilities of clearing up the misunderstandings? Tried to convince Elise that you would ‘take care’ of me but hardly did anything. You didn’t even try and defend yourself! You just let it fucking happen!”
“Nothing happened between us that night, Alex. I promise you that. So, what mistake did I make? Yes, the media is making up rumors but that’s just what they are, rumors!”
Shit, I’m not getting anywhere with this guy… So, he’s not as much of an idiot after all. Maybe I should contact Jason instead? Elise might know how to contact him—
“What do you want exactly, Alex?”
Looking up at Aurelius’ expectant face, I frowned. I should have had the upper hand in this situation, not me. Why has it reversed? “If I tell you, you’ll probably laugh at me. Heck, you’d think it would be so stupid you’re going to share it with your little friends!”
Not to mention, you won’t do it once you know what I am about to put you through.
“Try me.” He smiled innocently as if anything he was about to do was anything worth mentioning at a job interview. “I may not look like it, but I’m capable and I keep my promises.”
Before the words got out of my mouth, a horrified expression flashed across his face as he grabbed my hand and pulled me with him as he ran. Not up for the sudden exercise, I panted heavily as I kept up with him.
“Why the fuck are we running?” I yelled at his back as he avoided bumping into people. Some onlookers had their eyes wide as they stared at us dashing away. “Who is chasing us—shit! Can’t we stop?”
I didn’t get my answer until we arrived at the spot where he parked his car. I was almost out of breath, my body ready to fall. Earnestly gesturing for me to go inside, I did with a loud huff as he scrambled to get behind the wheel. Not liking how silent he is the entire time; I grabbed his ear making him yelp like the little bitch he is. The keys fell off his hand in surprise. Once I retracted my hand, he rubbed it as he furrowed his eyebrows.
“Bloody hell—what was that for?!”
“Were you not even concerned for me? I’m not used to fucking running and here you are, pulling me with you thinking as if I’m some fucking track star! Next time you pull such a stunt, do let me know!”
Scratching his head, Aurelius looked away. “There were photographers and I just… I just thought you wouldn’t like the idea… you did complain about how the media keeps making up stories. Now that I did something to prevent your face from appearing in articles, you reprimand me again.”
There were photographers? Paparazzi? Mhm, I do want to avoid them at all costs.
“I see… I didn’t know.”
A boyish grin spread across his lips, his arm resting above the steering wheel. “So, why did you wanna see me?”
Inhaling sharply, I relaxed and licked my chapped lips. Ready to bet everything I got just to make Desmond cry and crush the pride he has at the wedding. “I wanted you to pretend to be my boy—” My eyes shifted for a few seconds only to see two photographers approaching the car. Aurelius probably sensed my nervousness and turned to see who it was only to pale slightly.
Hurriedly searching for the car keys that fell, I gritted my teeth in anticipation as the duo was coming up faster.
“Aurelius! Hurry it up, will you?!”
“Aha!” He cheered, holding up his key and plunging it into the ignition. The car came to life in a matter of seconds and just as the paparazzi was a few feet away from us, Aurelius hit the pedal and drove us out of the parking lot. My heart was ready to blow at how close those two were to finding us out. Laughing hard, Aurelius slapped the wheel which triggered the horn, scaring the driver in front of us.
I shook my head at the idiot blabbering away excitedly. Leaning against the car seat, I stretched my legs and nodded at his words. “Yes, yes… they are so unlucky.”
“I know, right?” He laughed. “So, what was it that you want from me?”
“Aurelius Clarke, I know it sounds absurd…” Taking a deep breath in, I smiled bitterly. “But I want you to pretend to be my boyfriend at my ex’s wedding.”