Sequel to “The Scarlet Bride”.
“Why are you even doing this when it won’t matter at the end of the day? He doesn’t love...
Chapter 1: Congratulations!
As I have observed, people are just like animals. Like a snake slithering to a better prey once its own is stolen from it—humans, however, do it just to make up for the envy they feel.
I could hurl out everything I had just drunk and eaten a few minutes ago. Who knew such a feeling could make you want to puke it all out at the same time and take a dump? Or is it just me? It isn’t the first time I have felt such a thing but it sure is unpleasant each time.
Either way, my mouth tastes like shit and my legs seem like they ran a hundred miles before finally slowing down. My whole body was sure to fall to the ground any moment soon with how dizzy I felt. The way my throat felt dry as if sand had entered my mouth instead of those cocktail drinks I kept on asking the bartender to serve me. But what can I say? You can’t go wrong with those fruity cocktails and you would be stupid to turn down free stuff.
And turning down free things is not something a college student close to being broke should do.
My head spun to the tune of a disco song that was on repeat at the birthday party. The birthday celebrant, Elise, was one lucky bitch. Not only did she live out her dreams to throw a wild party, but she also got to have one without worrying about the costs. The neon lights that flashed around the room still hurt my eyes, imprinting their color behind my eyelids. I almost mistook them for stars under the night sky because of how bright they were.
“Hang in there…” Encouraging words from a stranger’s mouth made me slightly sober, my hands pushing the person away. My carefree expression was quick to turn into one filled with disgust. Creeps have been notorious around this area and the last thing I want is to be kidnapped or killed. Maybe both. Doing so, I lost my balance and was close to making out with the dirty road when the stranger caught me by the arm. “I told you to hang on, don’t let go or you’ll certainly kiss the floor!”
“W...who…” With one word out of my mouth, the bile rose from the pits of my stomach up to my throat which was still dry. Fighting back the tears and horrifying taste lingering in my mouth, I pushed myself away from the person and grabbed the closest thing to steady my staggering form, dry heaving.
Shit… I can’t believe I’m going to vomit in front of this stranger. My reputation… Did I ever have one?
“Ugh… that’s a lot.”
The voice made a similar gagging sound as I emptied my stomach, the expensive meal I chowed on earlier was now nothing but a heap of toxic liquids on the floor. The last thing I remembered before blacking out was the person calling my name over and over. The darkness that I became acquainted with ever since Desmond Cole, my professor, and boyfriend—my ex now, I mean—broke up with me all too suddenly three months ago without even an explanation. It bewildered me and made me hate myself, thinking long and hard about where I went wrong.
Perhaps I was the problem… But then again, our relationship wasn’t something ordinary people would consider professional. After all, I was still his student and he was a man with a career on the line just by kissing me whenever it was his break. The number of times I had to dash out of the professors’ lounge just to avoid prying eyes from seeing us was not a hundred but definitely not a zero either.
A man and a woman could only take so much from keeping a relationship a secret when everyone around them assumed they were single and that it was okay for them to see people—completely unaware of a union. Jealousy was a friend that made itself at home in our space.
Desmond leaving wasn’t something I ever foresaw coming.
“Definitely plastered. Don’t worry, Miss Bay. I promised her I’ll bring you home safely.”
Did I lie to him? Did I fight him out of the blue and hurt his feelings? Did the opinions of the people who knew about our relationship finally go into his head? Is that it? I wouldn’t be surprised if that were the case since a professor who would be caught dating or having an intimate relationship with a student is something frowned upon. Or even worse, his license would be revoked and I hate to be the reason why a man lost his career.
But no.
He didn’t say a word.
He rarely says anything at all when emotions are concerned.
Looking back at it now, Desmond was more of a robot—an artificial intelligence meant to look like a man. He rarely smiled and if he did, it was always reserved for me. Because of that fact, I felt special. Anyone would feel special if they were able to make a gloomy person like Desmond wipe that ever-present frown on his handsome face. The way his lips would curl up and those eyes of his brighten up just a bit after hearing a joke were too adorable.
Elise’s birthday party was just an excuse to drink away all my sorrow and anger. And for me to have an instant dream of killing the idiot for leaving me. It would be a good dream—I can tell just by seeing his face weep in anguish.
“The fucker…”
» — ✣ — «
Ding dong!
Glaring at the door, I got up from the couch and walked towards the most annoying sound in the morning. A massive headache was splitting my head into two and my eyes were close to shutting due to how bright the sun was shining through the curtains. The day appears to be so happy and my mood contrasts with it greatly. Just the idea of going out and leaving the quiet apartment was already making me emit a whine out of frustration.
I knew it. I shouldn’t have drunk so much last night or I wouldn’t be sporting this splitting headache!
“Ye!” I shouted, wrapping the blankets tighter around my frame as I waddled to the door. The doorbell rings constantly now. “Sheesh, can’t this man be chill?”
Grabbing the handle, I pulled it open and was face to face with the delivery man with a stupid smile. “Good morning, Miss Bay. There’s a package for you.”
“Well, obviously you wouldn’t be here if there wasn’t now, would you?”
His response was a laugh and another smile that ticked me off. I took the paper he handed me, signing on top of my name.
“It seems to have come from your friend. Apparently, it’s urgent.”
I snickered. “Which friend, I have a lot of friends.”
Which is totally a lie.
“The girl named Elise. You know, the one who used to live with you—”
This dumb woman. What did she have to send to me that she paid a lot?
“If you want to find her, she’s at the Salvador mansion. Also, she’s already married.” Giving him a pointed look, I handed the signed paper to him. “And be careful, her husband might sue you. Even kill you if you touch his wife.”
Another lie as well.
“I won’t!” The man laughed and waved farewell as he walked away. Rolling my eyes, I locked the door and stared at the small box I received. My name in Elise’s ugly handwriting was scrawled on the surface along with hers. Shaking my head at the thought of her sending this to me so early in the morning, I grabbed my mug filled with hot green tea. The sound of the aquarium bubbling with the leeches swimming around. The bright lime green dress that I wore last night sitting on top of the couch along with my other clothes.
I might as well open it so when that woman calls, she won’t yell my ear off. And what the fuck does this even contain?
Spotting the remote, I took it and turned the television on. Showbiz colored the screen right away; the face of a famous actress and her scandal was explained. After taking a small sip of tea, I set the mug down and began to unwrap the box.
“What is this… is this some kind of prank?” I grumbled and frowned. The idea of Elise rubbing her happy marriage and celebration of her birthday yesterday on my face didn’t sit well. No, the sudden arrival of this package is making me anxious. “That lazy bitch. Should’ve just delivered this on her own…”
“And now, for another exciting news.” My attention diverted to the screen as the actress’s face disappeared and was replaced with a more familiar one. “Aurelius Clarke was seen leaving Elise Salvador’s birthday party at the Salvadors’ hotel at nine in the evening with a woman around his arm, whom we have yet to know. They are probably seeing one another!”
A picture of him leaving with a woman whom he covered with his jacket flashed on the screen.
Oh, it’s Aiden’s friend.
Focusing back on the package, I threw away the wrapper and stared at the yellow shiny box sitting on my lap.
As far as I remember, it isn’t my birthday today.
“Charlie, do you have any exciting new scoops that you dug up today?”
“That’s right, Ash. I just received word that the woman who was seen leaving with Aurelius Clarke last night was none other than Elise Salvador’s best friend!”
Oh? Elise has a new best friend and she’s hooking up with Aurelius Clarke, who is also Elise’s husband’s best friend. That woman—
“Yes, and her name’s Alex Bay.”
“Mwo?” I raised my head and stared at the television with wide eyes as the two hosts laughed and began talking about Elise and me before commenting on how Aurelius and I were possibly hooking up. However, their words didn’t make the dots connect. Eyes back on the box, I slowly opened it and stared at the box of condoms and a photo of Elise giving me a thumbs up. Flipping the photo and the words scrawled on it worsened my headache.
Congratulations on getting laid!