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Chapter 8


I heard the beautiful sound of birds chirping close to my ears.

Wow! That's so amazing, like a melodious song....

Was the first thought came to my mind as I covered up my whole body with my comforter in thought of continuing my sleep. I love listening to music when I'm sleeping, because they make me feel like I'm listening to lullabies of my mom. So I covered myself more and got back to the sleep.

Ohhh nooooo!!!

Only few seconds had passed when the realization poured into me.

God! Today is my first day at Sydney the Great Constructions... I almost froze at the thought...

I picked my phone up off the night stand and checked my alarm which I set before sleeping last night.

Damn it! It was not saved.

Then I checked the time only to be shocked. It was 50 passed 7.

I removed the duvet off me and jumped off the bed only to rush into the bathroom so damn quickly. My head was in a whirl... I had forgotten to take my towel in, so I came out hurriedly, grabbed the towel and ran in again. I know I was totally confused.

I applied some scrub cream, after that cleanser, then toned my face. After I was done with my facial cleansing, I took my clothes off and had a quick shower for quarter an hour. I wrapped myself with my towel and was about to get out of the bathroom.

Did I forget something?

I cogitated for a while looking at myself in the mirror to confirm that I was done with what I usually do in every morning before I could get myself out of the bathroom. This is one of my habits which I'm used to check on my self whether I'm done with all my sanitory things.

Did I apply my scrub?


Did I shampoo my hair?


Did I brush my teeth?


Oh nooo!

How's it possible???

My eyes almost bulged out in their sockets as I reminded of the missing of the main part of my morning things. I hurriedly brushed my teeth and came out of the bathroom after confirming I was done with all.

Girls are always like this. They become nervous on everything, I guess.

I had no thought of what dress I'm gonna wear today. So I searched my wardrobe and finally caught a dress which would be matching well for my position. A black coloured office trousers with a sky blue top.

Yeah! This would be matching.

I thought rolling my eyes again on my dress.

Yeah! I know. Skirts will make girls look more like girls. But Trousers are something which make you more comfortable than with skirts. That's why most of the times I tempt to wear trousers or jeans rather than skirts.

So I hurriedly got dressed with the dress I had already selected. I tucked my hair into a ponytail, applied only a few amount of foundation and eye liner on. And wore my black high heels and my gold colour wrist watch which was gifted by Max.

I had almost got ready when I heard a knock on my door.

"Sian..." It's my mom.

"Yeah, mom come in" I said still looking at myself in the mirror...

"Ah you are ready? I thought, you were still asleep" Mom said smiling at me....

"Of course mom. I had no idea about my work today.. I was asleep till 8 0' clock. For god's sake I was awakened." I said while arranging my bag. I put some tissues, a hair brush, my foundation lid, my pills and my phone into a small purse and checked on it for the second time before sliding it into my hand bag.

"Sian... Take this..." Mom placed something on both my palms.

"What's this mom?" I asked observing it...

A black coat?

Wow! It's looking gorgeous and expensive.

"Do wear this today. A black coat. This is matching with your dress very well....." Mom helped me get into it.

"This is the one of the best presents your dad has given me. You know Sian, It's very expensive. I was keeping it with myself for a long period of time. But today I gift you this. Because this is the best present I can give you today...." I saw tears threaten to fall down her cheeks as those words came out of her mouth. But she just tried to avoid my eyes.

"This is better on you.." She said adjusting my dress.

"Ohhh Mom... I love you so much." I said hugging my mom tightly.

"And you know what mom, this is the best present I have ever got.." She smiled through tears.

"This is my mom. Always Keep this smile on your face. No tears.." I said wiping her the satins of her tears off her face. "Okay mom I'm already late....Bye.. see you in the evening..." I kissed on her cheeks.

Since I was too late, I grabbed my bag and glided out of my home bidding good byes to my dad and mom. Mia had already left for the school.

I hurriedly rushed towards New York City side as I had to catch the couch on time. There came a light morning drizzle with a breeze; it sent shivers down my spine, so I hugged myself slithering both my hands securely around my body and hurried my steps.

Thank God! I am having my mom's coat.. It makes me safe now.

Thank you mom for presenting me this wonderful gift. Love you a lot. A smile crept up on my lips as my mom's face flashed across my mind.

I could catch the couch on time just before I could miss it. As this is my first day I have to be at Sydney's Corporation in time. If not they would be having a wrong attitude of me. So that was not what I would expect to be happened in the first place today. I slanted my head on the seat as I engrossed myself about the arroagnt boss who would be in my sight within fifteen minutes. Seeing him and his insolent behaviour made my nervousness grow more. I was too lost in my thoughts when my phone started to get vibrated in my bag. I fished it out of my bag to see a text message from Jenny.


Wish you all the best my Brave Queen. No fears. Fight off your arrogant boss. Love ya. Bye.... Xx

A smile spread over my face by reading her sweet message.


Thank you Jen. Yeah I'm brave ;) Love ya.. xx

After sending a reply I dug my phone into my bag.

I got down at "Sydney The Great Construction Corporation" and ran into the office, greeting the guard in front of the office building. Twenty more minutes left to strike nine. When I got into the office floor Alex was at the reception sticking her eyes on the laptop in front of her. But she averted her eyes towards me feeling the presence of mine.

"Good Morning Miss. Anderson. Welcome to the STGCC..."

She greeted me with a pleasant smile.

So happy to see a pleasant face in the morning.

"Good Morning Mi..s... Err I mean Alex..." She chuckled at my statement. I was almost panting as I came rushing hurriedly.

"You forgot it right? Ever call me Alex. I love it.." She assured me.

"Yeah sure. By the way, you too can call me Sian. No need to state Miss. Right?"

"Okay.." she nodded grinning at me...

"Umm... Is Mr:Parker already at his office?" I asked with excitement.

"No.. Not yet.. He will be at his office on time. Not in time..." She said rolling her reddish lips.

Woah!! She is such a cute girl.

She seems to be a girl of 20 or 21 years. Her hazel eyes are framed with the black eye liners she had put on. It adds more beauty to her already long thick eye lashes. When she talks she always blinks her eyes while tossing back the hair which is fallen on her forehead; suddenly an image of a barbie doll appeared in my mind.

"Oh! Err... Alex..."

I just wanted to ask Alex some facts about Mr:Emrys Parker as I'm gonna work for him from today onwards, hence I must know him upto some extent.

"Yes.. Tell me Sian..." Alex's gaze shifted to me.

"Do you want to know anything? If you need any help ask me. Right?" She said fluttering her eye lashes...

No Sian! Not now.

Yeah! That's true. It's not that good to ask about him; his rudeness now.

"Umm.. Actually... W-where is the washroom?" I faked a question.

What? Washroom?

What did you ask Sian?

You are such a goofball.

But that was the only question streamed into my mind.

She honestly smiled and showed me the directions.

"Thank you."

I said and strode towards the washroom and threw myself into it. I let out a long sigh of relief leaning myself against the door. "Huh!"

I put my bag on the shelf around the wash basin and looked at my self in the mirror and brushed my hair and tucked it again into a ponytail. I turned my face to and for to get it known whether I looked like me.... No fears... No nervousnees...

Okay! Done!

I grabbed my bag quickly and had a final view of my look again before I exited from there.

It was exactly 08.55a.m. I glided out of washroom and outpaced towards the elevator. I shoved myself into it and clicked the button to the 20th floor relieving an excited sigh. I fiddled with my fingers as I immersed myself deeply into a world of my own thoughts.

Wish if I could go back home.

Don't know how I would be treated.

I don't want to see his face..

Dammit! I haven't seen it either.


The elevator stopped with the sound of ding and I moved out and paced hurriedly towards His; Mr: Arrogant Parker's office. That is the only name flashed across my mind when I remind of him...

Tearing myself off from my little world I realized the bitter fact that I was standing in front the office where I met that Junior Parker, Mr: Ethan Parker.

Oh! Shut up girl.

You would be fired if someone could read your mind and catch the words that you were thinking of right now.

Junior Parker!

I tightly folded my fingers into a fist and gathered all my strength into a sigh and breathed it out before knocking on the door...

No reply!

Hence I knocked back.

Again no reply!

What should I do now?

Should I go in or what? I pondered for a while.

Never mind! Go inside Sian.

I held the knob of the door with my right hand and cranked it open in one attempt. As I stepped inside, I rolled my eyes around the office only to get the view of emptiness...

No one seems to be there.

As my eyes adamantly ran over the room, they were pelted on two other doors inside the office. My eyes stuck on there for a couple of seconds before raising my voice up.

"Excuse me Mr: Pa-Parker.." I called out his name hoping he would be coming out through one of those two doors.

My wrist watched clicked convincing me it's sharp nine in the morning...

It's the time now.

Is it exactly nine o'clock?

My perplexed brain warned me to have a proper glance at my watch and so I ended up checking on the time for the second time again.


I was startled by the voice, Yeah the same voice which fumed the statement "YOU ARE FIRED" behind my ears that day was now coming behind me stressing on each word. It was almost like he was gritting his teeth out.

I spun myself around and observed from bottom to top of the person who was standing shoving both of his hands deep in his pockets. Behind him there was another person holding some files in his right hand and focussing his attention on the phone in his left hand. My eyes almost bugged out of my head as the sudden realization shook me off....

Oh God! Mr.Peculiar!

Is this a truth? Am I dreaming?

I squeezed open my eyes to clear my vision.


This is him. Yes it's him.

The person whom I met a week ago at the airport and whom because I lost my job and the competition.

And more over the person whom I hate to the death.

I controlled my anger which was arising through every nerve in me, reminding the kind words of

Mr:Sydney Parker aka his dad.

And the man behind him is the same one who was there next to him on that day.

Then, that's why he wanted to get me out of the company.

Oh God Dammit!

Now I'm not gonna leave this job.

Never ever.

Just wait and watch Mr:Peculiar.

I smirked but not really; in my imagination.

"I don't. tolerate. the. people. who. waste. their. time. just. standing. in. my........ office." I was snapped out of my thoughts when the harsh words came out from the harshest man I have ever met. He said even without looking at me, but storming into his chair.. In a flick, he was sitting on his chair directly looking at me. But I was unable to look at him, so I kept my eyes stuck on the floor.

"What the hell are you doing in my office?" He asked fuming with rage. His jaw muscles were clenching tightly.

Counting stars. I wanted to say...

"Um I cam---..." I initiated but sudddenly my words were cut off by the person who was with Mr.Parker.

"EM... Do check on these files and sign. I'll go visit the site in a few minutes. You just stay here. See you..."

"Yeah sure.. By the way, Jayden, ask Kelly to come to my office right now." Said Mr.Parker to his friend.

Then he is Jayden...

"Right!" He nodded and went out slightly smiling with me.

May be he is better than this beast.

After Jayden according to Mr: Parker's mention, left the room there I was still standing not realizing waht to be done. This moment might have been the most awkward moment I have ever had in twenty three years of my life. The room was burning with his anger in its higher degrees. I felt like fire was igniting through me. It started to glisten sweat on my forehead and the area down my chin. I couldn't even utter a word.

This is really intolerable!

How long am I gonna bear this for?

"S-sir.." I heard a sound like mutter coming out of my own throat even surprising myself to which his gaze shifted to me.

Oh! It's killing me.

There was a sudden knock at the door which made me avert my face towards that side and suddenly a girl appeared in having the fear plastered on her face.

Fashionable! Attractive! Those were the words poured into my mind the sooner my eyes stuck at her.

But she is something really cannot be explained.

Her eyes..

The are not like Alex's.

She is really having a beautiful and a s**y body which would obviously be admired by the men..

"Did you call me sir? Wha-what do you want sir? Yu-your coffee?" Fear was apparent in her each utterance.

"Shut up... You have been called here not to question me." He said opening his laptop. She was stunned at his harsh words shivering with fear.

Just because she is working for him, does not mean he has every right to blame her as he wishes.

"I'm so-sorry sir.." she tried to compose her words.

"I have got no time to waste on you both.." He blurted it out loudly as he pointed his fore fingers at us, mostly at me. He paused for a while clearing his throat and twirled his chair towards his laptop which was on the left side of his glassy table..

"Well... Directly to the point. Miss.Kelly Cameron.. Your work has been evaluted during your period of work and Considering your attendance, efficiency and quality of work, you are appointed as my Personal Assistant from today onwards." He said focussing his eyes on the laptop; at the same time running his fingers mechanically over the keyboard.

What the!

Does he know what he exactly means.?

She almost choked on her saliva at his bullet like statement. There was a puzzled look on her face and her eyes averted towards me in a unicorn rush, but pulled them back straightly upon Mr:Parker with utter confusion.

"Sir how ca-can I---" Before she could complete the sentence, a set of burning words jumped at her instantly.

"I don't repeat the same thing again...And again. Don't test my patience. Take these files. E-mail them now. Everything must be cleared by 10 0'clock.

You won't be having any excuses. Without standing here like a dummy, just get the hell out of here and start your work just now. Right now." He said it clenching his jaw. I could clearly see the harsh lines on his face through the intense lights in his office.

He threw the files onto his table. She grabbed them and glided out quickly not wanting to hear any rude words out from her arrogant boss.

"And you... Just stop wasting the time standing there. Now you go bring me a coffee within five minutes." He ordered me.

How dare he!

I know why he is doing this.

He wants to take revenge for the thing happened at the air port.

So he hopes that I will be resigning from the job if he would offer me this type of work.

If that is what he is thinking of, then you are wrong Mr.Peculiar..

No.. I won't let this happen.

To let his intention come true..

I will do whatever I'm asked to.

Any type of job..

Try me Mr.Parker....

"I was hired by Mr:Sydney Parker. So how could you do this?" I never knew how this came out of my mouth, but I asked as I wanted to get it clarified why he did such a lowest thing on me...

Oh woah Sian! Great!

Now expect the world war iii here!

He stood up off his chair and stormed into me shooting stabbers at me. I stepped a few feet back only to be towered by his gigantic mascular form.

"I. said. bring my coffee." He said through his gritted teeth, bursting himelf out in real bl***y anger. His hazel eyes were capturing mine making me go weak. I could see the flame ignite through his pupils as they adamantly skimmed over mine. Forthwith, I felt something on my left arm.

Something really strong!

My eyes literally travelled down my wrist only to be amazed by the sight in front of my eyes...

Oh! There it is!

There was his iron fist digging into my soft flesh. The grip was tightened to hell not letting go of me.

"Urghh....." a painful moan escaped past my lips as a sharp pain shot through me.

I didn't even utter a word but let my pain escape my lips. I struggled twisting my hand to get out of his tight grip. "Please.... Leave me Mr:Parker...." His intensive glare was fixiated upon me whilst grinding his clutch on mine....

Finally he released my wrist giving the last pain. Definitely there would be a painful bruise the way he had left on my wrists early. My eyes captured the thing which fell down at his release.

My watch! Max's last gift.

It was broken into two pieces at his tight grip and scattered fallen on the floor.

You b*****d how did you do this?

If I could really burst these words out at him.

Tears started to form in my eyes ad I bent myself down and picked the smashed pieces of my watch up off the floor. Tearing my gaze off it, I gave a look of death at him.

"Stop staring at me. Do what I said." He fumed through the gritted teeth.

I won't ever be afraid...


I ran out cursing him underneath my breaths.

If I resign from the job, that means I make him feel he won..

I make him feel he won his game..

But no no...

I'm not gonna defeat that easily.

I'm gonna stay here.

I hate you Mr:Parker.

I suddenly came to an abrupt halt as I got collided with something really hard...

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