At nigh, they invited us all to go to the party. It was actually a campfire nearby the lake. Luckily, Myrtle and I were roommate and we’re both heading towards the said place.
The breeze of air is fresh. The sky is so beautiful and so amazing because there are northern lights that are visible in our eyes.
“Awesome!” Myrtle almost dropped her jaw in amazement when she saw the northern lights. I could see her amazement on the reflection in her eyes.
It was indeed beautiful yet amazing. No one could ever regret seeing it. The sensation was vivid that could almost melt my heart. It feels like I was like dancing with the lights above and along with the clouds. And I could also see many wishing stars. What a bautiful scene it has here!
“But you are cooler!” she said with a smile and clung to my arm.
“E? Why did you say so?” I frowned.
Her eyes glimmered, “Because you got a spot on the golden chair! We need to celebrate your achievement!”
“Psh! Is that it? You could have gotten there if you did your best,” I rolled my eyes while saying those.
I snapped back when I realized what had happened earlier. I slightly laughed when I remembered that I did nothing in the examination.
“Of course! I did my best too!” she pouted.
“You did your best that is why you are in the audience?” I replied sarcastically.
“What the! Hey! You’re so bad!”
“Come on! Let’s hurry,” I averted and walked fast.
We finally got there for almost fives minutes of walking. Myrtle should’ve used her power to teleport than wasting five minutes just to mock.
“Did you know that the test was actually for analyzing your vessels if you really are qualified to sit on that golden chair?” she blurted out.
When we arrived there, we immediately sat on the sand as most here do. Those who are just arrived, they do as well as what we have done while we surrounds the flame in the middle of our humanmade circle.
“How did you know?” I asked while staring in the flame in the middle.
“Just heard from someone out there,” she replied like she was pertaining to someone.
“You really like to eavesdrop on someone’s talk, right?” I poke her side and grimaced.
“Everyone! Listen to me!”
As I looked to the person at the center, he immediately got my attention. I did not know him but I know that he’s one of our instructors. But this man who seems to be in his 40’s gives me a strange feeling towards him. I only realized that when I noticed the badge on his left chest.
‘He is our Headmaster.’
“Let me introduce first myself, well, everyone knows me already except for the freshmen.”
I, then suddenly looked at the guy sitting on a chair from our left side. I could barely see his face from where I was sitting. He was totally different now compared awhile back. Something changed from him. His energy, it was already subsided.
He’s focused on listening. I could not stop staring towards her spot. His nose looks perfectly fine and his lips, it was kissable and thin. I snapped back in the reality when when he suddenly looked towards my directions. I gasped in embarassment. Actually, I don’t know how should I feel. I, then suddenly pretended to be spacing out.
“My dear freshmen, I am your Headmaster Argus and I am very pleased to meet you all. I am so proud to all of you for you have succeeded the test,” he said while smiling.
“And also to our top ten who achieved on getting the spots for the golden chair! Very impressive! Keep it up and protect your ranks! That’s all I want to say! Enjoy the rest of the night! Cheers everyone!” after saying those words, he raised the cocktail glass he was holding. As he signaled us to the same, except for me. I preferred not to. I honestly don’t drink hard drinks.
“Kampay!” everyone said in unison and cheered up. Myrtle did the same.
I thought, I would be going to sit here all night long but then Myrtle offered me ligh drink. It was actually for freshmen, like me. Myrtle seemed to be alcoholic and I won’t mind haulting her. She’s obliged enough for her actions and might be, she already dresses herself her own limitations.
“Are you serious? You’re drinking this?” she unbelievably looked down to me as if she never saw a lady drinks light drink. I gave her a grin.
“Yup! Why not?” when I filled up my cocktail glass, I, then tossed it with hers.
“Hahaha! Easy girl! As if you’re going to be drunk with that!” she joked.
We, then both turned around when we saw silhouettes. I hesitantly looked at them, and muttered. He’s here.
"May we?" he asked. He was with his friend. Myrtle and I stood up.
“Hmm,” I nodded.
I could feel Myrtle hugging me and her low-pitched scream suddenly be heard in my ears.
“Hi! I am Brace Winsey, how 'bout you gals?” Brace's introduction makes me analyze his good attitude.
"I am Myrtle, Myrtle Fyere," Brace shook hands with my friend.
"Tina Salamanca," I introduced myself, and we also shook our hands.
"You handsome, what is your name?" asked Myrtle while winking.
I sighed at what she did, Brace smiled so I kicked her—Myrtle.
"I'm Caleb, Caleb Auroda," he replied while flushing red and held out his hand in front of me.
I even looked at Myrtle who was suppressing her itchiness. I felt that some of them were staring at us. I really don't want that kind of attention. Really.
To finish this, I reached for his hand, he grinned and in exchange I raised an eyebrow at him.
"Let's go?" Brace offers out of the blue.
Myrtle and I crouched down as what Caleb did, we sat together on the sand, and then, we looked at each other and moved around.
"Where?" asked Caleb.
"Where?" Myrtle.
Brace smiled then pointed the lake using his lips. So cute. I looked at Myrtle who was holding my wrist. She lowered the glass she was holding. This woman looks tipsy. But wait? Did they mean, swimming in the lake? At this time?
"Let's go?" Myrtle even stood up so I supported her.
"You're drunk, Myrtle. Can you take a bath in that state?" I asked unbelievably.
Then she laughed like crazy that made everyone got her attention again.
"Aish!" I was disgusted.
"I wonder if this person will not leave me alone?" she pointed to Brace, the glass of alcohol she was drinking was almost exhausted, but I thought she was drunk already. I just realized that she wasn’t when Myrtle flipped her hair. I winced.
“You? Aren’t you coming?” Brace asked us.
“Hmm,” I winced.
"You, Caleb?" he asked Caleb who was pouring wine into his glass.
He also shook his head.
"Then, we are the only ones who can take a bath. Okay, let's go," he whispered and supported Myrtle. Gentleman.
Tipsy Girl, Myrtle was able to turn around and then she pointed at Caleb, both of our eyes widened.
"Take care of my friend. If something happened to her, I'll chop up your heaven, understood?" she warned that I was almost shocked by what she said.
Caleb blushed with embarrassment, and we both couldn't look at each other. Brace pulled her over and left us speechless here. We have not yet moved on from what Myrtle said earlier. I hemmed to divert the awkwardness.
I turned to him, wrong move because he was also looking at me. I swallowed and scratched my neck. I smiled hard from the embarrassment.
"Don't mind her, she's drunk."
"It's okay," he replied.
I was swallowed again because of the awkward feeling. I remember what I did to him earlier. I suddenly felt pity and remorse.
"Umm, about the test earlier," I opened up.
"What about it?" he asked, I looked into his eyes. It's now sparkling.
"I'm sorry for hurting you," I apologized.
"It's okay," he replied shortly.
We both looked at the man who was coming, he was also a student like us and he has a terrible look. He seems to be chasing death.
“Maharlikans! Come over! Something is happening now in the academy. There is a commotion inside because the wand that our institution taking care of was missing,” he exclaimed while wiping his sweats.
Those around us were whispering and I just felt that Caleb, who had just been by my side, had disappeared. So I followed him, I have used my power, the teleportation.
My body appeared in the hallway of the school. Wherever they put that wand it could be in the headmaster's office. I went there and when I arrived there, there was guards who are patrolling.
"You should not be here," the guard stopped me.
"But I have to help them!" I insisted.
"No need because the Alphas are here. They can handle all of this, so, get out of here," he said and pulled me away from the platform.
I have no other choice but to go away, I go back to where I used to go. And I noticed something strange. I feel some energy from behind the academy.
I followed that sensation and it took me to the back of the school, and it turned out to be a jungle here. I was in a hurry because he was getting away, and I think he is making a portal to get away.
I should stop him!
I close my eyes and locate the energy. He is already in the middle of the forest. I teleported, just right because he was already in front of me, we were five kilometers away.
"Who are you?" I asked aggressively.
But he did not answer me, he just laughed so I recognized his sexuality. He is a man. And what did he intend to do with the stolen valuable of the institution?