It is beyond uncomfortable to be different, to be something fearful. After that episode in the basement, everyone avoided me as if I have some kind of a disease. Well, it's not like all of them avoided me. Sage did not. He'll make small talks here and there whenever he gets to visit here. It turns out that he lives just a few miles from here, near the market. Gideon also greets me but we never really got time to talk because he got things to do. Daniel sees me with cautiousness in his eyes.
Everyone's probably just busy doing much more important things like Ambrose in the library, searching for answers on ancient books. He's been inside that room for a few days now. I would offer to help but he clearly ordered me to not disturb him.
As usual, I'm inside my room. I have finished dusting off the antique displays on the hallway, the paintings and statues included. I've grown quite fond of cleaning this castle. Yesterday I finished tidying up the ballroom. It was huge so I had hours of cleaning it. Satisfied with the white, heavy curtains and dust-free tiles, I thought about what to clean up the next day so I came up with dusting off the displays. Gideon and Ambrose weren't pleased by my work but eventually, with a fair share of convincing, they let me do the cleaning and whatever it is I want to do.
I've been informed that Ambrose owns this castle. It was an old, abandoned castle for a good few years until Ambrose bought it and made it his home. Soon then Ambrose let Izaac, Daniel and Gideon live with him. You see, Ambrose is pretty welcoming to strangers seeing he also let me stay in his home.
Heaving a sigh, I'm contemplating whether or not to come down to fetch a bottle of water. The others might be there and I'm afraid Daniel will ignore me as usual. I do not like the behavior though. It's not like I want to murder them. I understand the lack of trust but it's been a week. If I wanted them dead, they would be dead by now.
In the end, I cursed underneath my breath and proceeded to the kitchen to fill my parched throat with cold water. I tiptoed and found out that the kitchen is empty which is a good thing. The room is very medieval; with the vaulted ceilings and squeaky, cracked windows. The interior is ancient but the equipment and utensils were all modern. It didn't match the whole ambiance. There are cooking pans, a stove, cutlery and many more.
I pulled the fridge open and grabbed a bottle of water. The mouth of the bottle met my lips as I drank like a dehydrated animal. I don't know why I'm so thirsty. Sometimes I get hungry so fast even when I just ate. My lips were always dry; my muscles are a pain in the arse as well.
“Can't sleep?” A sudden voice appeared out of nowhere.
A raspy cough escaped my half opened lips, water coming out from it. I choked and kept coughing until water dried up my throat. This is why I hate it when people startle me when I'm drinking or eating something. I get surprised easily, resulting in my jumpy behavior.
“It's just me.” Izaac's baritone chuckle echoed in the kitchen. There was no one here in the kitchen at the moment. They're probably in their room, sleeping by now. Or if not sleeping, doing something that God only knows.
It was his first time to approach me after a week now since he was always out in the woods doing whatever it is he does. Maybe he spends his time hunting?
Out of all of them, he seldom stays inside the castle. I would wake up in the morning to greet Sage, Gideon, Daniel and Ambrose but not a shadow of Izaac. He's busy. I get it but I don't see him often every night either.
A ghost smile formed on his lips, “What are you thinking?”
I gasped, “Can you also hear thoughts?”
He raised his brow, “You already know that much about us?” Those emeralds eyed me with amusement. He walked closer towards my direction and leaned on the nearest wooden table.
“It’s just Daniel. He told me that he can hear thoughts.” I replied shortly.
It's been days since I last talked to Izaac so we don't really have a close relationship. We're not friends. We just see each other on the same roof and that's it. Unlike with Gideon and Sage, we have occasional chitchats and lots of jokes.
A fleck of emotion went past those green orbs but it faded within a blink. Is it just the darkness inside this cellar or his eyes are really pretty up close? It wasn't really dark but only a few streaks of moonlight passed through the window.
He slowly nodded, his head lowered. His eyes were looking at the floor as if there's something interesting down there. For a moment we broke eye contact. It was dead silence after that. We just stood there.
My lips parted at the sight of dried blood on the edge of his shirt.
“What happened?” I asked in a low voice.
Izaac turned to me and noticed I was staring at his shirt. Instead of giving me answers like a normal person would do, of course he would ignore me and ask another question instead.
“If you're not sleeping, come with me for a walk. There's something I want to show you.” He eyed me, waiting patiently.
“I won't come unless you answer my question.” I'm surprised that it came out stern and demanding.
“Alright then.” He turned his back at me and started exiting the kitchen.
“Wait!” He stopped on his tracks and turned his body towards me.
“Where are you going?”
Izaac frowned. “Out.”
I wanted to go with him and see what he'll show me but I also wanted answers. God, I really hate him.
“Fine. I'll go.” I cannot with my curiosity. The curiosity really kills the cat.
He smiled, "Alright. Let's go."
“I really hate you.” I mumble
“I know. Everyone does apparently.” He answered in full honesty that made me bark with laughter.
We head out into the darkness of the woods. The moon is now covered with gray clouds. Dead trees were looking scary in the dim light. It's a surprise that it didn't rain for the past two days. The ground isn't muddy as it is when the weather is gloomy.
“Is it safe to roam around the forest at this time of the night?” I think it's already midnight. Is it not dangerous knowing the incident from the other night?
“No. Absolutely not. It's this time where the forest is the most dangerous.”
“Then why the hell did you take me here?” I hissed, sending deathly glares at him.
“Just keep quiet and we'll be fine.” He chuckled
I'm scared something would pop out of nowhere and pounce at us. If I'm alone here, I would be peeing myself in fear. I'm glad I have Izaac here and I won't be dying alone if my imagination ever happened. Kidding aside, I gripped on Izaac's shirt as we walked. He can be annoyed for all he wants but I'm not letting go of his shirt.
He stopped walking so I also stopped.
“Feyre,” My name rolled off his mouth so smoothly. Emerald eyes glared at me intently.
I raised my brow, clueless. Are we in danger?
“Stop pulling my shirt.”
I let go of his shirt, “Can we just go back?”
“We can't go back now and we're almost there. Here,” Izaac put my arm around his. He continues moving forward, unaware of how uncomfortable I was.
My lips pressed, unable to think of something to say. The edge of his lips rose at my sudden silence. It was just a friendly gesture.
“So what happened to your shirt?” I asked, trying to sound normal even when my heart is racing so darn fast.
Izaac didn't bother to look at me because his eyes were fixed on the trail before us, checking the area for any movement or noises. Now he really looked like a predator right there.
“It wasn't my blood, if that's what you're asking.” He dismissed the topic so quickly.
He doesn't like talking or joking around so much, does he? I'm starting to think he took me here in the middle of nowhere to murder me. Just thinking about it, it's not impossible. He can snap my neck in a second and nobody would witness it. There are so many motives I could think of right now.
“Are you going to murder me here?” I joked, trying not to sound nervous.
“No. I'm here to test a theory.” Those green eyes darkened and fear came back pumping through me.