2017, June 4th
CC was thrilled to be back home with her family. When she decided to go to boarding school this year after her father had been nagging her about it for years, she didn't realize just how much she would miss them. London was a different world. CC quickly grew accustomed to freedoms that being a princess had never allowed her, the kind of freedom Aaron always seemed to be able to snatch despite being a future crown prince.
As amazing as that freedom was, London didn't have him. Coming back right before midterms was asking for trouble, but she didn't care. It was Bart’s birthday and she meant to see him. This was the year she was going to dance with him, consequences be damned. It really had been too long and the yearning was probably going to her head, but she meant it this time.
"Watch out Lord Bartholomew Arden, because I'm coming for you," she said to herself, smiling down at the bracelet around her wrist.
Bart gave it to her the first time they met. CC and her brothers were at a playground with Cassie and CC got lost. She was sitting on the roundabout crying her eyes out when it happened. A dark-haired boy with eyes a deeper blue than Aaron's came right up to her and put a bracelet around her wrist. It was made of golden beads and had a little blue heart at the one end of it. He plopped down next to her, rubbing her back with his little hand, not saying a single word. The crying stopped and she looked down at her wrist curiously.
"What is this?" she asked with a sniff.
"I already had the gum," he said, sticking his tongue out to show it to her, "but you can have the bracelet. I was going to throw it away anyway."
She asked a million questions. Who was he? When would her family come and find her? Bart didn't speak again. He just sat there, rubbing her back until Cassie showed up. CC jumped up and flew into Cassie's arms. When CC looked again he was already gone.
The next time she saw him it was at a ball with his parents. Like that they kept showing up in front of each other, but because of the animosity between their parents Bart did his best to stay clear of her. CC, true to her last name, did no such thing. She looked for him at every ball, every feast, every outing with her family and decidedly would not be ignored.
CC loved her brothers like nothing else. They were her absolute favorite people, but even they came second to Bart. Even though they never met for long periods, only exchanging little phrases when she was able to sneak away to find him, she just couldn't stop watching him, looking for little ways to make moments with him. As the years went by, the more he put distance between them because of their last names, the more she sought him out.
She didn't need to be told that he cared for her. While most people found him hard to read or simply too intimidating to want to read, she could tell within minutes of seeing him whether he was having a good day or not, whether he was happy or sad. Maybe she wasn't being fair to most people though. After all, they hadn't been studying his eyes since they were eight.
"Are you ready to go?" Aaron asked, pulling CC out of her thoughts as he entered her room.
"I sure am," she answered, smiling brightly.
Aaron took her in. Few women were as truly stunning as CC in a ball gown.
"I missed you, you know?" he said, taking her hand and twirling her around.
"I missed you too Ronnie," she said, giggling in delight.
He raised an eyebrow at her, his eyes falling on her wrist.
"Not taking the toy off tonight?"
"Nope, not tonight," she beamed.
"You better not be plotting anything. Henry already has some mystery guest he wants me to entertain tonight. I can't be worrying about rescuing your reckless ass too," Aaron warned, raising his hands in the air in surrender as CC’s smile turned into a frown. "Just make sure mother doesn't see it. She'll blow a gasket."
CC kissed Aaron's cheek and promptly brightened up once more.
"Thanks Ronnie."
"Yeah, yeah," he said, holding out his bent arm to her.
It turned out King Henry's mystery guest was less Aaron's problem and more CC's.
"You're not marrying her off to the son of the King of Wars. That's literally what they call his dad!" Aaron raged.
They were on their way to the Arden residence for Lord Bartholomew’s birthday. How CC had talked their parents into coming Aaron had no idea. But CC wanted them in this limo tonight, driving over to this waste of time of a ball and so they were.
"Lower your voice! You're not a child. You know how these things work. This is a great opportunity for Terres Somnia to form a mutually beneficial alliance," King Henry returned firmly.
"Caroline is not a piece of land, Henry! She'll be miserable marrying some guy she doesn't even know! Mom, come on!" Aaron persisted.
Queen Mary looked between King Henry and Aaron, taking a moment to consider her response.
"Nothing's been decided yet. He's just here to see CC at this point, nothing more."
CC had gone quiet. She hadn't grasped the courage to tell her King Henry yet, but CC applied to fashion schools. Caroline Condor had no intention of falling in line, especially when the man in question wasn't Bart.
When they arrived at the Arden residence, CC decided to find a way to deal with the issue of Prince Troy later. Experience had taught her that she wouldn't get a lot of time to find Bart and ask him to dance. Something would come inevitably come up. Tonight that something would be Prince Troy. She had to avoid him long enough to get to Bart. Even if it was just one dance, tonight was their night. She would make it happen no matter how hard he tried to avoid her or how many dukes, lords and princes came before her.