She had to give him credit. He certainly seemed to be trying. When the invitation arrived, she was in two minds about coming. The Aaron Condor she'd met over two and half years ago now didn't seem to remember her, leading her to believe that nothing had changed. That he would drop her like a hot potato when he was done with her. Normally that honestly might not have been such a big deal breaker, but she was a queen now with a bounty on her head. She needed a husband, not a fling.
"I do hope you don't burn the garden down with the fire hazard you've created back there," she said with a smile.
Damn that was some smile he thought, as he pulled out her chair for her. She wasn't playing with him or trying to tempt him. At least he didn't think she was. This smile was soft, maybe even real. It reached all the way up to her amber eyes, making them sparkle.
She took her seat and went straight to eating.
"What do you want Aaron?" Aria asked bluntly.
"We're on a first name basis already? Straight for the jugular, I like it," Aaron said, pouring champagne into their glasses.
He could have sworn anger flashed in her eyes for a second, but it was gone before he could make sure.
He really didn't remember her. What an asshole. She told herself she wouldn't get emotional about it, but now as he used the same lines on her that he'd used back then she couldn't help it. She was furious.
"You have until I have finished consuming this delicious steak. Use your time wisely."
"You got all dolled up just to eat steak?"
"I'm a queen seeking a king consort. I can't exactly turn away suitors."
Aaron chuckled as he watched her make short work of her steak.
"Is that what I am then? A suitor? I'm flattered."
She shrugged.
"You're either a suitor or trying to prevent me from getting the attention of one. Either works for me."
Damn, she had him dead to rights.
"Whatever do you mean?" he asked anyway, in his signature I'm giving you all of my attention voice.
"Obviously you know Lord Bartholomew and I have a… past connection. If it's option A, I'm happy to smile and coo and show when you deem it appropriate. So long as you are aware of my interest in other potential suitors, we can have all the fun you want. If it's option B, well that's even better. Please, do stick around."
She was doing it again, knocking him on his ass. Past connection? What exactly did that mean! Aria already seemed to know where all the cards in the deck were, including the ones in his hand.
"He's engaged you know," Aaron said with an edge to his voice.
He wanted to take it back, swallow every single syllable, but it was too late. If she had been wondering what his agenda was, she certainly knew now. He'd played right into her hands.
To say it didn't hurt that it was option B would've been a lie. She dropped her eyes down to her plate for the second it would take her to mask her hurt and then looked back up at him, a cold smirk on her face.
"To your sister, I'm aware, but then she's been engaged before and so were you not so long ago, Your Highness. Is it still Your Highness?"
The claws were out now. She was pushing all the right buttons, getting him riled up.
Back at the fashion house, when Bart and CC woke up the latter was, as predicted, mortified. She didn't speak for several minutes, despite his knowing that she was awake from how fiercely she clung to him, hiding her embarrassment.
"Good morning Caroline," Bart said eventually, laughter in his voice.
They might not have consummated their love last night, but waking up to CC in his arms brought Bart a special sort of happiness. He couldn't believe he was going to stop himself from staying with her tonight.
"Hi," she said, looking up at him slowly.
He was beaming down at her reassuringly. But it wasn't okay. How could she fall asleep while they were doing THAT! She wanted to jump out of bed and run. Even if she tried though, it would cost him next to no energy to stop her.
He dove under the covers and tickled her. She burst into a fit of giggles, her rigid body spasming under his fingers.
"Better," he said, popping his head back up from under the covers.
It felt good to touch her naked body, to shamelessly stare at her naked chest, but he was getting ahead of himself and he could tell she was too. Giving in a little, he kissed her. He counted down from 10 in his head and then withdrew.
"We need to go. We're meeting with potential caterers in an hour," he said, getting up quickly.
She pulled the covers clean off, lying on her side as he pulled up his pants.
"An hour's a lot of time."
He inhaled sharply, wondering if they could move up the wedding. It was going to be a long two months.
Bart eventually persuaded CC to leave the fashion house. He had been present for every single step of the wedding planning. CC wanted to do it all, so they did. They planned every little detail down to the napkins. Sometimes planning the wedding had been the only thing that made her happy, so even though it took a ton of time and she insisted on ridiculous things like them taking dance classes he went along with all of it. Planning something had never been so rewarding.
CC and Bart had agreed that she should spend the night at the palace. Since tomorrow was her birthday, she wanted to wake up at home. She wanted to make everyone stop worrying so much about her. This was her first birthday without her mom. It was going to be tough, but she was tired of everyone pitying her. They met up again in the evening, having parted ways after their morning appointment.
They were holding hands, loitering about in the garden, suddenly having a really difficult time parting after spending the last three nights together.
It was completely by accident. They happened upon the candle breadcrumbs and CC's eyes lit up. She was dragging Bart through the maze before he could tell her that they really shouldn't be here, because this hadn't been his doing.
"CC, wait!" Bart called out desperately.
But CC didn't stop. Before long Aaron and Aria's first date was officially crashed.
"Ria? Why are you here with him?" Bart asked angrily.
Aaron and Bart were on friendlier terms these days, but after what happened between him and Zoey, Bart simply didn't trust Aaron with Aria.
Aria smiled at Bart. It was the smile from before. The one filled with warmth and sincerity. Aaron wanted to kiss it off of her face.
"I was just leaving actually," Aria said, setting her knife and fork down.
"No, you're not!" Aaron said, red flames in his ocean blue eyes as he grabbed Aria's wrist.
"Unhand her!" Bart screamed.
"What's it to you who she spends time with?! You have a fiancee!" Aaron yelled back, jumping out of his seat and pulling Aria out of hers.
CC remembered stopping the fist fight that would definitely have erupted between Bart and Aaron at Fortunae a year ago like it was nothing. She wasn't so sure she could stop this one as easily. Just who was this woman? Who was she to Bart?
Aria didn't need a man to rescue her, but she sure didn't mind the look in Bart's eyes. She'd missed his kind, tender eyes but the angry ones were doing it for her too.
Hearing voices while taking in the grounds, Caines' newest royal guest went to investigate.
"So this is where the party's at," he said charmingly.
Bart and Aaron, both looking poised to throw the first punch, whipped their heads in his direction and yelled, "Who are you!"
The newcomer bowed like a prince that hopped straight out of a fairytale.
"He's my guest. Surely you all remember him. He came to Caines about two and half years ago looking for a wife," Aria said, peeling Aaron's fingers off of her wrist.
Aria went out to her guest and offered him her hand. He kissed it before surprising everyone by letting go and presenting himself to CC.
Shock coalesced with guilt on CC's face as her eyes went to Bart.
"Troy," CC whispered.
"Hi CC," Troy said, smiling as he took her hand and kissed it. "It's been a while."
Aaron watched Bart's anger go from 10 to 100, his hands forming fists as realization came over his face. Bart was shaking with rage. It had been over two years ago, but it looked like Bart recognized the man. Prince Troy was the man Henry had almost married CC off to. This time Aaron stepped in front of Bart, not as his enemy but as his friend.
"Dude come on, you're going to scare her. Cool it."
Aaron and Bart's eyes met and Bart took a seat, not daring to look up. He didn't want her to see him like this, didn't want her to know what her engagement did to him back then.
"You, Romeo. Beat it," said Aaron, putting himself between CC and Troy.
CC froze. She let Aaron pull her behind him, watched Bart lose his shit and try really hard to regain control. She wasn't feeling brave, but she went to him anyway, like he'd gone to her in the last few months so, so many times.
Bart was in hell, remembering the moment she'd let another man kiss her. It wouldn't stop playing in his head and he really needed it to stop. For her. She put her arms around him, like she wished she could have that night. But he couldn't stay, not even for her. So he pulled her arms away. She caught a glimpse of the pain she didn't know still haunted him before he walked away.
"Bart, wait!" she called after him.
She wasn't just going to let him go, not this time. CC took off after him, but the maze was vast and complicated and Bart soon gave her the slip.
Aria laughed at herself, at how she was still very much in love with how in love Bart was with his fiancee.
"Are you crazy?! What the hell is he doing here?!" Aaron snapped, turning his anger on Aria.
"Was it something I said?" Prince Troy asked with an easy smile.
Aaron had had a really charged evening and was just about ready to punch someone and this smug asshole would do as well as anyone.
Aria stepped out in front of Prince Troy.
"He's my fiance," she announced.
"Thank you Aria," Aaron said, pulling her out of the way, "for confirming that I definitely want to do this," he continued, sucker-punching the cocky prince.