Chapter 5
Subtitle: now who's the boss?
Vincenzo was the son of the grande Duke of Mariposa and is also a while away from being appointment the new Duke since his father is very old, he must get married first before achieving the title which should be what is still keeping him from getting crowned as duke yet.
"Come on Alice, Vincenzo is our friend. You two used to act like lovers when you were younger why are you sounding as if you do not want to see him?"
Lara asked as she saw Alice who draw a long face.
"It's not that I don't want to see him, just that it will feel very strange seeing him after eight years, and you know i'm very angry at him for never coming to visit me all these years, how dare he try to come see me after I returned."
Alice snapped and Lara laughed.
"Well why don't you say that to his face at the ball huh? He's turned out to be quiet a fine young man who happens to be single.."
Lara joked and began undressing, Alice did the same thing.
"Oh I know very well that he's single my dear friend, and so are you! Why don't you marry him huh?"
Alice counter attacked Lara's jokes and the two of them laughs before stepping into the rosy bath.
"Oh please! It will be ridiculous of you think that he'll ever marry me!"
Lara laughed.
"Ah.. why not best? I mean your very pretty and lovable why won't he want to marry you huh?"
Alice asked.
"Well for starters my statues is way below his, and we've being friends for years now, if he was to have any feelings for me then I would know..."
Lara said.
Alice patted her on the head.
"Relax don't think much of it and just take your bath okay!"
Alcie said and Lara nodded.
"Seriously Alice... You know you have to get a suitor tonight no matter what right? What are your thoughts about getting married?"
Lara suddenly asked as the two of them scrubbed their bodies clean.
"Well I don't care about that right now, I've vowed to live for my mother and avenge her, I'll marry any man with a lot of powers and command who can help dig out the mystery concerning my mother's dead, but he should not be from Mariposa, I want to be done with this province for good!"
Alice said and Lara sighed.
"Even if you don't love that man you'll marry him for his powers?"
Lara asked in shock.
"Yes, to be honest only a few people get to marry the ones they love even though I know very little about it, I would marry any man who can grant me the power I want and not trample over me."
Alice said and Lara sighed.
The two ladies chatted for a long time before leaving the bath and going on to get ready for the ball as it was getting very dark.
After putting on their ball gowns, doing their hair and dolling themselves up the two of them Proceeded to the grande ball room in a very luxurious carriage.
It was a masquerade ball and every one has to wear a mask to conceal his or her identity from the crowd.
The two walked in through the bakc door side by side as they made to join the party through the back door.
"Are you out of your mind? I asked you to get me the best mask in the whole of Mariposa and you get me this?"
A commotion was beard just some steps on front of Alice and Lara.
There stood Cynthia with a dozen of maids kneeling down in front of her.
They were all shivering and begging to be pardoned.
"We are very sorry your highness, this is really the best mask we could find, it was crafted by the best designer in the whole of Mariposa just like you wished!"
A maid apologised to Cynthia who seemed to be going ballastic.
A slap landed on the maids cheeks the next moment.
"Have you gone crazy huh? How dare you talk back at me? When I say your wrong you wrong and you should crawl on you belly and ask for forgiveness! You know what guards! Lock her up in the dungeon and don't feed her for a week, i'm sure she'll learn her lesson by then!"
Cynthia snapped and immediately two guards walked ahead and began to drag the lady out at once amidst her cries and pleas to be pardoned.
Alice was very shocked at the sight of what was happening that she had suddenly froze in her steps.
"I know you said Cynthia had a very fowl and spoilt charecter but I didn't expect it will be to this extent!"
Alice said in disbelief, the gaurds were dragging the crying maid towards their direction and when they made to walk past them Alice suddenly stood in their way blocking their exit.
"Let of of her!"
She said in a domineering tone.
The guards looked at each other and then at her in shock.
"Get out of the way miss, you won't want any problem with the princess!"
The gaurds warned and tried walking past her again but she blocked their way again.
"I said let go of her this instant!"
She added, impatient was evident in her voice.
"Who are you to order us?"
One of he gaurds asked in and angry tone and tried shoving Alice aside but she countered his attack and kicked him in the groin, the man yelled in pain and immediately let go do the maid.
The other guard was stunned.
"I'm the first princess of Mariposa and when I say you should let go of her you'll do as I say?"
She snapped in anger, the commotion had already caught the attention of Cynthia and she was already walking over angrily to take a look at who has the guts to order her gaurds she sent on and errand not to do what she said.
She was furious.
"Look here miss, there Is only one princess in the whole of Mariposa, I don't know who you are, oh are you the killer freak that's being locked up in the mountains a long time ago?"
The gaurds asked and bursted into laughter.
"You should know that no one knows your as a princess anymore, even the king stripped you of that rank so your less than a commoner!"
The gaurds mocked and immediately a loud banging slap landed on his cheek, followed by two more that sounded thunderous and angry.
His cheeks were already red and swelled up from the slap and his left eyes had gone numb, he let go of the maid at once and grabbed his cheek.
However he had angered Alice beyond repair, she grabbed him by the neck and made him face her looking directly into his eyes.
Staying alone in the mountain castle had left her bored to the point of practicing martial arts with Lara.
"I'm the first princess! There is nothing you or anyone can do about it, I wasn't given that title I was born with it! It belongs to me do you get it? ME!"
she yelled angrily and tossed him aside.
Right that moment an angry Cynthia matched unto her face.
"Who do think you are and what do you think your doing?"
She yelled and made to grab Alice by the hair but her hand was suspended in mid air.
It was Lara.
Cynthia looked at Lara and then Alice with deadly eyes.
"How dare you touch me with your filthy hands! I shall have you executed first thing tomorrow for this audacity!"
She yelled and faced Alice again, yanking her hand from Lara's grip and pushing her aside.
"I heard you came back last night, I didn't know it was you when you bumped into me, you must feel happy and special that your back, to mingle amongst noble poeple killer!"
Cynthia sneered at Alice who smirked at her angering her more.
"I was only away for a few years and looked what your lovely parents have turned you into dear sister... they've turned you into a spoilt brat!"
Alice snapped and Cynthia almost lost her breath, her eyes widened in shock at the insult.
She could not talk back and just shook in anger.
"You.. get up! From now on your my maid and you'll follow me around, your to take orders from me only!"
Alice ordered the maid on the ground who quickly stood up and thanked her continuesly.
"What is going on here?"
The queens voice is heard in the background.
"Mother! Did you just see how this killer bullied me? She slapped me and beat up my guards, she even took away one of my maids. Father please punish her for my sake!"
Cynthia began to cry at once and rushed over towards the king and queen who are walking towards their way.
Alice scoffed in annoyance as she folded her arms.
"You! What did you do to my daughter?"
The queen roared at Alice as soon as they reached them.
Alice laughed with a loapsided smirk.
"I didn't do anything to her, I just corrected the stray cat, is it bad?"
Alice replied and the queen boiled in anger while staring at the king to say something.
"Cynthia, Alice is your sister and you should not disrespect her. Now come on girls, the guess are waiting!"
The king finally said and Alice shot both Cynthia and the queen a 'now who's the boss?'
Look before walking after the king.
The queen had no choice but to keep quiet in the presence of the king, she gently coaxed her daughter and promised her to deal with Alice later.
Alice turned to Lara and said.
"Take her along with you and mingle with the guests, I shall find you two later on after the introduction.."
She said in a faint voice and Lara nodded and walked the other way with the maid running after her.
Alice stood before the three other people she hated to call family as the curtains were thrown open and the announcer began to announce the kings presence to the guest.