Chapter 3.
Lara turned around staring at Alice who just stood as if she were a poster.
"Won't you pay respect to the king?"
She nugde her but Alice kept quiet.
The queen who was sitted on her throne besides the king stared at the two ladies, the displeasure she had towards Alice was every well printed on her face and even though she doesn't even remember what the girl looked like she was still annoyed with her.
"Usually I would make sure anyone who dares show his or her disprespect in front of his royal highness gets severely punished, but you are lucky I am in a very good mood today as you already know that my dear daughter is going to be crowned today.
I'm Very aware that you are the kings daughter but your currently nothing, your rank is as low as a commoner so don't be too rude dear Alice.."
Queen Helen blurted out, she tried not to sound too annoying for her husband's sake but even a blind man would tell clearly she was annoyed with Alice's presence.
"I don't mind being a commoner at all, in fact I've being one for eight years and I've gotten very used to it.
What I haven't gotten used to is bowing before a king and a queen who clearly do not deserve my respect!"
Alice retorted, she had no fear or whatsoever in her voice and Lara gasped in fright.
She knew the two of them were already in for a lot of trouble and she had tried to warn Alice to behave but to no avail.
The queen was very shocked while the king just sat on his throne quietly as if he was the only one in the room and didn't care what was going on.
"You little brat! How dare you address the king and queen like that! Apologize at once!"
The queen yelled and stood from her seat.
"If you would please excuse me your highnesses I'd be on my way, you know I need to get ready for my ball tonight, it's not just your princess that's having a ball tonight!"
Alice said, not minding the hideous look on the queens face.
After bowing slightly she walked away from the throne room without looking back, Lara also bowed and quickly ran after Alice who was almost at the door.
Alice was going to reach the exit door of the throne room when the guards sectioned there suddenly pulled open the large door and a happy looking girl walked in.
She had very nice brown hair and has a very pretty face that looked innocent, she was in fact princess Cynthia Alexandria of Mariposa and everyone adored her, she was the one and only daughter of queen Helen and she is treasured so much although she had a very foul charecter that most of the town people hate, but they could do nothing but only obey her when she orders them or their heads will be served to queen Helen on a plate.
Cynthia was whistling as she walked in and didn't notice Alice who was dressed in all black and a veil covered her face, thus making them bump into each other.
Cynthia stumbled backwards as she massaged her fore head, Alice also felt the pains but didn't show it and just made to walk past the door, it wasn't her fault after all that Cynthia was not looking where she was going and had bumped into her while in a hurry.
"Have you gone crazy, how dare you bump into me and then walked away without getting punished!"
Cynthia shrieked in anger and grabbed Alice by the hand dragging her backwards.
Alice hissed in annoyance as she watched lara shivered in fear and Cynthia roared like a mad dog, she had no idea who Cynthia was since she had never seen her.
"Who are you?"
Alice asked Cynthia.
She tried sounding as polite as possible, Cynthia on the other hand scoffed in shock and cast Alice a deadly glare.
"Who am I? Have you gone nuts! I mean it's okay that you don't recognize me because I walk around with my veil but are you blind enough to not know that im the princess! Who do you think will be allowed into this throne room except me huh?"
Cynthia barked and grabbed Alice by her hair trying to drag her to the ground.
Alice who was not a weak girl grabbed Cynthia's hands in returm and twisted it, making Cynthia let go of her hair by force.
Cynthia yelled in pains and shrieked.
"What do you think your doing to my daughter! Guards grab her and escort her out of this chambers at once!"
The queen who heard commotions from the inner court room walked out in annoyance.
The guards made to grab Alice but she shut them a dead glare which made two of them hesitate.
"Ah so your the so called princess Cynthia! Look here, I don't care who you are just don't trouble me. It's very rude to bump into someone and then blame that person for it! Let's go Lara!"
Alice said and walked out of the throne room with Lara before Helen could get to the door.
Cynthia cried in anger and kicked the gaurd near her on the shin.
"Aaaarghhh! How dare she!"
Cynthia yelled in frustration that someone dared to offend her like that, in her eighteen years of life no one has ever I shunned her in that manner and it annoyed the freak out of her.
Alice sat in the cold room as she watch Lara arrange a few clothes on the take besides her, she looked around the familiar room with mixed feelings.
It hold many childhood memories she couldn't forget or let go.
She could clearly remember her mother's sweet voice lingering in her ears.
"Go to sleep Alice, your a kid and can't stay up late!"
Her mother's voice recalled in her mind, she remembered her mother always tucking her to bed every single day while saying the same phrase all the time
She fought back the tears that almost hit her face as she recalled the day her mother died in cold blood, someone had break in and stabbed her in the heart,although Alice could not remember what that person looked like because of the veil and disguise of that person but she could still remember that person hard a white pearl bracelet on his or her left hand.
She had vowed to destroy anyone behind her sorrows and she would stop at nothing till she has gotten her revenge.
"Alice I will need you to pick between these three ball gowns, one of which you would wear tonight."
Lara's voice suddenly snapped her out of her trance and she looked over to see that Lara had finished organizing the items on the table.
There were three sets of clothes laid neatly on the table.
A black ballgown and a yellow mermaid gown, the last piece was a purple short gown that wasn't as long and bubbly as the other two.
"You pick anything that will you think looks good to you Lara, you don't have to ask me all the time since you and I aren't strangers and you know what I like and dislike."
Alice quietly said and looked out of the window.
"Then I'll strongly suggest you go with this purple outfit, it's more fitted snd would match your eye and hair colour. It will also allow you to move around freely in it without any difficulties!"
Lara replied and Alice nodded in accordance.
There was a knock on the door shortly and lara walked over to the door to see who it was.
"Your highness!"
She gasped and bowed as she discourvered it was the king who was at the door with his guards.
Alice looked over towards the door with a cold face.
Lara opened the door slowly and the king walked in, looking around the room as if he hasn't being there in ages.
He stood before Alice and stared at her for a while without talking before handing her a black box.
"This is your birthday present Alice. I wasn't able to give you presents for eight years since you've being away for that time being so I got you something to make up for it!"
The king said and handed her the blakc box.
She refused to take it.
"And is it my fault that I've being away for eight years huh?"
She asked, pain was evident in her voice.
"I know you and I have a very huge rift in our relationship as father and daughter but I only sent you away to reflect on yourself and what you did! Not to punish you!"
The king said firmly.
Alice scoffed.
"Reflect on myself? You must be kidding me, I've being trying to justify myself to you for the past eight years of the fact that I did not kill my own mother but you choose not to believe me! Do you think I'll kill the person who ever loved me, the only person who cared that I existed? Your the most ridiculous king I've ever met in my entire life and if your mind tells you that a ten year old will kill her own sweet mother then I must say your a very generous king! I shall not accept your gift as you never cared about me! You removed my rank as a crowned princess and gave it up to your illegitimate child! I am the princess! I deserve to get crowned tonight not some thief!"
Alice yelled and her father glared at her.
her father roared at her.
Alice was shocked, if ever her father calls her with her full name it means he was utterly angry and may punish her thoroughly.
It angered and shocked her that he would get angry at her that much for calling his dear daughter an illegitimate child.
"Do you treasure her that much! Fine, go ahead and crown you precious Cynthia as the princess, you do not have to worry about me ruining your very special party because I shall not attend it!"
She yelled as tears rushed out of her eyes, the tears she's fought back for ages.