When we got to Susie’s apartment, I kicked the door forcefully in. She was about to scream, but then she saw me and started taking quick steps back, trying to run up her stairs.
Edoardo raised his arm and pointed a gun at her, making her freeze immediately. Hands in my pants pocket, anger pouring off my body, I asked through gritted teeth.
“Where is she?”
My patience reserves were dangerously low now, and I was raging, not just because of the embarrassment this whole runaway-bride action would cost me. But also because she was disrupting my plan. She was my tool for revenge.
Her father is on my next-to-kill list and marrying her gives him the false hope that I'll let him leave after everything he did to my family. But I had bigger and deadlier plans for both him and his darling daughter.
Aria was meant to be mine, my trophy. Mine to do whatever the hell I chose to. And God help me when I find her, I'm going to do so much to her that she'll regret ever running away from me.
How the hell did I underestimate this woman? She’d been completely untraceable since she left. Her phone had been off, and her cards, unused. We had to find out moments ago that she took a long break from work before leaving. She was a master planner. I would give it to her.
There was no way she was doing any of this alone. Whoever is helping her, better pray that I don’t catch him or her. And If it’s a ‘him’, then he's dead on sight.
“Where is she?” I asked again. “Don’t make me ask you a third time, Susie.”
She stared at us, terrified. “I don’t know where she is. She didn’t say a word to me.” Susie swore.
Behind me, I heard Carlo close the door, and Susie became more terrified. “Please, I don’t know. She didn’t tell me where she was going.” She said again.
Staring at her, I let the discomfort of my silence push her into talking more. “I’m not lying. I have no idea. But if you shoot me, she’ll never come back,” she tried to reason with me.
“I don’t see the truth in that,” I said. “I plan on killing you. And if I kill you, I’m very sure she will come to your funeral. Now that’s a brilliant plan I have there, don’t you think?”
Susie’s eyes widened. She cradled her arms, and she lifted her chin and tipped it at me. “Aria hates you right now, but she’ll detest you if you kill me.” She argued.
A sinister grin pulled at my lips, making her flinch. “I’m fine with that. Tell me where she is, otherwise Edoardo will put a bullet in your brain.”
“I have no idea.”
“Ardo,” I called
Without another word from me, Edoardo shot her in the arm, and she screamed. Maybe she thought I came to her house at midnight bearing jokes. Carlo was already coming close to me to act as an advocate on her behalf, but I raised my hand, telling him to stay back.
“What the hell is wrong with you?” Susie looked up, glaring at Ardo. “Do you want to kill me? If yes, then next time, aim for the skull, or my fuckin heart!” She yelled at Edoardo.
“The fuck! You should be scared.” Edoardo said.
Irritatingly, I found myself understanding why this woman was best friends with Aria. She was a brave little fool as well.
‘Birds of a fucking feather.’
Edoardo looked at me with a cynical smile. "So do I shoot her skull or her heart, Pietro?"
"What?" Susie questioned. "I'm bleeding, and you're still thinking of shooting me again. That's sheer wickedness."
"Pietro," Edoardo called, his gun still pointed at Susie.
"Okay, wait, wait," Susie begged, all traces of humor gone from her face. "I was kidding about the whole shooting me thing. It's something I do when I'm scared." She explained. "I really have no idea where she is, I promise. She made it a point not to tell me because she knew you’d come looking for her."
"She holds no value for your life, then. You should consider making better friends." I said cold-bloodedly.
Edoardo's fingers were steady on his gun, waiting for my order. The sudden realization of what was about to happen hit Susie. She finally understood that this wasn't a friendly visit. I was too angry, too pained, and too tense for jokes.
"Please..." she sobbed. "I have no idea where she is, please. If you kill me, Aria will never forgive you. She’ll never get over losing me," Susie pleaded, holding my gaze. "She'll be devastated, and my death will change her forever. She'll blame herself for my death, probably for the rest of her life." Susie preached.
There’s no way she thinks all this emotional bullshit would work on me. Emotion is the last thing that weighs in the balance for me when it comes to taking someone’s life. My mother and siblings were murdered by a group of ten men who see themselves as gods.
And now where are they? They're almost gone with their children and grandchildren, except Roberto Kostas, Aria's father and two others who have been in hiding since the day I started hunting them down.
Marrying Roberto Kostas daughter is only but the first step to the doom I'm going to unleash on his family. But the fool thinks a union between our families will suddenly wash away his sins.
'Such a pity.'
Blood was spurting haphazardly from the visible hole the first bullet created in Susie's flesh. And silent tears were streaming down her face as she waited for my verdict. I started walking towards her and she crawled away, trying to hide from my approaching form as best she could.
She was whimpering in pain; her face showed how tense she was when I crouched in front of her. Surely she must realize the mercy I'd given her.
A non-lethal gunshot wound is such a generosity from someone like me. I tossed a towel at her from her dining area, and she caught it, staring at me with wary eyes.
Then I took my gun out of the band of my trousers and pressed it against the open skin of her throat.
"Are you going to kill me?" She whispered. Her muscles worked beneath the cold metal as she swallowed thickly.
"Aria is working with someone. Oddly, I think you know who. But I'd like to give you the benefit of doubt. However, I need you to send a message to her. I don't care how you do it, but you must get it done."
She nodded slightly, cautious of the hard metal on her throat. I lifted my gun slowly until it now rested against her forehead. My words were low and chilling when I spoke again.
"Tell her to call me. If she doesn’t call before the weekend. The next time you see me, I won't stop shooting until you turn limp. And that's a promise."
Susie nodded again, while staring unflinchingly back at me.
"Good," I said, rising to my feet.
Edoardo was already out of the apartment, and when I got to the doorway, I shook my head and turned to Susie.
"I think I changed my mind. Maybe it's better she comes to your funeral," I said and pulled the trigger.