ARIA’S POV (Present Day)
I walked into the gigantic home of Pietro Eppolito. The guards were obviously alarmed when they saw me, but they didn't say a word. Seeing Pietro's supposed bride in her wedding dress waltzing into the house as if she owns it. Well, I might own it if the wedding pulls through.
The man who was once introduced to me as Giancarlo was the first to see me when I pushed open the entrance door. He frowned briefly. But I didn't give a hoot. It's actually my wedding day today. Everything is set. Our families are waiting, and I'm dressed for the so-called union.
But I decided to speak to Pietro one more time to see if he could change his fucking mind. It was either that or I'll go ahead with the carefully orchestrated plan I already set in motion.
"This is not a good time, Aria," Giancarlo called with such familiarity that you'd think we were friends, but we weren't.
"I need to see Pietro," I replied instead. "Tell him I need just a few minutes of his time. I won't be long. I promise." I replied, lifting my wedding dress to adjust my step.
"You're supposed to be at the church. What do you think you're doing here?" He asked, the worry lines on his forehead deepening.
"I was on my way to church. The car is waiting for me outside. I just need to speak to Pietro, please." He stared at me briefly, contemplating if this was a good idea or not. Then he nodded.
"Stay here. Do not take a step. I'll see if I can get him to see you."
"Thank you," I replied as he walked out of the room.
I watched him disappear into the room down the dimly lit hallway of the house. I waited for a while, maybe a minute or two. But I waited. When I didn't see anyone, I started towards the direction Giancarlo had disappeared to.
What I assumed to be a room turned out to be a straight passage with doors on each side. I moved down the passage, checking each room, one room at a time, and passed four guards who were heading outside along the way.
None of them stopped me, nor did they offer me an answer when I asked them about Pietro's whereabouts.
I have a car parked just down the road, outside Pietro's house, with a small traveling box containing a few of my clothes and fake passports. All I needed to do was get this discussion with Pietro over with, and if the man doesn't see reasons with me, then I'll disappear.
There was no other option aside from that. Marriage to a man like Pietro is out of the question and I must say "over my dead body". I was very certain he was trying to box me up and deal with me for daring to speak my mind.
If I agreed to this marriage, then by the time he would be done with me, I'd be nothing but dust.
The next door I opened had a dark passageway and another door that led to a well-lit-room. I could see Pietro's back through the window.
I closed the door behind me and walked toward the door. I had just pulled the door handle when I heard loud gunshots fired at a man lying on the floor three times.
A loud gasp escaped my lips, and Pietro turned to the door. He frowned and handed his gun to Giancarlo. He was dressed in an ash-colored suit that did so much justice to his hot body. But my eyes went back to the lifeless body on the floor and my brain focused there.
Pietro observed me under those dreadful eyes of his. "Hello, Tesorina." He called and started walking toward me like a lion that had just discovered his prey.
Reacting to instincts, I bolted out of the room. I heard him shouting about something or at someone. But my legs were very fast. My ticket out of this goddamn city was parked at a safe distance from his house and I needed to get to it before Pietro or any of his men did.
I managed to run out of his house amid confused guards. And just as I stepped behind the wheels of my car, I saw two of Pietro's men run out of the gate.
I adjusted myself behind the wheels and zoomed off. Unfortunately, one of Pietro's cars was already on my tail.
'Goddamn it!'