Dear Diary,
I think I've finally processed everything that happened fully and yet I still have no idea what to do. Anna won't tell me what's wrong, Rory had been extremely hot and cold, and honestly I don't even see a point in bringing the girl from the party into this. How on earth has my life turned into this mess of time in less than a week of college?
Today was our final day of orientation and god was I excited for it to be over. The sexual tension between me and Rory was enough to make me wanna fuckin scream. Clearly you have no idea what I'm talking about, but you will soon enough.
Our events of the morning were quite boring and by the time lunch rolled around I was starving. This afternoon was dedicated to lawn games and the taco truck Rory had been raving about since yesterday. I had found a nice comfy seat on the grass and my plan to avoid everyone was going pretty well until some brunette came and sit next to me. She remained silent as I peered over at her and I noticed her gaze was set on some guy with a Fuck boy haircut and a dumbass dragon tattoo on his arm.
"Uh can I help you?" I questioned
She looked over before turning to stare at him once more "Not unless you can read minds."
"Dragon boys not worth your time." I chuckled
She glared over at me "And why's that?"
I raised my eyebrows upon hearing her tone "He's obviously a fuck boy. I bet you five bucks his name is Brad, Chad, Justin or some shit like that."
"It's Luke." She grumbled
I nodded my head "That suits him."
She let out a giggle "Okay fine you're right but he is hot."
"There's plenty of hotter guys with better personalities. If he's not willing to give you his full attention then he doesn't deserve yours." I smiled over at her
"What's your name Miss Wisdom?" She grinned
I couldn't help but laugh in return "My name is Teagan but I may have to change it to Miss Wisdom now."
"I''m Katie and I don't think that's a half bad idea." She smiled back
We talked for quite awhile after that and she was surprisingly not annoying like most people. We got tacos at the truck and even played a couple rounds of ladder ball. Just as we were about to move into a game of corn hole I felt a tapping on my shoulder.
I spun to meet Rory's seemingly hostile gaze "I need to talk to you."
"Okay." I mumbled out lamely before she grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the Main building on campus
I mouthed a quick apology to Katie before pulling my hand from her grasp "What the hell Rory!"
"Just follow me." She grumbled opening the doors to the building
I mean what the fuck has gotten into her right? I mean I followed her nonetheless and she led me to an elevator before clicking the fifth floor button.
"Why are we going up to the dorm rooms?" I questioned watching as she swiped her ID
The first two floors were just offices and other shit but the top three were dorm rooms for the upper class man.
"I'll tell you when we get there." She stated
I glared back at her "I want to know now."
"Just shut up and follow me." She grumbled as the doors swung open at the fifth floor
She led me down the right hallway and stopped outside the second door labeled Rory and Denise. She opened it before we both walked inside and shut the door closed behind us.
"Look I just couldn't go another day without knowing if you're gonna report me." Rory rambled out
What the fuck?
"Why would I report you Rory?" I countered crossing my arms over my chest
"It's just you said you never drank so I thought you were completely sober that night in the bathroom." She stated before meeting my gaze "And then I tasted alcohol on your lips when we kissed but I just couldn't control myself."
"I told you to kiss me Rory it's all good. There no need to worry I wouldn't report you for that and I wasn't drinking till after we kissed." I stated
She nodded "I'm sorry this job just has me insanely stressed and there's this rule against hooking up with and or dating your mentees. I'm sorry I overreacted."
"Don't worry about it." I replied smiling over at her "I'm glad we talked because the awkwardness between us was fucking deafening."
She grinned up at me "Why are you so cute? Even the way you talk and the words you use are absolutely adorable."
"You're so hot and cold with me Rory. I thought you were worried about your job and shit." I grumbled out
She took a step closer brushing a strand of hair behind my ear as she had in the bathroom that night.
"That's because I should stay away from you but I can't." She grinned letting her fingertips slowly fall along my neck
I felt a shiver run down my spine as heat rushed to my cheeks "You make it sounds like it's life or death."
"Maybe it is." She smirked before pulling me in for a kiss
There was a fire ignited between us in an instant as she pulled me closer. Ever fiber of my being craved for more of her touch and kiss as she pulled back grinning at me. I held her lustful gaze as she ran her hand down my body to my waist.
"God I want to fuck you so badly right now." She growled into my ear as she leaned in
She gently nibbled on my earlobe causing me to release a low moan.
"Then d-do it," I stuttered out causing her to move back and give me a questioning look
She shook her head and took a step back "We've been gone far too long as it is."
"But Rory!" I grumbled as she swung the door wide open
"No buts, let's go." She stated
Damn she's sexy when she goes all mentor on me and I can think of a thing or two I'd like her to mentor me in later tonight. We walked back onto the lawn and she even tagged along to play a round of corn hole with me since Katie was now missing.
Once the lawn event was over I pulled her aside and whispered in her ear "Do you wanna go somewhere private to finish our conversation?"
She gave me a knowing smirk and nodded "Sure but not until after dinner."
As expected dinner was shit as usual and time seemed to tick by slower than ever. I still wasn't sure if this was truly a good decision or not though. I mean I pretty much said I wanted to have sex with her and I'm a fucking VIRGIN! I met this girl days ago and I'm already making plans to spread my legs for her tonight. Jesus Christ what has college done to me? This is the type of shit my mom wanted to me to reflect on in a negative light and yet I was half skipping to my dorm after dinner.
Rory had told me she'd pick me up at eight in her car out front and I still needed to get ready. I sprinted up to my room and then into the shower to shave and clean myself up. When I walked back into my room I found Anna sitting criss cross on her bed.
"Hey Teagan I think we should talk." She stated in barely a whisper
Now you want to talk Anna? Are you fucking kidding me?
Her eyes scanned up and down as I awkwardly replied "What did you want to talk about?"
"Why do you look so nice?" She countered
"You wanted to discuss my fashion choices?" I joked as I plopped onto my bed
She shook her head "Of course not, I wanted to apologize for being so childish about you kissing that girl at the party."
"Which girl?" I questioned hoping to god she didn't somehow know about Rory
She gave me a weird look "That Jalyn girl you played beer pong with who else?"
"Oh yeah," I mumbled nervously "yeah I'm sorry about that too."
"Do you not remember kissing her?" She asked giving me a pointed look
I shrugged "It's all a bit blurry to be honest but I definetely didn't know if her name was Jalyn."
"Well I'm sorry again for being childish about the whole thing."
"Were you jealous?"
Her cheeks turned bright pink "N-no."
"Liar." I chuckled before standing up and pulling on a leather coat over my gray tee
She tilted her head to the side "Where are you going so late at night?"
"Just, uh, meeting someone." I mumbled out lamely
She rolled her eyes crossing her arms "So another girl I presume?"
"Uh, yeah, something like that."
"I thought you weren't a player?" She grumbled
I rolled my eyes "You were literally the second person I ever kissed Anna. The third and fourth just so happened to come very closely after and trust me I'm just as surprised as you."
"Wait fourth?" She questioned glaring over at me
I nodded "Yeah."
"When did that happen?"
No point in lying now, I've already fucked up and told her I kissed another girl.
"Uh at that party,"
"Who?" She questioned
"I don't kiss and tell." I stated with a wink before opening the door "I'll see you later."
"Yeah, see you later."
I was more than excited to escape that awkward mess of a living situation I had created. Sharing a room with her is going to be hell if she's going to constantly be jealous of every girl I meet. The thing is, I didn't come to college to settle down and have someone telling me what to do. I came here to be my own person and I'd be damned if Anna was gonna ruin that for me. I mean don't get me wrong she's cute and a good kisser but definetely too clingy.
I spotted a car pulled to the side with its headlight on and ran over to the passenger side. I looked and saw Rory grinning at me as I opened the door and slid inside. Her car was a red mustang with racing stripes and honestly I couldn't help think that I wouldn't mind losing my virginity in it.
"Hey beautiful." She smiled over at me before peeling out of the parking lot
I could feel the heat rising to my cheeks but luckily the darkness hid my face "Hey to you too."
"Ready to go for a J ride?" She questioned
I squinted over at her "A what now?"
"You're too innocent my dear Teagan." She laughed before holding up a thick joint "It's where you smoke and drive."
"Uh, I've never even smoked." I mumbled out
"Would you like to?" She questioned
I nodded "Yeah sure, I'll try it."
"Feeling adventurous are you?"
"I guess so."
She placed the joint between her lips and lit it carefully as we made our way down a backroad. She took two hits before passing it over to me. I awkwardly placed it between my lips and took a tiny hit before almost coughing my lungs up.
"Holy shit!" I yelled between coughs causing her to look over at me "but I like it."
I took another hit before passing it back and I could just barely see the smirk on her lips "You're a trip Teagan."
"A trip?" I questioned
She let out a low chuckle "Trust me you're not ready for that yet, I'll tell you when you're older."
"Oh god." I laughed nervously "I'm not that much younger than you."
"You are in terms of innocence."
"I'm not that innocent." I grumbled
She gave me a pointed look "Up until this week you had never drank, never smoked, and I'm assuming that you're still a virgin. Am I correct?"
"Uh, um," I mumbled out "Y-yeah you a-are."
"You're too cute." She laughed before passing the joint back over to me "Don't get all nervous on me now, I'm not planning on fucking you tonight."
"Why not?" I whined before taking a hit
My head was starting to feel fuzzy as she spoke "Because you're a virgin and you're gonna be as high as a kite in a minute."
"You got me high so you couldn't have sex with me?" I grumbled out crossing my arms
She snatched the joint from my hand and rolled her eyes "I mean kind of but I also just don't want your first time to be a hook up."
"Well I don't plan to be dating anyone soon so I definitely will lose my virginity to a hook up either way."
"Why would you want to do that?"
"Because I want to enjoy being single at college before I get caught up in one person again." I grumbled
She looked over at me "Again?"
"Long story."
"Okay, so what about your family? Other than the whole Catholic thing."
We drove and talked for awhile and it was nice getting to know her better. I found out she had been raised in Bath NY and her parents were both very liberal. She had come out to them as bi at the age of 13 and as a lesbian at 15. She had one older brother named Dane and a younger sister named Sarah. Before I knew it she was parked back outside my dorm with an adorable smile playing on her lips.
"We should do this again sometime." She stated leaning closer to me
"Agreed." I replied before pulling her in for a short fiery kiss
As I got out of her car I could swear my legs had turned to jelly. This girl literally makes my knees weak and my mind go blank when she kisses me. I was actually glad she hadn't tried to fuck me in the backseat of her beauty of a car. She was extremely respectful and I had a great time driving around with her.
Well that's all for now, until next time, I bid you farewell.
Teagan The Closeted Lesbian