Lesley walked out of the waiting room and took the lift for the ground floor. She hugged her bag in excitement. She couldn't believe she had gotten the job. And to top it all, the job she loves most, Looking after children.
The lift doors opened and she stepped out. She walked past the fountain as she stared at it again.... well she'd see it closely when she resumes work. She walked out of the huge gates and stopped a cab.
"Crescent's. Fifth avenue." she told the cabman as she got in. She had been given her work schedule by the lady who was calling the names.
Hazel had eaten every piece of the pastries and cookies She had brought and made her promise to bring more when she resumes. And she was to start work two days from now... plenty of time to shop for new working clothes. She smiled. Finally she has gotten a job!. Away from boredom and away from her thinking. Good riddance to her past life. She's gotten a new life now and she would live it to the fullest.
When she got home, she was tired and thirsty. She drank a full can of water and showered. She dressed up and came out of her apartment. She has gotten a job, the least she could do was celebrate.
And a couple of free drinks won't hurt. She took the lift for the second floor and stopped at Stacy's apartment. She rang the bell. Seconds later, the door opened to reveal Stacy in a bum short and top. She smiled on seeing her.
"Hi." Lesley smiled, this time genuinely.
"Hi Lesley.... changed your mind now?." she asked with a smirk, opening the door wider. Lesley stepped in
"Well.... I figured out that after getting a job as a nanny, a couple of drinks won't hurt." She sat down on a cream coloured couch.
"Nice apartment" she said taking in the simple but girly looking living room.
"Thanks Lesley." she walked over to a cabinet and picked a bottle of non alcoholic wine and two glasses. She turned and paused, arching a brow
"Woah!... Wait a sec, did you just say as a Nanny?." She drawled. Lesley nodded
" To Gary Gaughtier's kid?." Lesley shrugs
"Don't know his name yet... kid's name is Hazel" Stacy widened her eyes in excitement
"Holy fuck!.... that's Gary's kid!."She gasps, coming over to sit beside Hazel and handing her a glass cup.
"Does that ring a bell?.". Lesley mused, holding her cup as Stacy poured wine into it.
"Nope dearie.... it sounds a trumpet actually." Lesley chuckled and took a sip of her wine.
"Gary Gaughtier is Newyork idol!. He owns over half of the state's companies around." Lesley bats her lashes.
"Woah!, that's a lot of achievement!" She exclaims truthfully, trying not to let her surprise shlw
"Not only that... he's every sane girl fantasy, every bitch die hard crush, they don't mind killing to get in bed with him... excluding me though I've got a boyfriend who's got a good d i c k." She rolled her eyes dramatically earning a laugh from Lesley.
"Doesn't he have wife or something?" She asked curiously. Stacy scoffed.
"Oh you mean that bitch called Brie?. She's a first class model. Her father a business tycoon in Carlifornia. He's got billions of cash. Brie left Gary to marry a guy who's also a model. Told Gary she didn't want the kid. Gary was hurt, almost ruined his reputation. He got over it pretty good. Stuck his head into his work and made more fame after she left. Rumour has it that Brie wants Gary back." Stacy was all too excited to dish out the information. Lesley shook her head. Everyone got a skeleton in their cupboard though.
"So you mean Hazel dosent know her mom?"
"Nope, she left when Hazel was two and since then she has been brought up by nannies, Her nannies don't last up to a month, kid's a psycho... Good luck to being her nanny. Lesley chuckled again.
"You now so much Stacy." Lesley mused.
"Just my kind of person though.... my boyfriend works for the press so I get firsthand information." she said and winked
"That's cool." Lesley complimented. Having a friend wasn't bad afterall. Especially one like Stacy.
They chatted for long. Stacy making her laugh her lungs out with her stories. She left later in the evening promising Stacy to stop by frequently. She had enjoyed her company a great deal. She got home, and showered. she was full already, Stacy had prepared food for her, so she just made herself a cup of coffee. She put on her nightie and brought out her laptop. She ordered for classy working dresses and shoes. She wanted to look good on her first day at work, first impression they say, matters a lot. After ordering, She closed her laptop and snuggled under the covers and with a huge smile on her face, slept off.
Lesley sat at her makeup table, applying make up. She was super excited. Why won't she be? After all she was starting work today. She didn't look bad either. She was putting on a black dress, the length stopping at her knees, hugging her hourglass figure. She took her dad's blue eyes and her mom pointed nose and small lips. in fact. Lesley was a diva.
She put finishing touches to her make up. She stood up and carried her black purse and small lunch pack containing Hazel's treat, before sliding her feet into her white flat shoes.
She locked up and took the lift for the ground floor. She won't be taking her car to work. Putting on her dark sunglasses she stopped a cab and got in. "Greenlands estates"
Lesley butt was aching from sitting too long. She had arrived an hour ago and was waiting for Gary Gaughtier to discuss her pay with him before she started work. She was in the fourth floor, and Hazel's room was on the third floor so Hazel hadn't known she had arrived. She couldn't stop feasting her eyes on every single piece of furniture in the living room, it reeked of cash, and even the smallest furniture costs a fortune.
The fat headed security man at the door had failed to answer her when she asked to see Gary Gaughtier. Bored, she stood up and began to walk around the living room admiring every piece of furniture and estimating how much they would cost. She stopped at a large aquarium taking a large part of the wall and stared at the beautiful golden coloured fishes inside. She rested her palm and forehead on the glass to get a better view of it. She didn't know how long she remained that way, watching the the fishes swim.
"Are you done staring or you'd like to remain there forever." Lesley jerked at the voice, a deep masculine voice and she twirled sharply. A soft gasp escaped her mouth and a thousand butterflies somersaulted in her tummy as she stared at the demi god seated on a couch.