Lesley pushed the trolley, as she strolled around the grocery store looking through the items displayed on shelves. She had come up with what she would take along for the interview. she had always loved kids, and knew a lot about them. she bit her lips as memories flooded in, which she pushed out of her mind. Not now, not ever. In an hour she was done shopping. she drove home and got out of the car. she opened the backseat and took out all the shopping bags, struggling to get a hold on all of them. Too much bags... so much for an interview. She walked tiredly out of the parking lot.
" Hi Lesley". Lesley looked sideways. She frowned a little and brightened her eyes in recognition. Stacy the girl she met the day she moved in.
"Hey Stacy... sup" she replied and continued walking.
"Need help with your bags?". Stacy asked cheerfully walking towards her
"uh... no am fine"she faked a smile and began to walk a bit faster. she tripped on a can and staggered forward, losing balance some of the bags fell to the floor.
"Fuck!" she cursed. Stacy stiffening a laugh, walked to her over picked up the bags
"Thanks..." she muttered in embarrassment.
"it's no biggie Lesley". she chuckled lightly as they entered into the lift. Stacy pressed the button for the second floor. There was little silence. Lesley glanced at Stacy who was chewing a bubble gum and scrolling through her phone. minutes later, Stacy handed the bags to her as the lift doors opened and stacy stepped out.
"Bye Lesley still expecting you". she waved, Lesley nodded in reply as the lift doors closed. she pressed the button for the fifth floor. she leaned against the lift walls and sighed, her mind drifting away.
She had been scheduled for her interview the next day by 10am, lateness wont be tolerated. The applicants had reduced to a hundred since the previous day. What sort of kid is that??. She stepped out of the lift walking through the empty hallway with doors either side of her. She stopped at apartment number 256. she slipped the keys into the lock. It clicked open and she went in. she walked to the kitchen, and dropped the bags on the kitchen counter. She opened the fridge, took out a bottle of water, poured some into a cup and downed the contents. She placed it back
into the fridge and began to stuff away the items she bought.
A bowl of cereals in her laps, Lesley sat down on the couch watching a movie on the television. she had finally decided on what to prepare for the kid. children loved dishes, especially home made dishes, so she would prepare her one. she had always loved to bake and cook so she would put on her best. she made her way to the kitchen cleaned her plate and after showering, she snuggled under the bed covers... to sleep early. Anxious for tomorrow interview.