As I stepped into the boardroom, my father was tapping his fingers on the table impatiently, with Aiden beside him. There were two other board members in the room, and I hoped that the issue hadn't reached their ears.
"You called for me?" I asked directly, skipping all formalities.
My father slid a file over to me. "What's this nonsense, Zayden." He said with a tone of disapproval. It was the contract I signed with a neighbouring company just yesterday, and now they wanted to terminate it.
I tried maintaining a straight face, but I was taken aback. "This is not possible," I said.
"I received complaints, Zayden, and I didn't like what I heard . Since when did you become so incompetent? " He raised his voice, expressing disappointment in my work.
I gritted my teeth trying to stay calm. "Enlightenment me."
" The presentation you made yesterday doesn't align with what's written here. Your model of device is the same as our outdated products, did you think someone in this modern age would want to use a device that'll take a minute to solve a problem?"
I squinted my brows. I had spent six months working on this, so there was not even the slightest chance that I made a mistake. I glanced over at Aiden, who seemed to be enjoying the show. It wouldn't be a surprise if Aiden had a hand in this after all; this wasn't the first time.
"Have I ever created a model that takes less than 10 seconds to solve a problem? " I asked him raising a brow.
It seems like he must have forgotten that all my models of phones have made ten times the sales than Aiden's.
" You tell me! I'm spending millions on this, Zayden. I'm giving you two weeks to come up with a new model, and if you don't start making sales within the first five days, then Aiden will take the lead in handling projects."
He got up, walking over to me." You better make yourself useful and seal the deal,Zay." And then he walked out.
Aiden came up to me next, still smiling." Looks like you're not that smart or creative after all."
" Need I remind you that you've sealed only two contracts since you started working here four years ago ?"
His smile fell; I could see the clenching of his jaw ." Let's see if you can make a new Model in two weeks."
He patted my shoulder and walked out of the boardroom. I did the same and returned to my office, thoughts about how to go about this issue filled my mind.
It was next to impossible to get this done within two weeks, something that initially took me six months to finalize.
Anger was swirling inside me, Aiden was making things hard for me and tolerating him was becoming harder.
I got back to my office to meet Helena patiently waiting for me.
" Mr Kent, how did it go ?" She asked.
I ignored her looking over at Mrs ace. She wouldn't be going home tonight. If I wanted to get this done then I'll have to pick up the pace.
" We are doing the presentation again, so prepare everything I'll need." I told her and heard her gasp.
"Oh my god, Over again?"
Right now, I was pissed, and her high-pitched voice was making it worse. " Get out and do what I asked." I finally snapped.
She scurried out of the office immediately. As soon as she left, I walked over to Mrs Ace. I watched as she stiffened behind her desk.
" You'll have to work overnight today, Mrs Ace."I told her.
She forced her head up to look at me. Her blue eyes widen into saucers. "Overnight?" She shrieked.
I only nodded. Waiting for her to make objections.
She stared at me for a while with her mouth open." Mrs Ace, close your mouth or I'll put a pen in it."
She snapped her mouth shut immediately giving me a frown." But...but I need to go home."
I sighed." Well, you can't because we have a project to finish, and I don't have time to waste."
She looked around contemplating. Seriously, what was her problem? I've made most of my employees stay overnight.
"But, what about my ....." She looked at me and swallowed ." My foodstuffs."
" You can take it home tomorrow." I gritted my teeth on remembering what she spent my money on.
"Oh, okay. Umm ...I'll think about " She whispered.
I scoffed. "I wasn't asking, that was an order." I told her stressing the last word.
"You can either go home and freshen up, then be back before 10, or simply stay till we are done," I explained, turning on my heels, not wanting to hear any more of her questions.
She followed me to my desk. I waited for her to speak but she kept fidgeting with the hem of her dress.
" Umm, do you have a bathroom?"
I stared at her for a moment and pointed in the direction of the door. Her eyes widened, probably the first time she noticed the extra door.
"Any more questions?"
She shook her head and hopped back to her desk. She returned seconds later and went in the direction of the bathroom to do whatever women do in bathrooms.
Five minutes later, she still hadn't come out. Helena came back with all the things I needed and retired for the day.
I was becoming impatient; it had been almost thirty minutes, and she still hadn't come out.
I began pacing the office, time was something I didn't have. We have to start now or I wouldn't be able to get this done.
I checked the time; it had been almost forty-five minutes now!
Finally, I lost it. I strode over to the door; I was about to find out why the hell women spend more time in the bathroom than men.