What the hell?
"Why?" I asked. He only shrugged as his arms crossed over his chest.
"Because you have potential, and it's being wasted here," he answered.
"She'll do it," Rose stepped in for me. I turned to her quickly.
"What the hell, Rose?!" I snapped at her.
"But only if I get to come too," Rose added. Louis smirked before nodding his head.
"That'll do," he agreed.
"Wait, where is this place that rents within every budget?" I asked sarcastically.
"It's above the club. I'll be the Landlord so I set the budget. Don't worry, it's soundproof so you'll actually be able to sleep on your nights off," he tried to assure me. He was going to let me live above the club? I guess working there made sense after all.
"Fine, I'll work at your club. When can I start moving?" I asked. He stood from his barstool and reached his hand halfway between us. I stared at his hand curiously.
"What's this?" I asked confused.
"We're shaking on it. You can move in to the loft above the bar, and you and Rose will come work for me in my club," he explained. I hesitated. Someone who used a handshake as an agreement was too trusting. Either that or he had ways of making sure promises were kept, but I really needed to move and this was my only option.
"Deal," I said as I shook his hand. His notorious smirk came back.
"Great. Also, I already programmed my number into your phone and vise versa. Call me later when you get home to discuss the details. Oh, and let your manager know this will be your last day," he said before walking out the front door. Rose squeaked from beside me.
"He's so chivalrous," She swooned.
"Is that what that was?" I rolled my eyes as I went to seat the customers who'd just walked in.
After letting our manager know what happened, she wasn't too upset about it being our last day. I wasn't one of the top girls anyway, so it was really no loss to her. We worked until it was quitting time. Rose made me promise to tell her what happened before she went home. As soon as I got home, I went through my contacts and saw that Louis did indeed put his number in my phone. After deliberating for a few minutes, I finally called him.
"I was wondering when I would hear from you," his voice greeted me.
"So, um, the details?" I asked awkwardly. I hated talking to people over the phone.
"I'll offer the space cheaper than what you're currently paying. And the commute to work is an elevator so that should help. I want you and Rose to be shot-girls at my bar. And for you specifically, I want you to also work entertainment," he explained.
"Nothing distasteful," he backtracked. "I want you to start booking live entertainment for the club. And every once in a while, you'll have to get on the stage yourself," he said. I felt my face grow red.
"But you haven't even seen what I can do. I could be horrible for all you know," I said confused. He just laughed.
"I know you're not. I'm good about things like this. I can tell you're talented. You wanted to move up in the world, right? I'm giving you everything you need," he said. No one had ever helped me so much for free before.
"What do you want in return?" I asked cautiously. He only laughed again.
"Don't think it's all for free. You're paying your share of the rent, and you're working as a shot-girl and entertainment manager. You'll be earning your spot," he assured me.
"Why are you helping me?" I asked. I could almost hear his smirk through the phone.
"I find you interesting. There's untapped potential there," he answered easily. "Also, you can sell your furniture. The loft is coming fully furnished. I'll send you the address. Start packing. I'll see you later tonight," he added before he hung up. I was left staring st my phone. The man exuded confidence and power even over the phone. I could see how he became successful. After another second, I pulled out a suitcase and started packing my clothes and essentials. I packed another suitcase of books and things I couldn't live without and set my guitar by the door as well. Everything else, I took a picture of. If I couldn't sell it, I would just give it to the Landlord.
As soon as I got everything situated, I thought about how I was going to get everything to the District. I could always hail a cab, or... I pulled my phone back out and sent Louis a quick text. Five minutes later, the doorbell rang. I opened it to see Louis. I blushed in embarrassment.
"Thanks for giving me a ride," I said timidly. He smirked with his hands in his back pocket.
"Of course. Where are your things?" He asked.
"I got it," I said quickly, glancing at my two suitcases and guitar case. He took the handles of my suitcases before I could.
"Let's go," he said, turning to leave. I grabbed my guitar case and followed him out to his car. He was already putting the second luggage in the trunk. He took my guitar case from me and placed it in the backseat before going to the passenger side and opening the door for me. Okay, so maybe he was chivalrous. It was a quiet ride back to the club, and even quieter when we got there. We parked in the back. Louis took my things out of the car and headed for the door. Walking into the club, it was completely empty as Louis flipped the lights on.
"Where is everyone?" I asked. He only smirked.
"We're not open on Mondays or Tuesdays," he answered. "Other days, we're open all day. It's a cafe during the day and a club at night."
I followed Louis to an elevator that took us to the third floor. Stepping out, I was amazed. It was an open floor plan with brown leather couches and white shag rugs. The kitchen to the right had all chrome appliances and marble countertops.
"Oh, I forgot to mention, you have a roommate," Louis said as he placed my bags off to the side.
"What?" I said in surprise.
"I'll go get him," Louis said as he headed back towards the elevator.
"Him?" I questioned. Louis got in the elevator and didn't give me an opportunity to yell at him. I sighed and moved to sit on the couch. I guess all I could do was wait. I stood when I heard the elevator ding. Who in the world could he have doomed me with?
"Honey, I'm home!" Louis sang dramatically as he stepped off of the elevator.