"Hey, Rose," I greeted her as I moved the bartender's hand off of my face. She made it a point to strut over the empty seat next to me and give her best seductive smile to the bartender.
"I'm Rose," she introduced herself. He nodded at her once.
"Can I get a Long Island iced tea?" I asked him. Rose's whole demeanor changed. Her jaw dropped as her head snapped to me.
"You did not just order a drink from him," she said in shock. I was confused. Wasn't that what you did to bartender's at bars? Why was she making this such a big deal?
"What? Do you want something?" I asked, missing the point. The bartender laughed but began preparing my drink anyway. Rose quickly turned to him, leaning forward to put her cleavage on display.
"I'm so sorry Louis. My friend Megan here didn't know any better. We can wait for a bartender," Rose apologized to him.
"Isn't that what he is, Rose? Wait, do you know him?" I asked. The bartender chuckled and set a glass in front of me.
"You're funny," he smiled at me. That smile sure was something. It could probably melt glaciers.
"Megan, this is Louis Iso, the owner of the bar," she introduced. My eyes widened as I choked on my drink. Louis smirked as he leaned against the counter cool, calm, and collected.
"Well I did not see that coming," I muttered to myself as I set my glass back on the counter.
"I see my reputation proceeds me," he smirked. "Well now you know me. Who are you?"
"Megan," I said. What was with this guy? A girl with long black hair and the fairest complexion I'd ever seen came over and whispered something in his ear briefly before walking away. He smirked back at me when the girl left.
"Well Megan, Rose, it was a pleasure chatting with you. Drinks are on the house tonight," he said before he walked away. I was still slightly confused by the whole ordeal. Who was Louis Iso?
"Oh my god Megan! What were you two talking about? How did you even get him to talk to you? How did you not know who he was?" Rose asked, spouting off questions one after another.
"I have no idea, Rose. He just... showed up and started talking to me," I answered.
"You have no idea how lucky you are," Rose swooned. I mean he was cute, sure, but nothing to fuss over.
"He's just a guy, Rose. You already know I'm not interested," I reminded her.
"Well you should be. I swear, something is wrong with you," she said before grabbing the attention of a different bartender.
Megan, you've been a great tenant, and I know you've been working hard, but I hadn't been able to get a hold of you for a while now and you're contract is expiring, so I had to lease the apartment out to someone else. You have a week to move.
My regards,
Your Landlord
Well this was just perfect. Now what was I going to do? It was hard enough finding this place for as cheap as it was in the first place, and now I was going to have to move. I didn't have the time, resources, or money to be moving. It was bad enough I lost my phone somewhere yesterday. I sighed and folded up the note before sticking it in my bag. I had two auditions today and only came home because I forgot my work clothes and my shift was about to start soon.
I made it through the door of Hooter's just in time. I rushed back to the locker room and quickly started getting changed.
"What's with you today? You look upset about something," Rose noticed. I sighed as I sat to tie my shoes.
"It's nothing," I said before going to check the floor schedule. I groaned when I saw the last girl didn't clean her tables and now, I was stuck with the work. I grabbed a rag and moved to the first one.
"It doesn't look like nothing. You look like you're about to cry," Rose pestered. I sighed and stood up straight.
"I got a note from the Landlord. He's leasing the apartment to someone else, so I have to move. I can't afford that right now," I admitted.
"Is it the money or the move itself?" A familiar voice asked from behind me. I turned to the bar to see none other than Louis Iso. During the day like this, he was simply stunning. His jet black straight hair looked perfectly cut. His dark eyes held a sort of mystery to them, and his skin was like a porcelain doll.
"L-Louis, Hi!" Rose said in surprise.
"What are you doing here?" I asked confused. He picked something up from the counter and showed it to me.
"You left this at my club last night. I thought I would return it personally," he replied.
"My phone," I said shocked. I moved to grab it but he pulled it away at the last moment.
"Why can't you move?" He asked instead.
"Is that really any of your business?" I responded.
"You can resist me," he stated confused.
"I know it's something you're probably not used to, but I don't have time to be fawning over guys," I said, slightly amused.
"Tell me and I'll give your phone back," he promised. I sighed before I stopped trying to take it from him.
"I just don't have the money or time right now. Plus, finding another place as cheap as my apartment is now is going to be a headache and I'll probably miss shifts for it which will just add to the problems," I answered. "Why do you want to know so badly?" I countered.
"Because I find you fascinating... I know a place," he said.
"You don't even know my budget," I reminded him. He was too nice for a guy of his class. It had me suspicious.
"Whatever your budget is, I'm sure it'll fit. But there's one stipulation," he said. Why was there always a catch with him? "You have to quit working here and come work at The District."