Russia, 16 years ago.
The thud of heavy boots echoes on the concrete floor outside the room, making my heart thump with vicious panic.
He's coming.
The monster is coming.
He killed Mom, and now he's going to kill me. Just like he promised yesterday.
Fear slows my thoughts, and my mind struggles. I never knew my life would end at twelve years old, or that I'd watch my mother die unable to do anything to save her.
I grip the metal bars of my cage and look around the dark dank room the monster has kept me in for weeks.
Last night, he beat me to a pulp and broke my leg the same way he snapped Mom's neck.
Mom and I were never going to escape him.
And this was always going to happen to me just for being Anatoli Scarfoni.
The door creaks open, letting in a sliver of light. The beast-like man walks in.
The light is just bright enough to highlight his pale, ghost-like eyes and the mean-looking scar running from his left eye to his jaw.
He smiles when he reaches my cage.
"Time to die, you fucking little shit."
He opens the cage door, then yanks me out, sending unbearable pain shooting up and down my body.
"Let me go now!"
"Shut up." A punch to my face delivers more pain, and I see stars.
Tears stream down my cheeks. I'm helpless.
The monster tosses me over his shoulder and carries me outside to the old barn. This was where he burned Mom's body. And made me watch.
He opens the door and throws me inside. I fall to the ground in so much pain I can't move, I can't see, I can't do anything.
The sinister sound of the door slamming shut lets me know I'm trapped.
Then I smell smoke.
It pours in from under the door.
Seconds later, orange flames swallow the smoke, rising all around me. I scream.
Mom, I'm sorry I couldn't save you.
Or myself...