Uther Galitze, Avrora's father. The monster.
The fucking monster who killed my mother. He thought he killed me too when he set the barn on fire that night so long ago in Russia.
He's staring at me. Afraid of me now, because he knows what I could do to him with just one word.
Since death is too good for people like him, I planned a special punishment.
A special game, like the ones he used to play with me that made me fear for my life. The game begun today as he walked his daughter down the aisle, knowing from our little encounter days ago what was going to happen to her next.
"You, Leif. You knew about this. Didn't you?" Mikhail spits, glaring at Leif. "You planned this."
"I did." Leif sets his shoulders back. Unfazed by Mikhail's rage, he stares at him as if he's ready to charge like a wild bull. He might be sixty, with a head and beard full of gray hair, but he can still snap any motherfucker in half no matter their age.
"How the fuck could you do this to me?"
Leif gives him a hard stare. "I suggest you stand down and remember I still hold the authority here, until it passes."
That tones Mikhail right down because he knows what's at stake for his defiance. Under the Rites of Inheritance, Leif will never inherit the empire or the position of Sovientrik to the Pakhan. But he acts as an executor would, holding all the authority and decision-making power while the inheritance is being transferred.
"I'm aware of that, Uncle."
"Good, then we should relocate to the meeting room and talk, away from the guests." Leif gestures to the door on our left.
"I agree, unless you want the audience." I spread my arms wide, showing I don't care one way or the other. "I'll happily talk out here."
I don't mind spilling all the dirty family secrets and explaining how I became the black sheep of the family.
"Let's go to the meeting room," Mira agrees.
"Perfect." I cut her a glance and give her a crude smile.
Of course, my father's wife wants to talk in private. I've already embarrassed her in front of her nearest and dearest. Everyone here today would have been important members from the Knights and the Komarovski. They'll have questions, but most of all, I've tainted the prim and proper image Mira Scarfoni seems to be upholding.
I know she's probably as nice as she appears to be. But sometimes the good must unavoidably suffer with the bad.
As if on cue, my two personal guards, Jayce and Zane, come in from my right.
"Zane, please see the guests out." I point to the door I used to enter. "And, Jayce, take the girl to my house."
"What?" Avrora suddenly finds her voice. "I'm not going anywhere."
"Sorry, Princess, but you are." I give her a daring smile, willing her to defy me.
She looks away, turning to Mikhail. When he gives her a defeated shake of his head, she rushes over to her father. "Dad, don't let him take me."
Uther slips an arm around her. "It will be okay." His voice is soothing and so unlike the man he was years ago.
"How can it be okay?"
"Avrora, please. Just go with them. I will sort this out as fast as I can."
Sort out? Oh no, no, no.The prick shouldn't make promises he can't keep or give her hope when there is none. He already knows there's nothing to sort out. All cards have been laid on the table, and decisions have been made.
Avrora is mine, no matter what anyone says or tries to do to set her free.
"Okay?" Uther cups her cheeks and leans in closer, making a lock of his shaggy gray hair fall over his eye.
Avrora glances at me then looks back at her father, nodding reluctantly. "Okay."
"I will walk you to the car."
Jayce makes his way to them, and this time when Avrora looks over her shoulder, she stares at Mikhail. The man who almost became her husband.
Is that love in her eyes?
Most likely. If it is, love just makes this vendetta that much sweeter. Perfectly in keeping with the saying that revenge is a dish best served cold.
Zane ushers the guests out as I watch Avrora go, wishing I could take her home myself. Seeing my new toy later will, however, have to do. My job here isn't finished yet.
When I turn back to face my father's family, I don't miss the hatred in Mikhail's eyes.
"This way, everyone." Leif gestures to the door again and leads the way out.
Mira, Mikhail, Zakh, and Malik follow him.
Triumph surges through me as I trail behind and acknowledge that I have everyone right where I want them. Even my father on his deathbed.
I've waited a long time to share my story and avenge my mother's death.
I'm no longer the helpless boy who was kept a secret.
I'm Anatoli Scarfoni. The man. And their reckoning.