"the president is here."
At the same time The men in uniform and wearing business suits stood up to pay their respects to An old man who entered the hall room.
The president entered and signaled his acceptance of the presence of those inside the room.
he sat down at the end of the long table and reached for the folder given to it by his secretary.
"What is the current status of our people?"
he turned to A man.
The representative head of the Philippines embassy.
"Good evening mister president, as of now 1200 Filipinos are evacuated and are in travel away from the epicenter of the battle."
The president violently closed The folder he was holding.
"How many Filipinos are in Lebanon again?"
It was a long time before the man could answer
"3,209 to be exact but there's about 300 death cases as of this moment mister president"
The president threw his head at the back of his swivel chair and heaved a deep breath.
The old man is really tired.
He crossed his hands in his chest and stare at the military chief of staffs General Gabriel Santos
The old man abruptly stood and gave the president a hard salute.
He acknowledged it and the general sat back
"I already sent our most elite trained warriors, the Delta team under a special rescue mission operation sir, headed by Captain Valentine, at exactly 21:07 they landed at the hangar of Lebanese military based and is now undergoing the rescue mission together with the Lebanese soldiers. "
The fear on the president's face did not go away but he nodded.
"Good. It's been a hectic year for us and for them. After their mission give them a vacation. Keep me updated about the status of the operation. Somebody start tracing the identities of the dead victims"
The president heaved a deep sigh.
"Meeting adjourned."
Captain POV
"I and Pinnochio entered house building 7 block 18 for check up"
"Roger that, Winter and Spade standby, location on top of a block away ready to shoot"
I adjusted my earpiece and tactical headset to understand what my companions were saying.
I motioned for those behind me to stop after we entered a house that seemed like a little movement would be completely destroyed.
It's a mess. I felt around and pointed the gun in front of me
I slowly walked while pointing my gun from my surrounding, Pinocchio followed me and went to the kitchen, I entered a corner that looked like a former cupboard at the bottom of the stairs.
My Potterhead self got interested to check it out.
I gasps and point my gun at the dark room. I saw 2 pair of eyes looking at me in the darkness.
"Don't move."
My companion quickly ran closer and pointed the gun at the dark and ruined cupboard.
"Don't! Just! Please don't hurt us!"
An aged woman and an eight -year -old Child stepped into the light.
"Don't hurt us!"
I looked at Pinocchio who immediately nodded
"It's Pinocchio, we found civilians. I repeat we found civilians, a child and a middle aged woman. Be ready for the transport mission. I repeat be ready for the transport mission"
The Child was trembling and they were both lethargic.
"It's okay. We're soldiers not rebels. And we're Filipinos."
I saw relief in her eyes before breaking down.
"Jusko! Jusko please! Thanks for listening! Thanks!"
She hugged the Child, she is probably one of our Filipino ofws and the kid is her boss's child.
"It's been three days since we hide there. The child is weak."
As once a medical student I can see symptoms of dehydration.
"Are you the only one here?" she nodded quickly
"My employers are on vacation 3 days ago"
"Let's act so that we can take you to safe ground."
I gave the instructions to the old man, I also ordered those with us who were on standby for our protection
"Delta team, shield us. We are coming out of house 7 block 18 with 2 civilian survivors, one Filipino. Ready your asses morons."
We moved quickly and left the building,
pinnochio in front leading us and I'm at the back securing the exit.
"One bandit spotted! 8 o clock! House 9 block 19! Captain on your left!" I moved quickly and A bullet hit a fallen pole near me.