I turned down the volume and sat across from the radio
As the new threats of rebellion and terrorism arise we dedicate our life in recruiting and producing top caliber soldiers who will stand for our motherland. This year we are also widely accepting gender diversity, women are very much welcome to join us in this said recruitment as we have been ... "
I turned off the radio and went in my bathroom.
I took a deep breath as I watched my reflection in the large mirror.
I am Ulna Valentine.
They said I am lucky to have that as my name, my identity is reflected from that. I never had my own.
I wanted to cut my hair short when I was 12 years old but my mom told me that the Valentine’s dominant trait is the hair.
I combed my hair which was naturally thin and brown in color. That reached to my waist.
I stared at my figure. I am fit, father don't want us binge eating because we need to have a fit body figure. When I gained weight at the age of 14 he enrolled me in swimming and taekwondo class and I had to take them consecutively, he deprived me of the right to refuse and get tired.
"I am going to remove this lease."
I grab the scissor in my bathroom shelve and without batting an eyelash I cut my hair.
I repeated the cut of it. I did a boyish pixie cut.
When I saw the hair on the floor I felt intense ... joy.
I finally did something I really want!
"I am going to enter the army. And no one can stop me."
Properly equipped I left the room.
I am wearing a skinny jeans and a white Vneck shirt. Also all the clothes I brought were pants and tshirts. I left all of my dresses.
I caught mommy and daddy talking seriously in the living room
When mom saw me I guess I saw her spirit went off her body.
she was stunned for a moment before shouting
dad looked at me in shock too
"what ... why ... Ulna !?"
Mommy sat up looking weak
"I am leaving. I am entering the army. You do not need to think about me now, you already disowned me."
"what the blabberish are you talking about !!!"
"do not worry, I will not tell them I am your daughter, take care dad look over mom as well"
I hurried out of the house but I felt mommy's hand before I could get in my car
"Ulna ... please. Tell me this is just a compulsive decision"
It is.
"I am sorry mom and Goodbye"
No I am going to make sure that this Ulna is no longer on leash but free. I am casting away my family and my medical gown to embark in this journey. I will be totally a different, stronger and braver Ulna Valentine so that even I will strip this surname away I would still be me.