I sat down in my office thinking to myself. How dare she walk out on me after she signed the contract? She didn't have to, I didn't force her to anything but she still signed it. My personal business isn't any of her business anyway. I watched as Danielle stepped in front of me with her hands on her hips.
"What's on your mind?" She asked.
"Nothing, just need a break from work." I replied.
She looked at me and sighed, "Ryan, we aren't as close as we used to be. It is always work, work, work. This isn't my wedding, it is ours but I'm the one who's doing all the work. I understand you're a hard working man and your company needs you but sometimes I need you too."
"Danielle, I know and I'm truly sorry. I'm thinking about taking a week off just for you, is that alright?" I asked with a gentle smile.
"That's all I ask." She said while kissing my cheek.
"So you walked out?" Kasey asked.
"Damn right I did, he's married and I just can't see myself doing that Kasey." I replied while sipping my milkshake.
"I don't blame you. He is fine and all but he is truly messed up and full of it for giving you that contract knowing that he is about to be married." Kasey said while shaking her head.
"I know but it is all okay. Everything is fine, I didn't need that. Wanna go to that party on Perry Avenue tonight?" I asked
"Yeah I'll go. I need to go out anyway. See you tonight at 8!" Kasey replied before standing up and leaving.
8 O Clock...
I stood outside waiting on Kasey to pull up. I know damn well this girl ain't stood me up. I need this girls night out honestly. All of this Ryan talk has been so stressful. I just need to go out and have fun.
"Alright, let's get lit." I heard a voice behind me say.
I sighed, "I thought you weren't gonna show up."
"I got you. Sorry I took a nap and kind of overslept." Kasey said while walking in.
The smell of sweat and alcohol hit my nose. I watched everyone interact in different ways. Some grinding on the dance floor, some drinking at the bar, and others lounging around.
Kasey and I walked to a small section and sat there only to be greeted by a waiter.
"Hello Ladies, we hope you have a great time tonight. Here's a whole tray of shots on the house. Enjoy!" He stated.
"We’re about to get drunk!" Kasey said while gulping down a shot glass.
"Slow down Kasey, damn!" I warned.
"You want fun, right? Let's do this. Have fun." Kasey replied.
That's exactly what I did. Everything was a blur. There wasn't telling how many glasses of shot I have had but there was no denying it — I was drunk as hell. I looked ahead and saw this man making his was over to me and I smirked. He was dressed in a nice suit and he had a small smile on his face.
"I couldn't help but notice your beauty, may I please have this dance?" He said.
I grabbed his hand and we were off to the dance floor. We were grinding and touching in front of everyone. I was having so much fun that I didn't give a fuck. I needed this. He whispered in my ear and kissed my neck and we were off to his place.
Once we arrived there was no speaking, only kissing. He pushed me against the wall and left love bites all on my neck. He carried me upstairs and stripped from my clothes.
He took off his underwear and I bucked my eyes. God was truly in a great mood when he began created his lower part. He climbed on top of me and kissed my lips before inserting himself into me. He picked up the pace as I moaned and moaned and moaned.
"Kendall." He groaned.
"Ryan." I whispered.