Chapter 3
The cold makes me sweat and I can't see anything but darkness. I was holding on to the cold wall of the elevator just to get my balance because I felt like I was about to fall to the floor.
"Aunt Mommy..." I said softly. I don't care anymore if the man I'm with can hear me inside this elevator or maybe he didn't even hear me. Because of the weakness of my voice. Did I really say that?
My chest was pounding so hard that I was almost deaf. My heartbeat is not normal anymore. The speed is too much. Oh my gosh...
I felt that the man moved but I didn't pay much attention to it.
"Hello, what happened to the elevator?" I heard him ask. His voice was cold. A few moments later someone answered him "I'm sorry, Sir. It's just a brownout.”
"Please, fix your generator power immediately. I have a company with me," he said.
"How many of you are inside the elevator, Sir?" the man asked him.
"We're three. A little cat and,” he paused and cleared his throat. "A very beautiful woman," he added.
A very beautiful woman?
"Sorry again, Sir. Wait a minute. We're going to fix the system right away."
When the man said goodbye, we ate in silence for a few minutes before he spoke.
"You okay, Miss?" he asked. I'm not really sure if he was worried about me. Because it's in his voice, eh. He composed earlier.
"I-I am not okay... I don't see anything!" I answered hysterically. I didn't hide it anymore because that's what I really feel "Calm down..." his voice said softly. I grabbed my trembling right hand. How can I calm down if my fear of the dark is eating me up?
"H-How? I-I'm terrified of the dark... I can't breath... I'm h-having a hard time...” I said with a sob. My fear is consuming me too much and if I stay like this for too long I will really pass out.
"Okay, take a deep breath. Can I come close to you?” he asked and I stilled. Why would he come to me?
“W-Why?” I stammered.
"Wanna hold my cat?" he suddenly asked me.
"W-Why? C-Can your cat light up the elevator?” I asked him innocently and I heard him chuckle softly. It's's like my mood is calming down.
"Nope. Silly you. Can I come closer?” he asked again. Why does he want to come to me?
"It's up to you..." I just said. This is just because of my nyctophobia. That's why I'm really like this. I was already sliding down the floor.
I just felt his footsteps approaching my direction. His presence only made me more nervous. My heart started racing and I couldn't think straight anymore.
Until he knelt by my side. "I'm sorry. I forgot my phone. Do you have yours?” he asked and I wondered if I had my phone with me but... it looks like I didn't. I don't think it's in my slingbag.
"Uhm... I forgot too," I just answered.
"Can I touch you?"
"Huh? Why?” I asked in surprise because why would he touch me?
"I promise, I won't do anything that you might be scared of something..."
"D-Do whatever you want..." I just said. I don't feel that he will do anything bad. I just let him.
I was startled when his big and warm palm landed on my left cheek. My lips parted in shock because it seemed like an electric voltage was flowing from his hand to my cheek.
"Maryann... Make her comfortable with your touch," he said and I just heard the noise of his pet cat. As if he understood her.
He moved the cat to me and I just held it. I brought it to my cheek and I closed my eyes when I felt its soft fur and its noise that seemed to be comforting me.
"T-Thank you," I thanked shyly and I was even startled when he touched my right hand that was also holding the cat.
"Why are you afraid of the dark?" he asked me softly.
"I just have... nyctophobia," I answered and told him the truth about why I'm afraid of the dark. I don't care if he's another stranger. I just don't know why I'm talking to him.
My fear of the dark changed because of his presence but my heart beat differently. The hair on my body rose every time he played with my fingers.
He is a man and I know that this kind of situation is not normal but I feel safe because I have someone with me in the elevator. That I can somehow fight my nyctophobia.
"Oh, okay. Have you ever had a check up?”
"I don't have time. I've been busy and I've been carrying it for a long time, it's hard to cure," I answered shaking my head.
"At least try it. You have nothing to lose if you try.” I think his voice became serious again.
"I don't want it," out of nowhere I just said that and at the same time the surroundings lit up. I guess the light came back on and that's when I saw the position of the man I was with who was stuck inside the elevator.
We both fell on the floor and leaned against the cold wall. The little cat was in my arms and to this day he is still playing with my fingers.
Only then did I see his handsome face nearby. It's really perfect. Her nose is really sharp and her eyelashes are just cute.
I felt like I was going to throw up from the nervousness and the pounding in my chest when our eyes met. It seemed like I was going to melt with the way he was staring. I was still fighting it even though my feelings for him were strange but that was also interrupted when someone spoke.
"Is everything okay?" The man immediately stood up and I stared at my palm when he released it. I don't know why if I feel like... Uhm... I don't want to let him go? But Novy, he's just a stranger. So, why are you feeling this way?
I took a deep breath and was about to stand up when he extended his hand. I accepted that because he just helped me stand up. Even though I was heavy, he was able to pull me upright.
Because of his strength, I almost fell into his chest. Fortunately I was able to avoid it quickly.
"T-Thank you," I just said and gave him his pet. It's making noise again. He didn't take it first because he took off his American coat that I knew if I was the one to wear it, it would reach my leg.
My eyes widened because he placed it on my shoulder. I looked at him in wonder.
"Don't wear that kind of cloth next time, Miss," he promised gently. When he took the cat from me, his finger stuck to the back of my palm. I was just stunned by what he did.
I can smell the perfume he used that is now enveloping my body. He came out first and I stayed inside for a few seconds because the man was gone earlier.
I let out a sigh as I thought about going out. I looked at the contents of my slingbag only to have my lips parted in shock.
My cellphone is still here, ah! God, I just said that I'm not sure if I brought it. Eh, I didn't even check earlier. It's really crazy. Psh.
I check my phone again and I am immediately interrupted by a text message from my Mommy. He really did nothing but annoy me. When did my mother care about me? Mr.
He was in the hotel restaurant and when he saw me walking, he immediately looked at me.
"What took you so long, Novy Marie?" I rolled my eyes and it didn't escape his eyes, "And what is that?" she asked again.
He was referring to the black coat I was wearing. Does Mommy even need to ask this?
I approached her and kissed her cheek. "I'm doing fine, Mom," I promised without emotion.
"I'm not asking you that. Why does that look like a man's coat? Do you have a boyfriend and why didn't I even know? Did your daddy find out about that before or did your aunt hide it from me again?" he asked me one after another. I took the drinks he was drinking and did not answer him immediately.
"Why don't you ask me first if I'm okay? That's really what you're going to ask me, huh Mommy?" I asked him coldly. She clinched her teeth and immediately got angry at my actions.
"You really have no manners, Novy. Is your aunt that proud of you?" he also asked me coldly.
"Why don't you ask yourself, Mommy? Are you really going to judge Tita for raising me like this? Of course, you and Dad left me when I was young. You bastards," I said angrily and because he was the same, he took a glass of water and poured it on my face. I closed my eyes tightly and heard loud breathing around us.
I know that someone saw us but I don't care anymore.
“Show some respect! I'm still your mother, Novy!” he is interested in me and his eyes are really sharp. If it was possible to kill such a look, I might have been lying on the floor.
"Even though you are my mommy and you are the woman who gave birth to me, respect me too, Mommy. I fvcking need that and you've only been my mother for three years. If I could just forget you, I would have done it. Pvnyeta!” I was so tired that I stood up and walked away.
"New! Come back here!” he still shouted.
"I don't know her," I said to the people watching us.
The gown I am wearing today is STRAP and backless and its color is emerald green which suits my fair complexion better. Aunt Mommy prepared this for me because she knew that I didn't really prepare for my parents' birthday either, so she expected that I wouldn't have a new dress to wear tonight.
We only stayed at the hotel for a few days and then we went to Dad's mansion. Where his new family also lives here. I'm not bitter, because I'm just annoyed with my daddy. They and Mommy. Until now, I still blame them. Fortunately, my aunt is kind and loving. If it wasn't for Auntie, I would never really talk to them again.
Aunt also found out what I did to my mother, I knew it was wrong to answer Mommy like that and I even cursed in front of her but I didn't even feel guilty. Because I don't really care about her. It's still like how he also lost interest in me. We should both be fair.
I was about to pull my fingers through my hair when I saw Devi holding the coat of the man I met—I mean the man I was stuck in the elevator with.
I haven't seen the owner of that coat even though I'm trying to find him, but I can't find him anymore. I don't know if I'm just imagining that night, but it's not, eh. I still have evidence. Chos.
I also didn't wash her coat because I didn't want to lose the smell of her perfume. I'm curious what brand of perfume she uses and why is it so hard to find?
Don't touch it, Devi!" I shouted to my cousin and he scratched his cheek.
"That was one day ago, coz. Whose coat is that? Don't tell me, are you hiding something from me and Mommy, your boyfriend? Why don't you introduce us to our Mommy? Your love life is getting old, huh," he said and I rolled my eyes at him.
"He is not my boyfriend, Devi. It just happened that when my nyctophobia hit me, he was there to comfort me," I said and his eyes widened.
"And you trusted him?! You weren't even scared?! Gosh! You don't even know him!” he yelled at me and he looked stressed right away.
"Scared? He was just being kind enough to help me, wasn't he!” I also shouted at him and tormented him.
"I'll report you to Mommy!"
"Alright, I'll also report you that you came out of our private suite first after you answered the call on your phone!" I threatened him and he snorted. Because his reason was that we went out together and he just came along so I could meet my mommy, but who is this Devi fooling?
Well, he had a date that day. I just don't know who and why was there at that time. As if he knew very well that he was there.
"You're terrible at that, Novy!"
"What are you doing? And why do you raise your voice to each other?” We were both startled when Aunt Mommy suddenly appeared and I immediately hid the coat behind me so she couldn't see. He will also ask me a question just in case, eh.
She's fine, she's only wearing an orange wrap dress but she looks elegant and looks like she's never really aged. That's why many men still fan her. He just ignored them, even when Devillaine and I were young. Because he said he prefers to take care of both of us.
"Nothing, Mommy," Devi and I responded at the same time. He raised an eyebrow at us and shook his head at the end "Let's go. Your daddy's party is about to start, Novy," he said to which I just nodded and Devi elbowed me.
"I won't leave you until you tell me who really owns that," he whispered softly to me.
To Be Continued...