Selina watched as her mother opened the door for the caterers. “Just put the food in the kitchen,” Selina’s mother said, pointing through the living room to the arched doorway leading to the back of the house. While Cherise Rycroft wanted everyone to believe she slaved away at the stove to prepare the food for this afternoon’s gathering, the High Priestess of the Daughters of Darkness would never lift a finger near a real stove. “The Goddess gave us restaurants,” she often said. “Why would I deprive those hardworking employees a chance to serve and earn their keep?” Arrogance mixed with laziness, that described Selina’s mother perfectly. Except, of course, when it came to her witchcraft. Cherise Rycroft threw everything she had into her magic. That drive ushered Selina’s father to an early grave, the man suffering a massive heart attack at forty-five; he couldn’t keep up with Cherise’s expensive tastes or determined ambition, especially after her son, Warren, was discovered dead.
Selina followed the caterers into the kitchen, helping stack the containers as her mother pulled out fancy bowls to dump the food into, so no one would suspect it came from a restaurant. Selina had mourned her brother’s death, mourned the things she lost when her older brother was no longer there to act as a barrier between her and their mother. Warren kept their mother balanced, focusing on the more positive aspects of magic, while he was alive. However, with his death also went their mother’s grip on the White Path. She threw herself into her witchcraft, demanding more from Selina’s father, until just a few months after Warren’s death, they buried Theodore Rycroft. Her mother’s thirst for revenge only grew darker.
As soon as they shuffled the food into normal bowls and platters, Selina packed all the telltale signs that they ordered out into a dark garbage bag, tied it, and carried it straight out to the garbage can at the side of the house. Her mother would tolerate no evidence where people could discover her deception. Selina had just entered the house when the doorbell rang. She could guess who would be their first arrival—Clara Underwood, the one member of the Daughters of Darkness who thirsted the most for what Cherise offered the coven, dark magic.
Cherise left the door opening duties to Selina, pretending to be busy in the kitchen putting the finishing touches on the food for their little get-together. Cherise was always about appearances.
Selina opened the front door, smirking to herself about how accurate her guess had been. “Hello, Clara,” she greeted, stepping to the side as the dark-haired forty-two-year-old stormed into the Rycroft home. Selina just rolled her eyes as she shut the door.
“Your mother is in the kitchen, I assume,” Clara said as she continued making her way through the house. The woman must have been one of those mean girls in high school, always thinking others to be beneath her. Selina thought her mother and Clara were made for each other.
“Yes, she is,” Selina replied. “She’s putting the food together. I’m sure she could use a hand.” Like that will ever happen. Before she took another step, the doorbell rang again. Selina turned back around, leaving Clara to make her own way.
Opening the door, she greeted Kalinda Scott and Hannah Fisher, both standing there with smiles in their eyes, giggling over something one of them must have said. Selina cocked an eyebrow at them as she held the door open.
Hannah ducked her blond head inside before entering. “Is she gone?”
Kalinda giggled behind the other girl, the laughter making her thin shoulders bounce. “I told you she’d be the first one here,” the black girl said, laughing harder. “I swear, she’s so far up Cherise’s ass, she probably knows what the High Priestess ate for breakfast.”
Selina found herself giggling, as well. “She’s in the kitchen with Cherise.” Her mother never permitted Selina to call her anything else besides Cherise or High Priestess in front of the others, once again putting image above family. “You two are bad,” she said, opening the door wider, allowing the others inside. “Accurate, but still bad.”
Before she closed it, she noticed two more cars pulling up out front. One, she knew, belonged to Nicole Carson, another of the younger members of their coven, which meant the other car must belong to Kayla. Selina smiled, glad the young witch didn’t chicken out. Selina hadn’t been sure whether or not Kayla would actually appear. While she seemed eager when they met last week at Common Grounds, the girl still appeared skittish, especially when she heard the name of their coven. Since Selina was already at the door, she decided to wait for the others.
Kayla arrived at the doorstep first, scooping a strand of her red hair out of her face. “I hope I’m not late,” she said, smiling over at Selina.
“Right on time,” Selina said. “Glad you could…”
Nicole arrived and just shoved her way past the others, not bothering with a hello or excuse me or even a glance in the others’ direction.
Kayla cocked a brow at the woman’s rude behavior, but said nothing.
Selina rolled her eyes. “Ignore her,” she said, as she gestured Kayla inside. “I’d say Nicole suffered from that time of the month, but she’s been that way since I’ve known her. She’s crass, but a talented witch for the coven.” She glanced back over her shoulder. “At least, Cherise says so.” She shook her head and shut the door. “Come on, I’ll introduce you to the others. Word of recommendation, stick close to Hannah and Kalinda. They’re the easiest to stomach, even on a pleasant day.”
Kayla said nothing, stepping to the side to allow Selina to lead the way. The girl was still nervous, Selina could tell by the way the redhead held on to her purse strap with white knuckles. Selina didn’t really blame the other girl. Stepping into any new group was nerve-wracking, not to mention a coven of established witches.
Entering the kitchen, Selina could tell the room was already divided. Nicole immediately sought out Cherise and Clara, while Kalinda and Hannah stood off to the side, fixing themselves drinks. If Kayla survived their little gathering, she’d be hooked. Selina worried whether the young woman had it in her, though. Kayla had already suffered enough with her last coven. Of course, Cherise had plans for Kayla, and Selina’s mother always got what she wanted.
“Hey, everyone,” Selina said, cutting into the conversations. “I’d like you to meet Kayla. She’s looking to join the Daughters of Darkness.”
Kalinda and Hannah were the first to welcome Kayla to the group, followed by Nicole. Clara said hello, but did it with more of a sneer than a proper greeting. Cherise stood there, smiling, as the others made their first appraisals. Selina stuck close to Kayla, but watched the High Priestess. By the look on Cherise’s face, Kayla was meeting the older woman’s expectations. Of course, by the expressions on Clara’s and Nicole’s faces, they were not at all pleased with a newcomer to their small little group. Knowing them, they probably saw it as competition for Cherise’s attention. Little did they know that if Selina’s mother had her way, Kayla wouldn’t be around long.
Or alive.