Laci stared at the ghost, his body standing in the middle of the front counter. “Why the hell do you keep popping in suddenly? Can’t you, like, knock or call out or something?”
“Who the hell are you talking to?” Jayden asked, giving her sister a puzzled look.
Nazareth growled, shaking his head. “Good morning, Duncan. Nice of you to pop by. Now, do us a favor and pop out.” He carried a stack of books over to a shelf, stacking them neatly, dismissing the ghost already.
“Knock? Really?” Duncan asked, ignoring Nazareth. “I’m a ghost for crying out loud. How do you expect me to knock? Popping in, as you call it, is all I can do.”
Jayden stared at the spot in front of Laci, her brows pinched. “You’re messing with me, right? This is a necromancer prank.”
Nazareth sighed, leaning on the shelf. “Do I strike you as someone who plays pranks?” He gestured to the spot in front of Laci with an uplift of his chin. “Duncan is a ghost; one who refuses to crossover, because he won’t deal with whatever baggage keeps him here.” Nazareth turned back to his work.
Laci took a deep breath and moved behind the counter to a stool Nazareth kept there. “He told me he doesn’t know why he’s still here, and that you refuse to help him discover the reason.”
Duncan spun inside the counter, following her, but not moving from his spot. “Most of the people I know are either dead or well into the latter part of their lives. I doubt anyone would know anything about me, so it’s impossible to discover why I’m still here. I’m afraid the time for me to move on has come and gone.”
“You guys know it’s creepy as hell, right?” Jayden said, crossing her arms over her chest in a huff. “Talking to someone I can’t see. Seems rude, like you’re having a conversation without me.”
Duncan glanced at Jayden over his shoulder. “We are having a conversation without you. How else would it feel?”
“She can’t hear you,” Laci said with a sigh, shaking her head.
He turned back around to face Laci. “I think that kind of proves my point, doesn’t it?”
“What did he say?” Jayden asked, an edge to her voice. “You know what? Never mind. I’m going to pop into Tansy’s and see what’s happening there. This is a little too Twilight Zone for me.” She waved at Nazareth. “Good luck with your new venture.”
Nazareth gave an upward nod of his head, but said nothing as he continued to stack books on shelves.
“I don’t think she likes me,” Duncan said, following Jayden with his gaze.
“She just hates when she feels left out of things,” Laci told him, rubbing her palms along her thighs. “Sometimes, I wish people would leave me out of things.”
“What would be the fun in that?” Nazareth asked, moving back over to the box of books.
Just as the door was about to close, someone shoved it open again, and Melli Tipton walked through, a box in her hand and a syrupy smile on her face. “Hello,” she called out in a singsong tone. “I’m Milli from…Oh, hello, Laci. I see you’ve already welcomed our new neighbor. Did Tansy send you?”
Nazareth stopped what he was doing and leaned on the shelf in front of him with one hand. “Neighbor? Aren’t you like several doors down and across the street? I don’t think that makes us neighbors, really.”
“You’re part of the downtown family now,” Laci said, glancing down at the box in the other woman’s hands. “They classify everyone as a neighbor just by being on this street. Morning, Melli. No, Tansy didn’t send me down here. Actually, I met Nazareth a couple of weeks ago before he decided to open this bookstore.”
Melli glided her way to the counter, setting the box down right in Duncan’s stomach.
“This will be the closest I get to these tarts,” the ghost said, his lips downturned. “Being a ghost sucks.”
Laci slid out of the stool, walked up to the counter, and opened the box. Watching Duncan, she pulled a lemon tart out of the box and took a giant bite. “Delicious,” she said around a mouthful of food, grinning at the ghost as she stepped back to the stool and sat down.
“You are mean,” Duncan said, scowling.
Laci just smiled bigger as she took another bite.
Nazareth left his spot as he examined the box. “Lemon tarts, huh? And to what do I owe for this generosity?”
Melli just smiled up at him, tucking a strand of dark hair behind her ear. “Just saying hello and welcoming you to the downtown businesses. I’m so glad someone bought this bookstore to keep it going. It was so sad when Earl passed away. I thought for sure his kids would close the doors for good.”
Laci watched as Nazareth stared at the other woman, his forehead furrowed. Laci almost laughed at the older man as she stood there, obviously not sure what to make of Melli. “Melinda here knows just about everyone who works downtown.” As well as whatever dirt they have in their closets. Of course, Laci would warn Nazareth of that part later when Melli wasn’t around. Or maybe she wouldn’t. She would have to decide later.
Nazareth nodded. “Well, thank you for the welcome gift. Your tarts are delicious.”
Melli stared at him, then glanced at the box, then back to Nazareth. “You’re not going to try one? Does your wife not allow you to eat sweets from strangers?”
Nazareth stiffened. “I’ve already tried them, thanks, and I don’t have a wife.”
Laci cocked her eyebrow at his reaction, but filed it away to ask him about later.
Melli, on the other hand, just beamed at his words. “Well, then,” she said as she crossed over to him, grabbed his arm, and pulled him back to the box of tarts. “You definitely need to put some woman’s cooking in your belly.”
Laci almost broke out in laughter at the scowl on Nazareth’s face as the other woman drug him across the floor to the counter with the pastries. “What’s the matter?” Laci asked, a smirk twisting up the corner of her lips. “Don’t like sweets?”
Nazareth peered down into the box at the flaky tarts, then glanced over at Melinda. “In my experience, free food leads to other…complications.” He pulled his arm from Melli’s grasp. “Thanks, but I think I’ll pass on the…tarts.” His lips twisted in a grimace as he gave Melli a curt nod. “Thank you for the welcome, though. Do you read?”
“No, but I do love acting out a good romance,” she said, swaying a little in front of Nazareth, a sparkle in her eyes.
“Um, yeah, well, I’m more of a classic kind of guy,” Nazareth said, and it made Laci chuckle at how nervous he appeared. Nazareth backed up, running his hands down his jacket as if it needed straightening.
“I’ve never seen the old man so flustered,” Duncan said, chuckling, crossing his arms over his chest. “It’s kind of fun to watch.”
Laci nodded, agreeing. It was definitely a change of pace.
“Well, if you ever decide you need a strong cup of coffee, feel free to stop by my bakery anytime,” Melli said, smiling over at Nazareth as she turned, walking backward to the front door. “I’ll even make you a fresh cup.” She gave him a finger-wave as she opened the door and slipped out into the late-morning sun.
Nazareth just stood there, staring at the door as Duncan busted out laughing.
Laci giggled as she shook her head, picking up another tart. “I wouldn’t worry about her too much. A week ago, she flirted with Famallumi pretty heavily. I get the impression she doesn’t stay focused too long.”
Nazareth glanced over at Laci, one eyebrow cocked. “I’m not sure if I’m relieved or insulted.”
“Do you want me to go get her and bring her back?” Laci asked, grinning.
“No!” Nazareth shouted in a rush. Then he took a deep breath. “No, thanks. I’d rather just fade from her attention.”
“Chicken,” Duncan said, smirking.
“And I have no problem admitting it,” Nazareth said, shaking his head as he turned back to his stack of books.
Laci could only laugh as she took another bite of her lemon tart.