The whole fun of her supposed day off vanished as soon as her mother dropped the bomb just as she walked towards her room.
"This has to be a joke."
"Who? You?" Ahil laughed at his sister's panicked face, while she stared at him with a look of disbelief, clearly not in a mood for his pathetic jokes.
"Ammi. Why didn't you inform me before? I'd have stayed back in the office only." Mawra whined at her mother, who herself was in a panic mode, "I didn't know myself. It was a last minute thing. I just told her that she can come anytime she wants and she chose today, thank goodness that you're here. Go and get ready." Rashidha ushered her into the bedroom, indirectly asking her to just shut up and follow the orders.
"I'm not marrying any random guy." Mawra scoffed angrily. Ahil stood there, with an amused look, clearly enjoying this whole drama.
"Of course not. They're just coming to see you. The rest we can decide later on." "but first change into something nice." her mother dismissed her with a wave of her hand.
"What's wrong with my dress?" Mawra pointed to her jeans and huffed, "what's not wrong with that stupid dress?" her mother glared at her, "go and change quickly, Mawra and please... stop testing my patience. They're going to be here soon."
"Who are they by the way? And how did you even know them." Mawra planned on binge watching a new netflix drama and using her day off fruitfully, but the luck wasn't in her favor anymore.
"We met through a common friend. Stop asking questions. Get changed." kicking her into her own bedroom, her mother shuts the door on her face. Mawra felt like pulling her hair in frustration. She had a lot of plans for today, but this was not what she has expected her day to turn into like.
Opening her closet, she frowned at the pile clothes in front of her. Nice in her mothers dictionary is something which is not western. Rolling her eyes, she randomly picked a red kurti and changed into them and didn't take much efforts with the hair or makeup. She was going to reject them anyway, so why waste energy? That's what she thought.
Marwa always had this habit of rejecting every eligible guy her parents brings home in the name of match making. She knew that she'd have to get married one day, and that too with a guy of her parents' choice. But it was just that, none of them were her type. Not even a single guy managed to get into her good books.
Till this day, she had no idea what her 'type' was. But she wasn't really satisfied with any of those guys, and she kept on rejecting every other proposal, making her parents worried sick. They want her to get settled soon. That is until the last time, where for a change, she got rejected instead. Courtesy; her poor cooking skills.
What a rubbish reason to reject a girl? Mawra kicked her bed in anger but winced in pain. She was going to reject this guy and satisfy her ego, or so she thought.
The guy's family were here already, except for the guy himself. Mawra was smirking to herself evilly, as she got another reason to reject this guy.
"You're going to behave." Rashidha pep talked with her daughter, Knowing very well of what's going on in her mind. She was her mother after all.
"If I don't like the guy, then I'm going to reject him." Mawra was clear on her mindset. "yes, of course. But this time actually try and like him? Don't be so blind in rejecting." her mother added with a sigh.
"I know, ammi. We have talked about this for so many times."
"This family is a very good one, Mawra. Stop being so irresponsible. You have to get married someday. You're already twenty four. At your age, I already had you and your brother." her mother added sternly while she sat there uninterestedly. But from the tone of it, she knew that her mother was pretty serious this time.
"Fine. I want some alone time to mentally prepare myself. Please, ammi."
"I love you, okay. We only want good for you." Rashidha kissed her daughter's forehead and she nodded her head with a small smile.
Not even ten minutes passed and Ahil barged into her room with a stupid grin on his face, "your groom is here."
Mawra glared at him with a shake of her head, "he's not my groom."
"Yet." he added with a smirk, which earned him a flying pillow on his face, chuckling at his sister, Ahil continued, "but this one looks so handsome. Not as handsome as me, but still he's handsome. I approve. You guys will make a great pair."
"I'm going to reject him anyway." Mawra stuck her tongue out, childishly and got up from the bed. "we will see about that." she heard his whisper but decided to ignore him, suddenly curious to go and see who was the handsome guy herself. Impressing Ahil is not an easy job, but if someone did it, then he must be having something special about him.
"I told you to bring her down, Ahil. Not chat with her." Rashidha's taunting voice came from outside her room, and she walked out with a nervous smile. Suddenly her heart was beating in a random pace, wondering what if this guy was 'the one'? Could that be possible? It wouldn't be possible, she was surely going to reject him, but still the thought was starting to bother her. This has never happened before.