Ajax who is hungry right now felt regret not joining Damien on his lunch with Zoe. He should just follow him and eat but now, his stomach is growling. He let out a heavy sigh and pack his stuff. He went out and straight to his car. Everyone greets him since he was a famous and successful CEO. Who doesn't know 'Ajax'? Everyone knows about him. Little bit he knows, there is someone who doesn't know him at all. Ajax decides to call Damien and he picks up.
“Hello, Ajax?” Damien calls.
“Hey, where are you?” Ajax asks.
“At the cafe where we always hang out. Why?” Damien asks.
“I'm coming. ” Ajax says.
“Aww, look like someone is regret. ” Damien says in a teasing tone. Ajax just rolls his eyes.
“Whatever. I'm coming.” He hangs up without letting him speak or say goodbye. Damien uses it already. Ajax put his phone back in his pocket. After a few minutes like that, he arrives and parks his car. He gets out and fixes his coat. He really looks like a charismatic person. Actually not.
He really looks attractive and every girl will drool over him. Everyone looks at him and yes, who doesn't look at him? He's hot, handsome, and sexy. And also, he is the CEO that everyone knows. He about to go in but someone bumped into him from behind. He looks behind him and it was a girl. She has a puppy on her arms. She rubs her nose because she just bumped on his back.
“Are you okay, Miss?” Ajax asks. He didn't see that girl's face because she looking down. What he knows is, she has dark purple hair. Ajax thought that the color is very ugly and didn't suit anyone. Then, he realizes this girl didn't say anything but just look down.
“Hey, miss?” He calls again.
But this time, she lifted her gaze and meet Ajax blue eyes. and Ajax meets her green eyes. Ajax seems stunned by her looks. He felt guilty and regret afterthought this hair color is ugly. It is totally suitable for her. She looks cute. They look at each other like there is no tomorrow but it for Ajax. While for this girl, she looks at Ajax like he will kill her. Ajax study every part of her. She has dark purple hair, bright skin and looking soft, red chubby cheeks and pinkish lips, and looking soft also. She wearing a black sweater and it looks big on her. It makes her even more adorable.
Does he attract this girl too fast? Ajax shakes his head and looks at this girl. She seems scared?
“Miss, I'm not gonna eat you.” Ajax says.
“I-I know.” She says in a low tone.
“Um...well, are you okay?” Ajax asks. She just nods.
“I'm sorry if I make you bumped behind me.” Ajax says with a smile. She just shakes her head and it means 'it okay'. Ajax looks away because of this awkward atmosphere. Then, he is saved by his friend.
“Are you going to stand there, Ajax?” He looks behind him and it was his friend, Damien.
“No. I'm gonna eat.” Ajax says.
“Then, get in. I want to find-” Damien stops talking when notice the girl behind Ajax.
“Oh!! There you are!! Chloe, Zoe being worried sick. Where were you?” Damien asks. He hugs her and strokes her hair.
Ajax who is standing there with confused around him. He didn't know Zoe know this girl. Is he cheating on Zoe? Is this girl is his friend? Is this girl close to him? Ajax has a lot of questions but can't answer it.
“Where were you just now?” Damien asks with a worried tone. He really cares about Chloe and so do Zoe. Damien and Zoe take care of her like their child. It weird, right? She just looks down.
“What wrong with that puppy?” Damien asks while point to the puppy that she holds. Chloe wants to talk but Zoe interrupted her by rush outside.
“OMG!! Chloe, there you are!!” Zoe hugs her like she is missing for a year.
When Ajax heard that name, he repeats it again inside his heart.
That pretty name for her. Zoe broke the hug and look at her.
“Are you okay?” She asks. Chloe nods.
“I asked again, where are you going?” Damien asks.
“Umm..it...complicated. ” Chloe says.
“You will tell me later and what are you doing here?” Zoe asks Jimin who stands there awkwardly. Damien just scoffs at her.
“Eat.” Damien answers simple.
“Someone is regret after rejecting the offer,” Zoe says while smirks. Ajax let a heavy sigh because of these two annoying couples.
“You and Damien are really suited for each other.” Ajax says. Zoe just laughs
“Come on. Let's eat,” Damien invites
Everyone went in but Chloe stands behind. She wondered is this cafe can bring a puppy in. If can't, then, where she should put this puppy? Ajax realizes that she didn't follow them.
“Are you okay....um..C-Miss?” Ajax hesitated to say her name. He is scared if that name just her nickname or maybe only some people can call her that. Chloe looked down and shy to talk with this guy who she just met.
“I..just wondered if..um..this cafe can bring...a puppy. ” Chloe says.
Ajax found this side is adorable. Her height is really short than him but that what makes her more adorable.
“Yes. This cafe allowed it.” Ajax chuckles. Chloe nods slowly.
“Let get in.” Ajax says. They went in and sit Damien and Zoe.
Zoe notice that Ajax still didn't know her friends. Plus, he never has a chance to meet her. She bet also Damien didn't talk about Chloe to him and didn't list Chloe on his blind date list for Ajax.
“Hey, Ajax. I bet you didn't meet Chloe.” Zoe says. Ajax shakes his head and Damien gasp.
“I forgot to mention her to you. ” Damien says. Zoe just giggles at her boyfriend's action.
“This is my friend, Chloe. She's my classmate. ” Zoe intro her. Chloe looks down with red cheeks.
“H-Hai..” Chloe mutters. Damien bursts into laughs at her shyness.
“Chloe, is this the way you greet the people you just met?” Damien asks. He's not laughing about the way she greets, he just laughed about her cuteness. She's too adorable.
“Hey!! Don't laugh at her.” Zoe scolds her boyfriend.
“Hai. I'm Ajax. Nice to meet you.” Ajax says with a charming smile on his lips.
Chloe felt her cheeks getting hot. She looks down again and nods slowly. Ajax accidentally chuckles and it makes Zoe and Damien look at him.
“What?” Ajax asks. He can feel something about this couple. Zoe and Damien look at each other with smirks. Since Ajax is struggled to find his 'soulmate', they think this is his chance. At the same time, Zoe wants someone who she trusts to take care of Chloe.
She knows she will hang out with Damien and be scared if something happened to her.
“Nothing.” Zoe answer. Chloe suddenly lifted her gaze as she remembers something.
“I forgot ice cream!! ” Chloe yells. Everyone looking at her. She realizes what just she did. She looks down with a red face.
“Why?” Damien asks.
“When I go there, I saw...um...a bunch of guys beating up this cute...p-puppy. So I help and run.” Chloe answer.
Zoe now changes her expression into a rage.
“That bastard. Oh! By the way, that why I saw this puppy with you. I want to ask you but I forgot. ” Zoe chuckles. Damien suddenly has an idea to come in his mind.
“Hey, babe. Let's go buy ice cream for all of us. Just BOTH of us.” Damien says. He winks at Zoe and she knows what that means. She nods.
“So, we going to buy ice cream and you two can..um..you know. Get along.” Zoe says.
Chloe looks at her with a nervous look.
“Don't worried, Chloe. Ajax is a good guy. ” Zoe comforts her. Damien gives Ajax smirks. Ajax glares at him because he knows that smirked.
“What are you trying to do?” Ajax asks.
“Nothing. I want to buy ice cream that's all.” Damien answers with an innocent look.
Without let Ajax replied or anyone speak, he holds Zoe's hands and dragged her out. Ajax let out a sigh and shake his head. He glances at the girl who is in front of him. Chloe just looks at her food. She didn't know how to deal with any people. She only knows Zoe and Damien.
Everyone hates her because of her ex-crush but because of Zoe, she alive. Ajax looks at her and tries to speak. What will happen to both of them? This is too awkward. The famous CEO and loner girl? Ajax tries his best to find a good subject to start.