“YOU PUNCH THEM!?” Damien yells.
“So you want me to do what!? Standing there like an idiot watching Rose being insulted!? ” Zoe yells back.
Now they are fighting. Damien mad because he cares about Zoe's safety or health. He knows she tries to protect Chloe but he didn't like it if Zoe got hurt by violence. All of them now in the Ajax office because Damien has worked so he brings them here for a while.
Ajax and Chloe sit at the couch watching this drama.
“But you don't have to do violence. You can take Chloe outside and ignore them.” Damien says.
“Like you understand our 'love scenario' at that time.” Zoe being sarcastically and rolled her eyes. He let out a heavy sigh and look at Zoe bleeding knuckles.
“Let's take you to my office because I have a first aid kit there. ” Damien says softly.
“Fine. Chloe, stay here with Ajax." Zoe says. Chloe nods with a smile because she knows Zoe is stress and sad about Damien. He yelling at her. She didn't expect that at all. Chloe gives both couples to settle their problem. They went out leaving two of them in an awkward atmosphere.
Ajax can't believe he in this atmosphere again. But at the same time, he curious about what happened.
“Um..mind if I asked what happened? ” Ajax asks. Chloe looks at him slowly.
“Sure. Actually...Zoe got...fight.” Chloe says. Ajax saw her like she has something to confess but no one could listen.
“Why?” Ajax asks.
“Because...” Chloe is scared to confess but half of her say that she should trust this guy.
Ajax smiled warmth at her when he notices that Chloe hesitated to talk. He moves a little bit closer with Chloe and pats her head.
“Don't worried. Just talk.” Says Ajax. Chloe looks down while blushing. Ajax can't help but giggle. Damien was right. She's not quite but she just shy. Super shy.
“Zoe try..to protect me from Philip.” Chloe says.
“What that girl 'Philip' do?” Ajax asks. A small sigh escaped from her mouth.
“She..insult me.” Chloe says. She doesn't want to tell him everything because she is still scared of Ajax. While Ajax also notices her uncomfortable about this subject.
He stands up.
“So, you can sit here and I have a work to do,” says Ajax. Chloe nods at him and he gives her a smile before went to his chair. Chloe has nothing to do than watching him typing something on the laptop. She gonna admit it. It is really attractive. The way he focuses on something is hot.
Chloe blushing and look away. Then, she heard Ajax giggling. She looks at him and their eyes met.
“You admiring me?” Ajax asked with a smirked.
“N-No.” Chloe looks away. Ajax just smiles at her cute side.
“Damien told me that you living with Zoe. ” Ajax says.
“I am.” Chloe answer.
“You don't live with your parents? ” Ajax asks.
“Is it necessary to make that sound?” Ajax asks while giggles. Chloe blushed when she realized what she did.
“You are blushing. ” Ajax says while smirking. Chloe looks away with red cheeks. Is he attracted to this girl? Is he? Yes, he does.
Ajax smiled at the girl who still eating a donut in front of him. She may be childish but that what makes people love her. Just like Zoe said. What Ajax needs to do right now is, to know her more. Because his feelings are curious about her.
“Is it good?” Ajax asks.
“It..delicious. ” Chloe says. Ajax felt relief when heard that Chloe said something positive. Chloe looks at the donut and him. Then, repeat the action three times.
“Why are you looking between me and that donut?” Ajax asks. She just stares at him then take one donut and stuff into Ajax mouth. Ajax stunned by her action. It was the first time he saw Chloe make a move.
“I know it yours so how about you eat also?” Chloe asks. Ajax eat the donut and swallowed it. This girl really takes his attention.
“Thank you but you just feed me, you realize that right?” Ajax asks with a smirked. Chloe stares at him blankly but then, her cheeks change color into red.
“I-I don't feed you...I just..stuff it.” Chloe says.
Ajax just shakes his head amusedly.
“Didn't it the same?” Ajax asks. Chloe just looks down and eat. Ajax let out a chuckle and continue his work.
Ajax works until night but Damien and Zoe still didn't come back. He calls Damien and he said, they have something to do. So it means, Chloe is still stuck here. Whatever that couple does, he doesn't want to know about it.
It already at 9 pm. Ajax stretches his arms and sighs relief that all his work is finally done. So tomorrow he's not busy. He glances at the girl who sleeping at the couch with a blanket that he gives just now. How can someone who pure and fragile be insulted like that?
It is really cruel. Suddenly, his phone vibrates and it means someone texts him. He turns on and read it.
"Can you bring Chloe back home. You know Zoe apartment right? ” It a text from Damien.
Ajax knows what they are doing but let say he pretend to be innocent. He packs his stuff and went to Chloe He knee down and saw this angelic face.
“Chloe” He shakes her arms gently. Nothing happened.
“Chloe~" He shakes again but nothing happened. Ajax thinks the way that he can wake Chloe up. Then, Chloe mumbled something.
“Mmmm...” Chloe slightly opens her eyes.
“Oh! I about to wake you up. Let's go. ” Ajax says softly.
Chloe nods her head and sits up. She rubs her eyes. Ajax just stares at her. Without knowing, a smile appeared on his face. Chloe yawned and she stands up. She grabs her backpack and suddenly she hold Ajax hand. It makes him stunned. Why this girl suddenly hold his hand?
Ajax didn't pull his hands back because his body told him not to do that.
“I want...to go home..” Chloe says in a sleepy voice. Ajax let out a giggle. He found her childish side and it so cute.
“Come on." Ajax says and brings her out.
Is it too fast for him to attracted to this girl? He thinks not. He wants to know what happened next.