Looking up while walking home, I'm contemplating whether I should ride a bus or save that money for food. A three kilometer walk isn't so bad is it? The better part of me wanted to walk and just save the money but my body is so tired from work. Carrying boxes, restocking and labeling worn me off. Think, think, think about your grandma. Making a long loud sigh, walk it is then. The positive thought only is that I can have more me-time. I can think and rationalize and more thinking and thinking and thinking. I'm losing my mind. No matter how I think and budget and save, my salary just won't fit. So many bills to pay I just wanna quit being an adult. Can I just do like that? Quit being an adult.
While I was walking being clumsy as always. I stumbled into something shiny, shall I say the shiniest and the most beautiful diamond pink ring I have laid eyes on. It's a pink, rectangular diamond ring and it has small white diamond studs sitting on it's edges. It's very beautiful and might be expensive too. Oh wait! Is this even real? I put it upwards inspecting it, it's even shimmering and it's so mesmerizing and it's sparkling from the rays of the sun. Why would a ring like this be just laying around here on the road side. I look around maybe someone might have dropped it here. Shall I bring this to the police? How can I return this? Better get home first grandma must be worried about me.
Going in our apartment, more like a hellhole. Stairs squeak when you step on it. Some have missing floorboards along the hallway. You have to really watch where you're going, step right, step left, step farther left, then right. I don't remember taking this long to go to our apartment. At last I finally arrived, I went straight to our couch, plopped my feet on the coffee table arms outstretched at the back of the couch. This feels good after walking a long way.
"Granny! Claire! Where are you?" I called them out while still sitting on the couch too tired and too lazy to get up and search where they are.
"In here love!" granny called out while going out of her room and Claire pushing her wheelchair.
"How's work?" Grandma inquired.
"Well same old, same old" I replied lazily.
"Tash a certain Mr. Bright was here asking for you." Claire spoke.
"What did he want? I already told I'll pay him this end of the month." I replied annoyed.
" I don't know. Well if there's nothing more for me to do I'd take my leave." Claire told.
"Thanks Claire for today, don't know what to do without you." Grandma said honestly.
"Bye Claire!" I said waving at her with my left hand while my right hand still outstretched at the back of the couch.
"Bye Gran! Bye Tash! See you tomorrow" and off she goes and closed the door.
"Such a darling Claire is" grandma said fondly. She has grown to be attached to Claire and considered her as her grandchild. Seeing as Claire is only a few years older than me, her being 28 and me being 25.
"Yeah, she is. Gran what do you want to eat for dinner? We still have peas, beans, some meat, and corn."
"How about some stirfry beef with beans?" Grandma said smiling.
"Wait I totally forgot, did you remember what Doc said? Easy on the beans, your gout Gran, remember?" She frowned.
"How about beef with gravy and corn?" Her spirits lift up like a kid.
"Sounds like dinner to me" she said smiling. I am still so amazed of her beauty even with her old age. With her dimple still showing. Grandma must have been a total knock off when she was younger. I wish I have her beauty.
While preparing dinner she keeps on telling me her life before when she was still a maid. She keeps on telling me that she is the head maid in the mansion where she worked before. She has funded Dad's school fees and camps before with just being a maid and grandpa being the mansion's gardener. They found love in the mansion. With all her time spent in the mansion working leaving Dad as an only child. Dad used to be babysat with great grandma and her sisters while she works full time and stay-in at the mansion. The madam where she worked before is like Cruella. She said servants are not allowed to look at her directly in the eye. Her being competent, hardworking and reliable she has lasted for 35 years. She stopped only when she became really old and constant nagging of grandpa to retire. They quit when she was 65 years old. Then the madam in the house and the master died before she retired. The whole household were at loss not when the master and the madam died but when she decided to retire. Then after 5 years grandpa died. After 7 years Dad died. Such a tragic thing my grandma couldn't take with her frail heart. She undergo stroke. We have to sell some of our belongings and our house too to pay for her hospital bills and some of her hardearned money was spent in the funeral of grandpa and Dad.
"Gran, I was thinking of having another job." I told her while we are eating. After hearing this, her face began to sag and frowned.
"Darling, why do you have to have another job? Let's not hire a caregiver for me anymore. I can be totally fine without it. My legs are failing me now but they'll come around. I still have my hands you know?" She said defensively and acting strong. She always does this but I can always see through her.
"You know you can't be on your own Gran. Stop being stubborn."
"I'm not. Besides I really can move around and do things on my own."
"Gran, we've talked about this. You will have Claire and this discussion is over." Don't get me wrong. I really love my grandma. She's the only one I have but when she's like this I'm a bit annoyed.
"Anyway Gran, let's call it a night. I have to be early tomorrow and Mary will pick me up. Let's get you to your room". She managed to smile eventually and I helped her to bed and tucked her in.
"Good night Gran." I said while kissing her forehead.
"Good night my Tasha." She said and touched my cheek lovingly.
When I was in my room, I'm battling with my mind what to do with the ring. Maybe I can wear this ring, you know at least I know the feeling of being rich once in my life. I have never worn a ring more than 5 dollars and it was even during second grade. Well let's see how I look like in it.
My goodness a perfect fit! Only if I can find my Prince Charming after wearing this. And with that thought, I fell asleep still hoping that tomorrow might be better.