-The Past-
There was once a maiden, she was very beautiful, you could say she is the epitome of beauty. Only if her beauty was as good as the inside. Ladies were envious of her, good breeding, sophistacated, well-educated and above all super rich. Super rich is still an understatement when she practically owns the entire continent. She has everything she wants in a snap of her fingers, very powerful woman, not because she has superpowers but she can command with just a look, her servants know what she wants, when she claps servants pool at her feet. Once you make a mistake it will be the end of you, you would have wished you died at the moment. A very despicable woman. Well, who is this despicable woman you might ask? Her name is Elizabeth Browne, her parents died at an early age leaving all the properties, estates, businesses to her when she turned 18. The passing of her parents left her a very bitter woman. She despises happiness, she rarely smiles. Only if faced with people who can dump more money on her pile.What more happens when she married a gentleman who is equally as super rich as her? When this gentleman proposed he has spent 80 million dollars for a ring. As good as the money and equally greedy as her wife to be, agreed to be married, seeing there's no one worthy enough to have her hand in marriage. When they got married, royalties come to meet them, important people are on their speed dial. They would step everyone who is on their way. Never have mercy. Rich aristocrats, never gave a second glance to people who earn less than 6 figures. Their motto in life is to practically own the whole world.
Atasha's POV
"Are you okay? Her friend Mary asked while waving her hand in front of her.
"Ah yes?" She replied disoriented.
"Having trouble with your grandma again?" She asked concerned. Ever since she started working in the supermarket it's like they just clicked and became really close friends, you might say they're practically sisters since she doesn't have siblings. They have each other's back especially her being the bread winner. She's living with her invalid grandma. Her grandma had a stroke when her father died. She couldn't take the heartbreak and loss so she had a stroke. Thus, paralyzing half of her body. While her mom got remarried with a younger rich bachelor. It was easy for her cause her looks never give away.
"Yeah, I just don't know what to do anymore where to get our finances, the rent to the apartment, the electricity, water, food, my grandma's daily medication, the therapy, the doctor's fee. The list is never ending. I just don't know what to do Mar." I said while puffing out a long sigh.
She too don't know what to do since she's also striving hard. Having to take the responsibility of financing her younger siblings school fees. Her mother is a waitress and her dad is a retired gambler. Well, that's what he says anyway. Buried in debt, she has to step up and help pay their finances.
"Why don't we both do job hunting tonight? Or tomorrow? What works? I mean do a part time job."
"Well that isn't a bad idea" But what happens to my grandma leaving her alone for a very long time. She hardly affords a caretaker to watch her at day time. Who will she ask for help?
"You're doing it again!"
"Doing what?" I told defensively
"Staring blankly like you left your body here on earth while your mind is on the outerspace."
"I did not"
"Tell that to someone who believes you" she told while rolling her eyes at me.
"Dear fairy godmother when will you come and help us? I've been waiting for a long time already. Please show up." I said downhearted while still stocking some tissue rolls. When will this be over?
"Don't worry Tash we'll get through this" she said smiling. She's the only hope I have you know. When she is also carrying so much burden. She always knows what to say in the right time.
"Well, well, well it isn't for the gossipers in town. Never runs out of gossips. You both are not paid here to gossip. Both of you in my office."
Me and Mary looked on to each other sadly. Sometimes I like this guy but most of the times I really hate him. Ugh! Perfect timing. When I am under so much stress already and this guy just seems to add more to my pile of stress.
When we are at his office he sat on his swivel chair folding his hands on the table and looking disappointingly at us. He really does like it when he seats on that old worn out chair. He thinks he is so superior when he seats there.
"Both of you take a seat" as instructed by our supervisor Stephen we sat on the chairs in front of him.
"Do you really want to lose your jobs? This is an offence you have breached countless times. Boss has also seen you once and addressed it to me. I don't wanna fire you both since you both needed money. But come on guys you need to help me too. You Mary, you'd think I never see you eating that chocolate bar while at work."
"But Steph-" he cut what Mary wanted to say.
"There's no excuse for eating at work. I mean you're working in a supermarket one could easily say you stole that from the stacks."
"But I didn't!” she reasoned out.
"I know, please let me do my job easily. One that leaves me not firing you. I hope this will be the last that I'm reprimanding you both. I'd really wanted you to keep your jobs since you're both hardworking and never minds about the extra hours spent at work. You both can go now."
What a day! Just what I needed. Lord help me!