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The girls in the back away back and fourth and occasionally knock into one another. It has been like this for what feels like a couple hours. Most are secured to bars along the sides, but Renna was flung in unceremoniously to flail about. Brie is tied next to another woman by the door. Renna fights against the movement of the truck to slide to Brie. The trailer is pitch black, she works on memory alone. Brie looks down as something rolls into her bound feet. She focuses her eyes to see that it's Renna, on the trailer floor. They make eye contact and Renna desperately tries to get the tape off her mouth. After spitting, swinging her head and scooting her face along Brie's shoe, her tape is loose.

"L-lick the tape. If you wet the tape and rub your face with whatever you can it will loosen. The trailer is silent now, no whimpers, as the girls work diligently to free their mouths. A few gulps of air, sobs, joyous tips and sighs can be heard as several succeed. The ones who've succeeded begin trying to help the others my offering shoulders or trying to turn their backs so their neighbors can use the fingertips of their bound hands. Once everyone is free it doesn't take long for chatter and screams to flood the trailer. Everyone now focuses on trying to draw attention by crying for help or trying to free other restraints. Renna lays by Brie's feet gnawing at the ropes binding them. Brie encourages her as she is trying her best. It doesn't seem to be going well.

"I wanted to try your hands first but I can't get up."

"It's ok Ren, you are doing amazing. I can at least breathe now. How far can you stand?"

"I get to my knees before I am flung around or lose balance." Brie nods as she tries to come up with a way to get her friend up to stand near her. Several girls towards the back release hair raising screams. The truck stops soon after, silencing everyone.

"Shit..." Renna whispers as the door is drawn and dim lights floods her vision, temporarily blinding her.

"Stop fucking screaming. We are about to cross a bridge. Anybody who's caught screaming, is thrown off still bound." Darrick growls, he eyes Renna Renna suspiciously even though it wasn't her. He turns and shuts the door. The engine comes alive once more and a few girls now sob, others sit quietly in shock or fear.

"I can't get it loose." Renna sighs, defeated. Her teeth have pieces of rope between them from dropping back down to try to free Brie's feet. The truck begins to slow now and the girls begin breathing heavier.

"Renna, stop please. You tried hard. We can't let you get caught." Renna worms away from Brie's feet and settles a few feet away. Brie sobs silently and Renna does too. Everyone is shaking and uncertain with the situation at hand.

"I'm so sorry Brie. I couldn't do it." She's cut off by the door swinging open to reveal the men from earlier. Everyone is half blinded by the light of the building the truck is backed into. It appears to be a warehouse. Darrick and Tristan enter quickly, undoing the girls feet then leading them out to the room. Another large man trying them to the bar along the wall of the room. Darrick was saving Brie and Tristan's girl for last so they could take them and go. Renna had managed to be among the last to be lead out, alongside Tristan's blonde and Brie. Noticing the two men dragging Brie and the blonde to the exit, both Brie and Renna began to panic.

"Where are you taking her! Let her go!" Renna fought with the large man trying to line her up along the others. "Stop!! Please. Please. Hell, take me with her! I'll do anything." Brie turned to look at Renna, still sobbing.

"I'm so sorry Ren! I'll find you. We'll get back to one another. It'll be ok." Brie's voice quivers, and Renna's heart cramps in her chest as she watches them drag her best friend away. She is powerless and angry, feeling guilty for her inability to stop this.

"I love you Brie. Forgive me..." Renna wails as the huge man shoves her harshly into the wall before trying her to the bar. There is a little leeway in the length, just enough for the women to turn around. The large man, having unloaded the shipment and tied them up, now quickly gets to work prepping them before the hoard of greedy males comes to fight and scrap over pick of the litter. They will only be held off by alpha and the elders so long. He starts with Renna. Crouching down level with her, eyeing her over before he holds his hand before her face. She flinches on instinct, expecting to be struck and the man rumbles in amusement. He wouldn't hurt her yet, he only wants to scare her. He wiggles his fingers, drawing her attention. She stares in horror as his fingertip elongates and a sharp claw extends.

"I'll never tire of that." He smirks, absorbing all of shock that he can. He loves the feeling of fear and power, watching the females cower or submit. He trails the claw along Renna's body, slicing through shirt and bra with ease. Renna helps but his other hand extends it's claws and holds her in place while he cuts through her shorts and panties. He catches a tantalizing whiff of copper, and kneels to investigate. He accidentally nicked her pubic mound slicing the clothing away. She glowers at him. He likes the spunk in this one, his eyes roam her body appreciatively. He will keep her in mind as he makes his way through the others. He laps the cut to close it and keep the scent of blood down, he doesn't want many others to notice her incase he does pick her.

The girls are all bare now, hands tied behind their backs and to a short leash attached to the bar. He keeps them spaced out so none can try to hide. Three dozen females. More than enough for all those who requested one. The box truck is removed and the truck door is closed. The man doors open to reveal a fleet of men. Some half dressed, some bare from shifting to run here. Renna wheezes in a loud gulp of air and slams back into the bar, ass smacking the cold brick of wall below it as she yelps and moves away from the cold. She fixes her gaze high on the opposite wall, not daring to make eye contact with the nude or semi nude strangers.

"Easy. You won't like what happens to damaged goods." The clawed man warns her as she continues to gape and panic. He's not human. This is a dream. A fucked up dream. He grew claws! He cut me! Renna tries to process what she seen and is seeing now. All of these men are abnormal. Huge. Some beefy and others tall and lean. Quiet, powerful gaits. Unnervingly attractive. Strange, reflective eyes that seem other worldly. Had she not seen the hand morph, she might've thought she had walked into a modeling agency. She couldn't care less to appreciate their looks now though, they had taken Brie and were likely going to kill her for what she knew.

Many men started at the beginning of the line, others stepping back across the room to scan and go to their preferred female. Renna tried to slump to hide anything she could, or at least distort herself. A huge man stood in the middle of the room, overseeing. He was slightly older than the others, and much larger. Whenever the men would start to get combative he would call them to fight it out or concede and chose another girl. He made sure that fighting pairs were kept back from the line of females so nobody was injured and no extra chaos was created.

Girls whined, cried, screamed and cussed. Many were threatened or struck into silence. This man who seemed to run the show had little patience with the weak or emotional girls. He also seemed to dislike Renna, as he repeatedly glared at her holding her gaze. She locked eyes with him and to her surprise, she did not look away. She was far too angry, the longer she remained here the fright faded to hostility. He finally chuckled at her and a few other men came towards her, checking her over and debating their options. A few heavily considered Renna, but found her to be too much of a hassle. The clawed man decided the same and chose a different girl. Renna stood nervously. Whst happens when they take you? What happens if they don't? Which was better? She was going to hyperventilate. Her nerves only increasing as her mind raced.

"Fuck you! Hands off you pervert." One of the girls in the center screamed out as a man untied her. The man interested in her back as the man in charge came forward.

"Shut up. Go." He pointed her to the man and she refused. "One last warning. You will go!" He seethed.

"Like hell!" The girl challenged. The man stepped back from her crouching. His form began to tremble and convulse as he changed from the inside then out. His size doubled, limbs elongated and thickened, hair covered his body. Some sort of monstrous grizzly with glistening green eyes and a double row of teeth soon replaced the crouched man. The girl screamed and tried to cower, but the beast grabbed her leg in his mouth and bit down. The sounds of crushing bones filled the room as she shrieked in agony. Half of her leg now missing. The bear looked down at her before taking a swipe across her front that ended her suffering. Skin peeled back and organs peeked out of the gashes that ran from face to stomach across the front of the girl. Cries, puking, fainting and screams rang out from the girls in the room. Renna stood shocked to silence, as she quietly smothered inside, afraid to be too loud. The bear man shifted and stood back, giving the dead girl's would be suitor a chance to pick again. The girl he chose next practically climbed his arms as he untied her ropes. The bear man looked once again to Renna and nodded, almost as if in approval of her mostly maintaining her composure.

A man soon came forward for Renna after having studied her for a bit. He was tall and caramel in color. He had similar dishwater hair to hers, but his had more of a golden hue whereas hers was slightly ashy and grey in certain light. His eyes were black and golden, thick chocolate lashes brimming them. His teeth were white and flat, but looked sharp at their edges. His ears pointed a bit bigger than an average man's. What the hell is this one? Renna wondered as the man stood staring into her eyes. She wondered what all of these men were? Were they all bears? The man turned her around and back. He stood taller and puffed his chest out near her, looking to the other men who turned away from her. He was daring someone to challenge his pick. He chose this one carefully. He had watched her from the moment he entered, liking her demeanor. She was smart enough to cooperate but not entirely stupid. Just enough fight to make her worthy, and she looked very healthy. Seeing that nobody would challenge him to her, he dropped his head to sprout giant razor sharp as antlers and he pinned Renna in his tines while he worked her restraints lose. His body so strong that he was unaffected by the size and weight of the massive horns on his head. He was not going to deal with any nonsense today, so he pinned her in his antlers to secure her and as a threat. Just showing what he was capable of if he chose. He grabbed her wrist and lead her to the exit. Bowing his head to his alpha, horns now receded. His alpha nodded and he left with his chosen female who was verging on a panic attack as she tried to plot escape and sort out the nightmarish things she had just witnessed. What are these men? What do they want with us?

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