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All Seeing Eyes.

*Renna's POV (Do you guy's prefer Renna's or the third person narration of the first two chapters?)*

We ate in heavy silence. I requested a peanut butter sandwich, not daring to try the huge sections of jerky he chewed with ease. I found it strange for a stag man to eat meat, but I tried to avoid thinking about anything. I want him out of my head. I'm crawling in my own skin.

Every since his little spill earlier, I do not know what to say. I didn't even realize this could be real, that this could happen to me. Being kidnapped was one thing, but this is beyond anything I could ever have imagined. What if he's bluffing? They can't possibly know where I am at all times, can they? Suppose I could get an opportunity to try for escape, I could go back in the opposite direction of warehouse and follow the road till I hit another city? At least I would only have to contend with their human forms that way. I don't think gator man would shift and eat me on a highway infront of oncoming traffic. Why eat us anyways? Why go through the trouble if having us abducted and brought here just to slaughter us not long after we get here? There's other things to eat, there's a fucking town.

"Waste of resources. He does this every year. Fucks himself and everyone else out of their claims." He responds in my mind. "You are my first. Now that I've found a worthy female to mark, I will take you out later for them to scent. "

"What does that mean?"

"That means I have decided to accept you, for longer than one season. I think you are strong, and smart enough to bet on having well surpassed the others. I was secretly impressed that you were able to successfully take Aaron's eye. It's a first. I also enjoyed Alpha's interest in you. I might complete the process later on, but for now you are unable to be taken by another. If you receive your second mark, you will be unable to be killed without punishment."

"I...um...will I get to see other girls?" I can't stop my thoughts from traveling to Brie.

"If they are there, you will. Who is Brie? Who claimed her? Can you let me see?" I have no idea what he means, so I stare at him. His eyes haze and he stares into mine.

"Darrick. He claimed her. He and Tristan brought the shipment. Tristan is the one who seemed to dislike you." He seen them! In my mind. Through my memories? I feel so awestruck, yet invaded. How is this possible? "I am able to do this, because I marked you. Other's cannot see or hear your thoughts. I've never been able to do this before, only communicate with other males of the pack, but not to see their thoughts or memories."

"Can you not do this all the time?"

"Once I'm certain you are trustworthy, I will back off or open my own thoughts to you. As for now, it's intriguing to be all seeing. I can see into anything I need. What you are presently viewing, your past, all information I need is before me. You are an open book to me. I will be able to predict your next move. You do realize that though you try, the mind never truly shuts off? You cannot shut me out, even when you tried to go blank earlier I could see your concentration and through your eyes as you searched the room. I could feel your frustration and worries. I know you need to pee-"

"I can't stand this! Get out of my fucking head and don't you dare try to mess with my feelings! I want to feel how I want to feel." I explode on him. I can't stand not having control of my emotions or privacy in my own mind. He immediately pounces onto me and slams me into the floor. I thrash and fight with him, but he wasn't lying. He knows exactly what I plan before I can implement my moves. I finally manage to bite his throat, right under his chin in a fit of rage and frustration. It was the wrong move. I fucked up, but I can't back down from it now I just have to own it. He goes to pin my arms but I roll and tick them under me, then throw my head back on instinct into his face. He can't predict me, if even I don't know what I'm doing here. Soon he retaliates by delivering a series of viscious bites all over my back and bottom. I plead and cry, feeling the flesh tear under his razor like teeth. He slows now, making the bites even more agonizing. I can't even imagine how that poor girl felt being shredded and eaten. Will he kill me now?

"St-stop! I-I'm sorry!" I sob. My back I'd on fire, and I can feel the trickles of blood run now. He halts for a moment and I fall apart. Every emotion and fear I've felt since being abducted hits me at once. I want my mom. My dad. My home. I want to snuggle in my room with my books and watch my purple beta fish. I want real food. To run in the sunshine carefree again, alongside Brie. He really is a monster. No wonder they have to kidnap girls to be in their presence. He freezes and nuzzles me. I panic and try to curl farther into myself, trying to protect what I can and my soft spots from his wrath. He 'cleans' his damage with his tongue now, and I don't dare unfurl. I can sense him move away, I take this moment to try to compose myself and shut what i can out from him.

He scoots a plate against my face and I hesitantly open my eyes. A little pile of sugar cookies.

"My favorites. For you." He drops his head. No doubt feigning submission and guilt. He is incapable of guilt. I scoot the plate away, rejecting the pitiful peace offering.

"I want nothing from you." I sniffle.

"We are still going to the town. I will retract my protection from you then. You may follow behind me. If you make it, you make it. I'll give you at least that much mercy, so you have even the slightest chance to make it." He turns and moves toward the bedroom. He emerges dressed casually and leaves me behind. I wait till the front door shuts to run around his house and scavenge. I find the previous tenants' belongings shoved into a spare room, and I grab a pair of sneakers that must've belonged to the preteen son in the photo. I grab a grey wife beater that looks close enough in size, and settle on navy gym shorts. I would have rather had the jeans for protection against brairs, but they were too long and wouldn't go up past my thighs. I use an old shoelace in another pair of shoes to tie my hair up in an extremely bad bun. I exit quickly, stopping by the kitchen for a knife from the knife block and I take a lighter from the drawer. I decide to swipe the cookies, and a couple apples and tie them up in the tshirt I had last night.

I have a general idea of how to get back, so I am not worried about keeping up or trying to find that monster. I tuck my knife into the hair before my bun, tight against my head so I can easily grab it. I keep my mind blank, I focus on listening and watching. Staying alert. I do not risk trying to plan. I will plan when I reach the town. This way he will not have as much of a head's up when I try to escape. I intend to find Brie, or bring back help to get to her. I almost want to think taunts and curses at him, but I don't even get him the satisfaction of thinking of him any longer. I need to keep a blank mind. I know I will have to cross that stream, and I fear I will meet the nudist gator fuck there. "Aaron." I groan.

"Fuck off Axel."


"Asshole." I have obviously learned nothing, but I will face the repercussions later if I have to. I've travel quite far already. I've seen smaller woodland creatures scurry and birds fly overhead. It looks to be about noonish, and the summer sun feels great on my miserable body. Bringing me relief and lifting my spirits. An abnormally large fox soon follows me, and I turn to look at it, knowing that its probably one of this breed too. I dick my head a bit before speaking.

"Hello. Are you going to the town too?" I've heard that making eye contact and small talk with would be creeps who are secretly serial killers can reduce your risks of being selected. They prefer not risk being recognized later on by someone who has interacted. Some shit like that. Perhaps it will keep demonic animal beasts from killing me too. I don't care at this point, it's worth a shot. I'd prefer play nice than try to fight with it. It tilts its head curiously, lips retracting to form a sly foxy grin of sorts. It almost seems surprised.

"Hello little one." He nods and nears me, cautiously. I stay still and keep focused. He sniffs me and chuckles. "You smell of Asa." He seems disappointed. "You're an interesting thing. Very friendly. I actually take another route to town, but I followed you to get a scent. I can follow you to town, if you'd like." I certainly trust nobody here, but my odds are better out here with an escort. Also he is a lovely creature, and much more approachable than the others I've seen.

"Thank you. I would love that actually! And I hope that doesn't mean I stink." I wrinkle my nose and he snorts. "He bit me for no reason and told me I would smell like him, I suppose he wasn't lying."

"You smell wonderful, regardless. You are new here, yes?" I nod and we continue our trajectory.

"Were you there?" I ask him. He dips his head under my hand, to pet his head.

"No, I was at home. I needn't go anymore. I claimed a mate last year, and she gave me a pup in spring. I just assumed you were new because Asa has yet to have luck with his claims. I was taken aback to find a live female roaming with his scent."

"Congratulations on your mate and pup! Forgive me for my ignorance here, but your mate was one of the girls they bring here? And your pup, is it a fox too? It must be adorable." I try to get a little info while congratulating him, but I'm really just shocked that we might possibly be able to reproduce with these 'men'. Is this why there are no females of their kind?

"Thank you dear. Yes, she was. The only red head there, with green eyes and golden skin. She looked like she was a fox herself, I had to have her. Our pup is a fox too, with his mother's eyes. Typically, they will be what their father is." He chimes.

"So there are no females of your kind?"

"No, not born. We may turn our mates if we choose, but only our mates. Once turned or marked, they can't be marked by another male. They are bonded to us. My mate is still deciding if she wants to turn or not."

"That's really neat! I had no idea. Is...is that why we are all brought here?" I ask shyly, starting to feel uncomfortable.

"Yes. However you have some that go against rules and break protocol with their females. You have some who will take an extra mate too. Or replace their existing mate. Our alpha actually has three he keeps, all marked. Asa has marked you. Marking is that bite he gave you. It means you are his mate, although it doesn't smell completed, you are still his mate now." Oh no. No. No. I think back to his weird behavior last night. Almost lovable and possessive. Whining after me. Should I ask this fox man?

"I hope I'm not bothering you with my questions, but how does the mark get completed? I can't ask Asa these things, he is quite moody and would punish me. Last night he sat up half the night whining and trying to lick me like a dog does and I was frightened. This confuses me."

"Oooh." He looks at me coyly and chuckles. "Asa is definitely an odd creature. That behavior though is very easy to explain. We do that when we want a female's acceptance. He was transferring pheromones to you, and letting you know you can make a move. Many males will just initiate themselves without waiting, which was how I figured Asa would be. He transferred a lot by smell if you though. He will have you in heat very soon." My stomach churns and I no longer feel well. I feel clammy despite the gorgeous sun beating down through the foliage of the trees above.

"No offense, but I don't think that's what he wants. He took over my head and bit my back dozens of times in anger. Then. Then he abandoned me but told me to go to town and if I die, I died."

"What a shame. He finally succeeds in finding a nice mate and he wants to harm her. Had he not so selfishly marked you, I would have taken you back with me. You would have had a nice life there. My mate is very content and healthy. I take good care of mate, and of pup." He boasts.

"I envy her. You are the best man I've met here." He puffs out proudly and ripples his silky fur. I notice the stream up ahead and my heart skips a beat.

"Aaron?" I nod frantically. "Screw Aaron. He's bulky and full of himself. He never poses me a threat." He falls behind and soon slides beneath me to lift me up. He bounds across the stream, boulder to boulder. He's so agile and smooth it's like flying. The trip goes quickly from there. We chat and he fills me in on gossip. When we approach the street he let's me down.

"I'm Nixon, if ever you need me. If Asa rejects you, I will request Alpha to give you to me instead of the alternative."

"I am Renna. Thank you for all of your help and patience." He licks my face and starts to shift. Soon a nude man stands before me, light olive and freckled, with auburn hair and matches eyes. Neat scruff lines his face. He has a cute upturned nose. He turns to leave and I take in the area. So many buildings, streets, houses. Houses that I know are also in the woods or areas I'll never find. I'll never find Brie. I will roam around for a bit to see if I see her or that man out. If not, I'll be forced to leave soon for help. It kills me, but I can't waste an opportunity to get us help. My hesitation might end up costing Brie more than it has if I mess this up.

I get some judgmental glances from those passing by, and I realize I must look feral. Knife in my unkempt hair, men's clothing, I'm braless and bouncing in the breeze. Oh God. Bite mark on my neck probably shining like a beacon. A tied up shirt with food hanging like a makeshift purse. Too big a shoe on. I even smell like men's soap and deodorant, not that I really care. Better than smelling like demon deer dude. I make my way past a few businesses, peering in shamelessly to scope for Brie or that Darrick man. I spot the bear man in a small dusty diner and I slip inside, head bowed as I nervously approach.

"Hello sir." I greet, head remains lowered as I've seen other's do. "I hope I'm not bothering you, but I need help."

"You are certainly a brave little shit to interrupt my meal, but I admire it. I see you are observant enough to catch on to how other's greet me." He closes his eyes and his nostrils flare. "Asa has a smart one. So, what do you need? Be quick." He warns.

"I need to find Darrick."

"Darrick?" He arches a brow. "Darrick is at his home."

"Is his girl alright? She is my friend." I ask tentatively.

"She is adapting well. He's kept her well protected." He grabs a roll and pushes it to me. I don't dare refuse and I take it. "You may eat that. Now go find your master." He waves me away and people gawk at him before he huffs and they all turn back. I exit quickly and eat the roll for strength. I'll need it when I leave her. I go in the direction I remember the warehouse being. I keep on my toes, scanning for it, or suspicious eyes who might stop me. Brie is ok. Brie is safe. I can go for help knowing she is well. I deviate from the main street and work my way through alleys and around businesses following the road leading out. I see people occassionally, but none pay me much mind now. I am almost past the warehouse, when I encounter the big man who stripped our clothing there last night after leading us from the truck. Shit. Shit. Shit.

"Hey! You are Asa's! Get back. You aren't allowed to go this far out without him present." I turn back and start running. I'll go around another way. I'm getting to that road.

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