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I gave him a saccharine smile. I gave him the sweetest I can muster, and tried very hard to hide my irritation.

“No old man, she’s just my sister.” I emphasized the words I use to address him, just to try and return the insult. Mo****f****r. Beast! Bastard! Devil! Shameless sonofab*tch! Crazy idiot! Asshole! Douchebag! A$%*@^%%!*#%@#$%%^&*!

In my mind, I ranted all the bad words I can think of but still, I find no satisfaction.

And the guy had the nerve to smile back smugly, as if he scored. He seemed so amused and entertained that he manage to mess someone else’ day. I would have liked to land my fist on the guy’s face. He really ruined my mood!

I get it, I looked old. I looked lousy that he would think I would have a daughter of this age!

I looked back at the cashier, it is my turn to pay so I better not mind this irritating jerk behind me.

But I cannot wipe off the sight of his annoying smirk. He was grinning so widely that my palm itches to hit him.

The guy behind me looked achingly familiar. I know I’ve seen him somewhere but I also know I do not personally know him. Could it be that he’s my archenemy in my previous life?

I ignored him even though I can feel his eyes boring at the back of my head. I’m getting goosebumps. Not because of fear or terror, but more of anticipation and excitement.

Hold it! Why? Why would I be excited? What would I be anticipating?! Por pabor!

Yes, yes! He’s handsome. I have to be fair and honest. Yes, he’s smoking hot!

I do not know why I am more irritated because of the thought that he’s handsome. He’s taller than average and has the right muscles at the right place. Well proportioned and, uh..

My thoughts trailed. Yes, in other words, he’s SEXY.

And because he is handsome and sexy, I am automatically on guard. I am afraid of being a victim of his pheromones.

I’m out to prove that men are not an integral part of a woman’s life. That one can live as completely and as contentedly as possible without having a man in her life. Yes, I am happy the way I am now. Free from emotional tangles.

“Sister, can we move?” Alessa snapped her fingers in front of my face. I looked at her in surprise and turned my gaze to the cashier who looked like she’s about to lose her patience.

“Sorry,” I apologized and put the items I was carrying on top of the counter.

I heard the guy behind me chuckled but I stopped myself from turning around and raise hell.

First and foremost, I was not in the position to get angry at him since I am the one who’s keeping the line from moving. In fact, he could have complained, but did not. And secondly, I would hate it if he realize that he managed to irritate me with his stupid, insulting question earlier. No way will I admit that a guy managed to get under my skin.

I paid for my purchase and quickly took the paper bag that the cashier handed me. When I was about to leave, an item near the counter caught my eyes.

And like a flash flood, I realized why the guy looked so familiar to me. I shook my head and giggled.

“Hey, you okay?” my sister bumped me with her arm while we were leaving the convenience store.

“Yeah..” I answered without thinking and started walking back to our apartment nearby.


I kept silent as I follow her. I followed her from work earlier and now, I need to keep on her track to know where she lives. For the record, I am no stalker. I just really need to know where I can see her whenever I want to see her. I am not her admirer, either. I am simply curious about this girl. There’s something about her that compels me to get to know her. She’s an enigma.

I can still vividly remember when I first saw her last week.

I was in a luncheon meeting at a restaurant when I realized that I one of the files I need was left at the office. I was about to call my secretary to tell her to email me a scanned copy of the document when I realized that my phone was running on empty, so I excused myself from the other guy for five minutes. I headed towards a convenience store at the other side of the building where the restaurant we are meeting at is located.

I plugged my phone at the charging station and called Miss Kim- my secretary.

I was about to leave when we passed by each other at the door. Our skin brushed slightly but an electric jolt sparked throughout my body. I was frozen for a few seconds. When I turned to look at her, it seemed like she did not notice me. Did she not notice the spark? Was that one sided? I was frustrated.

The next thing I knew, I was subtly following her around.

It’s quite intriguing that she manage to rouse my interest when she’s not even that beautiful, by standard. One could argue that she looks ordinary, but she’s really nice to look at. There’s an air of confidence and mystery around her.

I felt I was looking at something I haven’t seen in my entire life and I can’t decide whether it’s beautiful or not. But definitely, I’m drawn to her and I don’t know why. Maybe it’s in the confident way she entered the door earlier; or in the sure way she scans the store, knowing exactly what she’s looking for; in the carefree way she flips her hair as if she couldn’t care less; or in the daring way a very subtle smile is poised on her lips as if challenging anyone to make a go for her and at the same time, telling the taker that he won’t, in any way, succeed.

I picked up a pack of chips at the shelf so that she will not notice me. When I realized she’s already heading for the counter, I went ahead in front of her.

Sucks, why did I come first? How can I look at her subtly now without turning around?

“Hi. You look familiar.”

That’s not my pick up line. That’s too cliché, and as they put it, corny.

That’s a statement coming from someone behind the queue. I looked back quickly, expecting her.

Right, she’s there next to me in line. But it didn’t look like she spoke, or has any intention to speak. Behind her, a lady is smiling widely at me.

And because I am someone who’s got an eye for opportunities, I grabbed the chance and smiled at the lady, indulging her not so subtle flirtations while the woman I actually wanted to talk to stands between us.

“You have a number?” Girl Pick-Up asked. Let’s not bother with the name, I forgot it as soon as I heard it.

“Yeah, of course.” And I dictated my number in a loud voice, making sure it will also reach the consciousness of the woman between us.

Speaking of that woman, she’s been making faces ever since I started talking to the lady behind her, and it amuses me, I cannot help but smile.


Whoa! She talked to me! She did! I knew she would not be able to resist my charm and sex appeal. Haha!

“Yes?” looked at her face.

Her expression went sour. Oopps! Did I smile too much? Did she think I was trying to hit on her? Wait, slow down Harley, my man!

I tried to pull a straight face and looked at her. She seems completely annoyed and ready to throw me out of the convenience store.

Hold on, what did I do wrong??

“Do you intend to pay?” she asked softly, but why do I detect an undercurrent in her voice?

“Harley, can we pay our purchases together at the same time? Please.” Girl Pick-up behind Miss-I-Don’t-Know-Her-Name-Yet asked, trying to act cute. She did not even bother to wait for my reply before she placed her items on the counter next to mine!

When I looked at the woman behind me again, her eyes were in slits. I was lost for words and did not know how to explain the situation. This is so new, I am panicking!

Girl Pick-up completed her purchase. (Thank the gods, she paid for her purchase!) The cashier handed over her paper bag and turned to me next.

“Sir, is this all?” the cashier asked.

Wait! I haven’t managed to get the name of the lady behind me! I cannot go yet.

“Oh.. Wait, there’s still something else I need.” I picked a magazine on the rack beside me. I heard Girl Pick-up making some remark that I did not understand but I laughed a little as a reaction because she seems to expect me to.

I leaned on the counter and kept stealing glances at the woman I really want to know while picking up different items from shelves nearby to keep get a little more time while trying to come up with ideas on how to get her name. But her eyes are really throwing daggers at me now, it makes my heart beat more erratically..

Why is that? Why is my heartbeat so fast? I reached for my chest and pressed it lightly. Do I have any heart ailment?

“Are you okay, Darling?” Girl Pick up, who appears to still be waiting for me, put her hand on my bicep, squeezing it ever so lightly.

Since when was my name ‘Darling’? I wanted to correct her but didn’t. Every fiber of my being is occupied by an awareness of the dark, burning presence of the woman who is in front of me now.

She was about to speak when the cashier spoke.

“Sir, that would be four hundred and fifty eight.”

I paid for the items and collected the paper bag from the counter. My feet felt heavy as I started to leave. I feel defeated.

“Glow in the dark, neon pink huh?” she smirked before giving her items to the cashier.

Before I can even begin to think of what she said, I felt my phone vibrating and realized that I am supposed to be back to the restaurant for my meeting!


When I went back to restaurant, the person I am supposed to meet already left with just a note saying he is turning down the business proposal I was supposed to discuss to him.

I called for the waiter and paid the bill before collecting all my things and went back to the convenience store. Who knows, maybe I can still manage to catch her and know her name. I already failed my business mission anyway, so might as well try to get a win in this area.

My shoulders sagged when I did not find her there anymore. I went over to the cashier and asked.

“Miss, the woman behind me earlier, in which direction did she head to?”

“Sir, I do not know.” She eyed me suspiciously. “Why?”

“But.. do you always see her here?”

She hesitated so I flashed my winning smile. She was charmed and suddenly became cooperative.”

“Yes Sir. She’s frequently buying things from here, especially during lunch break. But Sir, today is Friday, so you won’t be able to see her until Monday, probably.”

I lost the interest to go back to work and I am not in the mood to receive all the sermons of the company president, so instead of going back to the office, I headed for my condo. When I reached my room, I threw the paperbag on the bed and dropped myself.

I looked at the ceiling and saw her face.

What did she say? Glow in the dark? Neon pink? What was that about?

I sat up and reached for the contents of the paper bag.

Two large packs of chips.

A bar of chocolate.

Magazine featuring two half naked men embracing each other.

A big banana.

A jar of petroleum jelly.

Two eggs and a few capsules.

Then I cursed when I saw the last item in the paper bag.

No way! And she saw this? She really saw this?!

With the item is a flier of sort that states:.

Ride safe and have fun.

Double damn!

I rubbed my face with my palms.

And so, that was why I was agitated the whole weekends, waiting for Monday to come, which is today. I needed to see her. I needed to redeem myself. I waited for her at that convenience store. It was not in vain because as the cashier said, she showed up at lunch time. I learned that she was actually working in that very same building.

From there, I followed her up to this point.

Because of her, I rode the public transpo. I shook my head, I never would have thought I would be able to do this. I almost rented the whole jeepney but all the other passengers looked at me angrily, since the jeepneys are few and far in between, and the line for the passengers goes a long way. Should have brought my car, but that would make it hard for me to follow her since she passed through paths that cars cannot pass through.

So I just decided to brave the waiting line to commute. Even though we are so tightly-seated inside the vehicle that we could almost exchange faces. And the smell! Terrible!

I gave a thousand bill when the driver asked for our fare, but the driver got mad at me. The fare is only eight bucks. Facepalm.

How would I have known? And I didn’t have any change. Thankfully, a man across my seat paid for my fare. Though he kept on throwing me glances.

The woman I was stalking- I mean, following- is seated at the farthest end of the jeepney, without any care in the world. It annoys me that the guy sitting beside her seems to enjoy pressing his thighs on hers. I almost expect her to glare at him, but why is it that she doesn’t seem to mind?

My brain is almost bleeding trying to trigger a telekinetic power just to push the guy away from her. Of course, to no avail. So I just content myself with glaring at him instead.

I saw her picked up her phone and answered a call. I even slightly heard her telling someone on the other line to wait for her at a particular convenience store. She’s so fond of convenience stores. Didn’t she know how much mark up they add in their retail price? And the food there are not really health ones. Food there are mostly junk and instant foods.

I inhaled. When she becomes my girlfriend, I will have to tell her.

Huh? Girlfriend?? Where did that come from?

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