Entering the pub, I scan the room, looking for Sacha. I'd been unable to get a hold of him after reaching the station. Bloody fool. "Pass." I respond to a random lady trying to grab me.
I make my way to the mini apartment inside the pub. I stop directly in front of Sacha's room as I begin to hear moaning coming from inside. I massage my temple, irritated at his nonchalance. I open the door.
"Brother!" He yells, two women in his arms, on the king sized bed.
"Tupoy durak. Gde vy byli, kogda ya pozvonil na vash telefon?"
Translation: "Dumb fool. Where were you when I called your phone?"
"Fun, moy brat! Come on, I can get more women for you! Just try them!"
I try not to frown. He was obviously drunk or high on something. He wouldn't speak to me in such a tone if he was sober. He knew better.
I point at him, trying to make a point. "Women will be your undoing." I take my leave, heading for my room. I lock the door as I enter. I take off my shoes and head straight for the bathroom. I stop in front of the mirror, looking at myself. I take off my glasses. I remove the contact lenses in my eyes. I take off my clothes, and I enter the shower.
Somehow, my mind drifts off to the night I so desperately try to forget. For some weeks, I'd been successful.
Flashback, 20 years ago
Waking up from sleep, as the noise was excessive, little Leonid gets up from his bed and leaves the room, heading downstairs. He doesn't say a word or call out to his mother. As he's walking, he spots a lifeless body on the floor. He bends to wake the person. The person doesn't move as the body is stiff. Leonid gets up, still not frightened. He makes his way down the stairs.
"Maksim uyekhal v Rumyniyu, prosto otpusti menya i moyego syna!"
Translation: "Maxim has gone to Romania, just let me and my son go!"
Leonid heard his mother rat his father out while crying bitterly, begging for their lives. He hides behind a wall and looks on as his mother is raped.
I distract myself by increasing the hotness of the water. I breath shakily, trying to forget those painful memories. I begin to rub my body with the soap, focusing on the excruciating pain my skin was feeling as I watch the body makeup wash off my skin.
I step out of the shower, water dripping off my body. I walk back to the mirror and look at my self. My body was filled with tattoos, from my neck to my legs.
I drag the towel from the rack and begin to wipe my body as I walk into my room. I wrap the white towel around my waist. I pick up my lighter and light my Sobraine cigarette. I sit on my bed as I recall the incidents that took place at the party.
Earlier that day..
I'd disguised myself as a nerd, attending an elitist party, with the aim of meeting her. However, I had realized that dressing that way made the Americans see me as queer. I didn't like women, but I didn't like men either.
There was news that Leonid Volkov was one of the hosts of the party. They were all expecting to see him, to see the mysterious Leonid Volkov.
I was present, trying to speak to some of them, some who also were my business associates. However, they have me no listening ear.
"Hello, do you know where I can find Leonid Volkov?" I ask a woman. A man walks up to her, grabbing her waist.
"You're looking for who?" She asks me, eyeing me from head to toe. Why did people have to be so judgemental?
"What'd he say?" The man asks, laughing with no control.
"Said he's looking for Leonid, can you imagine?" She responds, laughing. I was Leonid. If only they knew. She continues, "No one knows what Leonid looks like, he only meets with select people. If he were to pick, it would definitely not be you."
I adjust my glasses, annoyed by her guts. I'm about to walk away when a woman with medium length brown hair passes me, her perfume lingering in the air long after she'd walked away. I follow closely behind her. She's dressed in a red dress, scanning the room as she moves around. She seems to be speaking to someone, but there's no one around. Then it dawns on me, she was communicating with someone via bluetooth. I try to look in her direction to see who she's communicating with. There's no one. I look at the far end of the room, then I see a man standing, speaking to someone too, then it hits me. They weren't just random guests or druggies. They were police officers, in disguise.
I watch the woman go upstairs, and in a few minutes after that, there's chaos everywhere. Bullets start flying, bodies start dropping and tables start breaking as people begin to run for safety. I run to the toilet behind the stairs. It was the safest place in the mansion.
Currently. .
I get up from my bed, as my stick is almost burned out. I put it out, still thinking of the woman that had rescued me. It was the second time a woman had rescued me, helped me. The second, after my mother.