I'm back inside the building. I needed a few minutes alone. I was so sure that I was going to get Leonid today. I couldn't believe that I blew my last and final chance. My eyes fall on the half-broken glass of bourbon sitting on the table just a few feet away from me. I walk to the table. I pick up the bourbon, scanning it closely. "Doesn't look like there's any glass in it." I mutter. I gulp some alcohol down my throat. I pause. I inhale, remembering the Chief's words. I was really out of a job. I gulp down some more bourbon, annoyed at myself but most especially, Leonid.
"Benji. Benji, do you copy?" I ask, over the radio. He responds. "I think we should have a little search, you know? Just incase."
"We don't have a warrant." He responds. He wasn't buying the idea. He continues, "That's trespassing." I ignore him, scanning the room as I walk around. "Andrea." He demands, knowing fully well that I'd ignored his warning. I take off both earpiece. I turn them off. I spot a drawer. I walk to it and open it, hoping to find some clue or at least, a pointer. The drawer is empty. I sigh. The whole party was probably a decoy, a distraction. Leonid was probably halfway to Russia or to Barbados. Shit.
I continue walking, scanning the house to see if I could at least get anything on Leonid, maybe evidence or a pointer as to where he could be. I turn around with my gun facing my direction, ready to shoot any possible enemy I see. I just a heard a noise, a door knob open. My eyes fall on the door close to the cabinet I'd just searched. The noise definitely came from there.
"Come out, right now!" I yell, as I point my gun towards the door. "I'll shoot if you don't come out at the count of three. 1! 2! 3!" I yell, and in a matter of seconds, the doors open. I lower my gun.
"Who are you? Why are you hiding there? Come out." I say, scanning the man. He had on thick glasses, a sweater tied around his shoulders and some black and brown checkered socks. He looked like a queer person. "Speak."
"I'm-I'm sorry." He says. He looks extremely panicked. "I only came here to share my magazines from school, I wanted them to buy it, then I heard gunshots and I saw people fall and blood— I had to hide here. I lost my phone running so I couldn't call the cops."
I finally lower my gun. He looked a bit old to be in high school or he probably was in college. "Let me see your ID." I say. I wanted to ask if he was actually gay, but I'd rather not. I felt it would be rather rude and invading his personal space.
"Here. Please, I wanna go home." He says, giving me his ID. Penn Hemsworth, 23. That was all I needed to know. He couldn't possibly be Leonid. I'd heard Leonid was possibly covered with tattoos so it was unlikely that he was Leonid. His arms were clean.
"C'mon." I say, as I turn to leave.
"Hey, Benji?" I call out to Benjamin as I reach the porch. I can see some witnesses being put in a bus. They had been questioned and were probably heading home.
"I hope you didn't do anything stupid." His response, more of a statement than a question. I roll my eyes. "I found this kid inside. Boy was shivering with fear. I need him sent home."
"Kid? That's a grown man. Did you question him?" He asks, going towards the boy. I place my hand on his chest, stopping him.
"Hey. Don't do that. I've questioned him. He's queer, damn it. Don't let him think we're trynna bully him for his sexuality." I whisper in his ear, clearing my throat.
"Huh? He's queer? What has that got to do with anything?"
I sigh, eyeing his over zealousness. "It's pretty obvious he is." I turn around, walking back to the boy.
"I heard you." The boy responds, looking away.
"Oh. Well, I'm sorr—
"You didn't say anything wrong. You stated a fact, and I'm not ashamed of it. If I was, I wouldn't be dressed like this." He says, adjusting his cardigan.
I smile. "Come on. Let's go to the bus. You'll be dropped off at the nearest station and then, you can contact your family to come get you."
"I don't have any family." He states. I look away, somewhat uncomfortable. I was an orphan too and I knew exactly what it felt to be lonely. Before I can respond, he continues. "I'll call my boyfriend though. We live together."
I nod. "Do that.”