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Chapter 3



"If there was one thing, that had kept the world intact is hope"

"What makes that guy who fails for an hundred times to try again is hope"


Everyone were eager to know the outcome of what went down in the afternoon.

People could be heard asking what happened? Did they find the book? Are they back yet? Were they successful? Hope nothing bad happened to them.

All this question would be answered when they meet in the evening, people blood pressure had sky rocket high, heart beat has increased beyond the normal rate, waiting for the outcome of the meeting in the evening.

The people of Avalon couldn't wait for evening, if they had a way of fast forwarding the time, they won't hesitate in doing so, they wanted to know their fate as soon as possible, some even wished they could see what would take place in the evening before the evening even comes.

The long wait was over, their fate would be known soon, they would tell if the future would be great, would it remain the same, what actions were they going to carry out.

Evening finally came and the field was filled up as speculated, you could find all class of people there, the rich and poor, old and young, tall and short, professionals, literate and illiterate, all class of people and caliber.

People barely had sit to seat, if not for individual who decided to control the crowd, there would had been stampede.

Everyone seems to be looking for the old man, their eyes scanned round the crowd looking for the old man.

The old man hesitated for a while, he himself wasn't ready to share the news, he wasn't happy with what he had to tell the people, but he had no choice, he decided to still wait a while.

When he saw that the people were too inquisitive looking for him, questions were being raised, it almost led to pandemonium.

The old man, had no choice but to stand up, he stood up and marched to the middle of the field, as he walked down to the middle, everywhere went mute, you could feel the tension in the air, this tension could be cut with a knife.

On the other hand, this brought relief to allot of people, because he showed up, when he got to the middle of the field, he stopped, he mounted the wood that was placed there for the speaker, when he was already on top, he looked at the thousands of heads on the field, young and old, rich and poor, he got emotional, but he had to behave brave and smart, he looked at the number of people who came just to get solution to their problems, normally in a normal setting, some of the people sitting or even standing wouldn't want to have anything to do with the people beside them, but this is fate, this is what dilemma and problem can cause.

He inhaled a deep breath before speaking, the field was even more quiet than a grave yard, If silence was a sound, this would be the real definition, many people heart beat had increase already, while others were afraid because they didn't see any book in his hands, they remembered what he said about the book, but now they couldn't find any book in his hands, others were still eager to hear what he had to say.

The old man said;Dear citizens of the United States of America, who resides in the state of California, in the city of Los Angeles, living in Avalon, I have good news and bad news.Which one do I say first? he asked.

This made everywhere lousy, others wanted the good news first while it was vice versa for others. He decided to share the bad news first, at least they would leave here with some positive energy.

He raised his hands and everywhere became silent.

Outside, there was a loud bang, this made people inside afraid. People could be seen running helter skelter,the smell of blood filled the atmosphere.

The two drivers, weren't themselves, this incident or accident took a great toil on them.

The glass of both vehicles, were broken, some people sustained injury while others didn't sustain any injury.

They believe it was the doomers at work, there was no way two vehicles in the opposite directions, would just intentionally reverse back and collide with each other.

Both drivers knew that the vehicles weren't under their control, an external force was in control of the vehicles, the little, they could do, was to wish themselves safety, those who could jump out did, while those who could not, were engaged in the accident, but as this went on, they noticed that the people who died, seem not have any form of bone in them, in as much as they die, the bones in their body system seem to disappear. This was really scaring, it gave the health workers an heck of problem.

Doomers, the machine is already working but we do need an upgrade, we need the bones of adult not teenagers or kids.

We need it for the machine to be more effective.

Dark sage had ordered that the bones be gotten today, I don't know, how you guys are going to do so, but Dark Sage believe you can.

I don't know which city you want to start from, but I do recommend that before you start your work, cause a major distraction, and immediately attack.

We need 10,000,000 bones.

That's really huge, how do we go about this, one of them asked.

I got an idea, let's start with Avalon, if this plan pull through, then we can commence to do so in other cities, what's the plan they all asked.

Two invisible personalities could be seen on the air, they were chanting and immediately two huge buses who had a large amount of passengers in the opposite lane with a distance difference of 7 km, started reversing backwards, there was commotion in the two different buses, the drivers were shocked at what was going on, even other motorist were shocked at this sight, and the next thing everyone heard was a loud bang, the two buses had collided with each other with human blood flowing on the soil.

The other invisible personality on the air descended down immediately and pointed his fingers to those who were dead and immediately the bones in their body disappeared, it was recorded that almost fourteen passengers died and their bones were all missing.

With this successful plans, the doomers planned to reciprocate it, in all continents, so as to meet up with the 10,000,000 million bones request.

As the people of Avalon were mourning what had just happened, a similar incident occured again not too far from where the first one had happened, this time around it was two big trucks conveying gas, this two heavy duties truck traveling in the opposite lanes, reversed and there was a great explosion, the death recorded was about five hundred above, the medical team were confused, they didn't know what to do, they were not through, with the first case now a more greater one, had just happened.

They had to call for help from both private hospitals, and nearby cities.

Everyone that died had their bones taken away, this act was very strange.

The doomers continue this awful act in Avalon before going to other places to reciprocate such deadly act.

That day, the world recorded a high number of death rate, due to different road accidents all over the world.

The doomers after going round the continent were able to acquire 800,00 bones the margin was too wide.

They had to strike again, they started from Avalon, now they decided to focus on building, especially skyscraper, they would cause a huge building to collapse and take the bones of the humans that had died, they continue using different strategy to hunt for human bones, they were not willing to back down untill they had completed the task, there was pandemonium all over the world.

The world leaders had to call for an emergency meeting, to address the current situation in the world, they didn't know how it usually happens and those who were perpetrating such an act, some of the world leaders refuse to show up, since the cause and the perpetrators were not known, through out the whole world, there was death, horror, it was a black day.

People who died because of fear were more, they were not spared, their bones were also taken by the doomers, they were determine to fulfill this mission.

Everyone was afraid, especially the people of Avalon.

Those in the field were afraid of what next could happen to them, but it would be an honor to die, in seeking solutions to the city probelm.

Great people of Avalon, let's have a minute silence for all those who had died all over the world. There was silence for the space of ten minutes.

The terrible incidents we are facing continues, the worst is yet to come, what the old man said about the supernatural won't take place in our time, yes you heard me loud and clear, it won't happen in our time, let's brace up ourselves that we are not that generation, but be comforted that it will come to pass.

Now the good news, he delayed for a while before saying it.

Heart beat increased, their life depended on such news. He finally spoke.

The good news is that very very very soon, soon enough, we would all die soon.

And what do you mean by that? A woman asked.

I mean that this our present generation would be wiped off soon

only few will survive, after such event a new breed will rise, that would live the life of the supernatural. Science, even the world will fight them, but they will overcome.

They will defeat the "Doomers" and make the world at large a safe and better place.

The old man asked for the book, a young boy ran quickly to get the book, few minutes later the boy came back running with a big brown book.He collected the book and raised it up in the air for everyone to see.

He also promise to take the book to the town library, so anyone in the town can get access to it, though it would be heavily guarded.

Nobody said a word, everyone was mute and astonished about the good news. They were all thinking about their lives, who would die first and who were those that were going to survive. Some were engrossed in their thoughts about who this Doomers were and for what reason would they decide to face the chosen five.


Students, those were the event that were recorded in the year 1991, though not all events were written, but researchers believe this were one of the important event that happened during the year 1991.

The book you are seeing in that exhibition galss, at the far end on your left, is the book the old man promised to put in the library.

Remember students, please do me a favor not to destroy or touch anything in this museum, CCTV cameras are on site, so be careful, because there's no way you can hide any of your evil deeds.

Do stay here, while I go find the museum tour guard, remember students don't touch anything, you can only look and gaze, but for touching it's a no go area.

The students spent two hours in the museum, learning new things and getting acquainted to past events.

After three days of the visit at the museum, the High school principal received a call from the museum manager, that something just happened, she also needs to report to the museum immediately, so as to save the image and name of this high school.

She was scared, what could had gone wrong, was it because of her students who visited the museum or was it a frame work or a mixed up somewhere?

She kept on pondering on these questions with fear in her heart.

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