The Bloody war
Chapter 2
"Hope is never lost, you just don't understand what hope is"
"A desperate man go any length to get what he wants"
The moon gradually gave room for the sun, the people of Avalon were awaken by the melodious songs of the birds, everyone went about their daily activities, but were also anxiously waiting for evening, to know about what task they had to carry out that would guarantee freedom from long age problems, they were desperate to know how quick they could end their tears.
Kids could be seen running to catch up with the school bus, civil servant were also in a haste to catch up with the city bus, entrepreneur were seen walking towards thier business site, to recruit in some profits before the evening comes.
House wife's, mid wives went about doing their basic work, but also having in mind, the evening meeting.
At work, professional were asked to do everything with caution that day, especially the bankers and those in the line of medicine.
You could literally see and feel the tension in the air, it was also written on their faces.
Business owners weren't ready to plunge into loss or debt at all.
In the city of Avalon, it was reported that at least in twelve different High School, students during the lunch hour sat to discuss about what task the community would carry out. Even teachers sometimes chaired such discussions during classes, which lasted for hours.These also helped the kids develop an act of critical thinking.
It made them imagine things they wouldn't have.
In one of the school, there were this set of students, who came together to analyze the current happenings in the society, they were driven by the urge to be solutions provider.
During lunch hour, there were these certain students who came together, to deliberate on the issue at hand.
One was heard saying, that the government should think about relocating us to space, because being on this planet called earth wasn't giving them the peace they desired.
Another was heard saying, that the government manufactures robots and machine that would be able to attack this so called doomers.
Another suggested that, they hold a peace talk with the doomers, these kids suggested alot of crazy, funny, beautiful ideas.
They all gave suggestions based on the little knowledge they have and what they understand.
They deliberated on this topic for hours, to the extent that they had to call for those in the upper class to judge whose ideas was right or not.
A girl, suggested that they seek, special abilities to tackle the present state.
The students asked her how would they access this special abilities? She couldn't give an answer, but deep down, she was convinced that they all needed something these world can't give.
Another required that, the business moguls, captain of industry donates money to start a technological and scientific school that will focus on bringing solution to the problem facing Avalon.
In this school, the founders will be given great privileged, to explore alot, research would be at it's zenith in, she believed, in a long run, this certain idea would make Avalon not only Avalon but the world great again.
School came to a close, and students couldn't wait to get home, even inside the school buses the discussion continue, those who were trecking, were not also left out, as they walked home, the discussion continued, those who were lazy and stubborn, and always found it hard to perform house chores, decided to perform their house chores immediately they got home, so as not to be late to the evening meeting.
But on the other hand, there was still fear in the hearts of everyone, they had that feeling that they might be attacked, during the course of the meeting, because the doomers may decide to visit Earth soon, others were afraid to go, while others made up their mind to attend the meeting.
It doesn't matter where you are, when the doomers attack, they make sure, they go through the whole city of Avalon, they decided if they wanted to die, let it be they died sourcing for information to better the life of the community, than dieing sitting in the living room, when others are outside sourcing out information.
Evening finally came and the football field was filled to the brim, even kids who were below three years old, protested to their parents to take them along, they didn't want to be left out.
Though they had no idea, but since almost everyone was going there, they also thought it mindful to go with others.
They all waited for the old man and his clique, but it didn't seem they would show up.
They waited for extra three hours, they still didn't show up.
Everyone was getting pissed already, people could be seen asking questions, was the meeting cancelled?was it rescheduled? people kept on asking questions.
The old man named Magog wasn't really going to come, he wasn't even part of the community.
He was sent by the Elders of Light.He came to stir hope in the heart of men and women.
He didn't come to give them solutions, he was to prepare the way for the next events that would be happening.
The Elders of Light, looked at Avalon and saw they needed help, they decided to send one of their trustworthy and reliable servant who was Magog.
Magog was chosen, to live among the people of Avalon, it was all planned, that on a particular day the people of Avalon would have a meeting.
He would use that opportunity to fulfill his mission.
Though it won't be easy at all, he just had to obey.
During Magog mission he found out more about the genesis of everything.
Magog asked different questions from the Elder of light.
They never thought of hoarding any information from him.
Magog, at first was reluctant to go, but later he changed his mind and decided to come.
One of the other things that bothered Magog was him, turning into a book, till the five chosen ones come in contact to the book.
He also rejected the act of him training and making kids utilize their power and potentials.
When Magog came into the land of Avalon, he first transformed into a young man, but he knew being a young man won't make accomplished his mission.
Magog, decided to change into an old man and then promised to get engaged in the community activities.
Days and years went by, what Magog desire of the people of Avalon, he wasn't seeing it.
Even after the period of the Doomers attack, they never felt worries until this last year that the community woke up from their slumber.
When the attack, started becoming intense and consistent, the People of Avalon woke up to find solutions.
Magog saw this as an act of fulfilling his mission, he waited patiently for the gathering of the people and admist their fears and tears, Magog was happy that he would soon fulfill his mission.
Before the day of the meeting, Magog had prepared everywhere, like someone traveling to his house.
He was so glad that soon the first phase of his mission would soon be done.
But after restoring a little atom of hope in the heart of the people, without having a proper plan, he had to fulfill the other option, which was to transform into a book.
This was one of the part he detested, he couldn't understand why he would be a book for a good number of year's, until the appointed kids, who were selected by fate, should be at the same place also at the whole time.
Nobody was aware of how such thing would happen, but Magog himself wished that such thing happened fast.
After the speech yesterday, Magog knew his stay was limited, he had to wish for the next day to come early.
This were the reason why Magog didn't come, because at the time, whereby the meeting was going on.
Magog had transform into an ancient book. Waiting for SARDS to cross paths.
An old man stood up to address the crowd, everyone knew it wasn't the old man who spoke yesterday. The man moved to the middle, so everyone could hear him.
He said;we are all gathered here to know our fate,or better still to get acquainted with what task we are to do, for the supernatural act to begin, true or false?there was a loud yessss.
He raised his hands and everywhere was silent,he continued, but I have got something to tell you all.
You bard old man, what f**king thing, do you have to tell us?we are tired of hearing bu*l sh*t, we have no idea about what the old man of yesterday intend to tell us, you are here saying you have something to say, please fu*k off,a teenage boy said. Fu*k off others chanted also.
The old man, being an elderly man, wanted to still ignite the fire of hope, in the life of the people of Avalon.
The old man stood his ground and didn't bulge, a thin fragile hand went up in the air, the crowd went silent immediately when they saw the hand lifted up in the air, it was a young lady who just got married last week.
She stood up to speak;at least let's hear this man out, we don't even know what he has to say, what if he was sent by the old man of yesterday? so please let's hear him out.
You know, the present things happening in our land is strange. Let's try to pay rapid attention to the speech of the old man.
There was silence in the field,the old man continued.
I came here to inform you that the person whom you are waiting for as embarked on a journey of no return, what do you mean?a dark man asked. All I am trying to say is that he is dead.
Dead! the crowd chorused, how come?how possible? when? where? this were the questions flying in the air.
Now they were back to point zero, all hope were lost ,no one knew what instructions he was to give them not even his clique.
But there's something we can do, don't give up yet, there is still hope, if we can find the BOOK this old man and his patriachs read from, I think we can get a clue on what he wanted to tell us, the old man said.
And how do we know that old man was not playing a prank on us?a young boy stood up to ask. Nice questions kid, if we find the book, then all what he said to us is real, but if we can't find it, we consider all he said as a fairy tale.
And how do we find this book? an old woman asked, we go to where he lives and do a thorough search.
Won't it be a crime to invade a man house without receiving a go ahead from the Police? A little girl asked.
Hmmmm,.that's clever, I will suggest that some of us go to the police station and inform them about what we want to do and see if they can give us a check warrant on the late man building.
I believe that would be the best thing to do.
Who is willing to go to the station for us? The old man asked, six hands went up Immediately, he asked them to stand, which they did and the crowd gave them a resounding clap.
The six of you standing would go to the station tomorrow morning, and by noon we launch into this quest of searching for this so called ancient book, because I believe by that time you would have obtained a search warrant.
Remember, we all are depending on you, please don't fail us. When the six of you return, come straight to my house, so we can start the search immediately.
Remember the earlier we get through with this, the better for us, let me remind you, we are working as a team not as an individual.