Sapphire left the Aldines' mansion in a hurry, she had seen Alexander coming towards her and her whole being enter flight mode, she ran out of the door and got inside her car as fast as she could.
She looked back and saw the man staring at her car, he must think that she is crazy, even she thinks that she is crazy, who on earth ran away when they saw their fiance.
They would probably spend the rest of their lives together.
She isn't ready to get too deeply involved with another billionaire, the last billionaire -Oliver- who she got involved in turning her into someone who thirst for revenge.
She drove her car into the parking lot of a supermarket and parked. She has to get all the things that kids need in order to give her kids a good welcome.
They are picky and mischievous cute little things.
She entered the supermarket and took a cart, enjoying her normal life and feeling like she was back in Gisborne.
She was so lost in thought that she did not notice that someone else was also reaching for the same thing she wanted to take and their hands met, she turned her head and paused when she saw who it was.
“What …… What the hell are you doing in New York?” The person asked in shock and Sapphire rolled her eyes, she didn't know that she would see her so soon.
“Hi Heather,” she greeted her ex-best friend cheerfully, she had a smirk on her face. The other lady just stared at her like she saw a ghost.
Heather Dan, her ex-best friend who snatched her husband while working as a secretary for him, was the one that gave her the job because Melissa sacked her unjustly.
Little did she know that it was all a plan, she was the good samaritan then and she never wanted anyone to be treated badly just like the way she was treated in her own home.
She had saw her crying and asked what was wrong, Heather had told her with tears in her eyes that she was just fired because she stared at Melissa the wrong wast, told her a cock and bull story about being rejected by several companies and finally got a job at Conrad company and like the idiot she was, she believed it.
Thinking back now, the plan has a lot of loopholes for her to see that she is a pretentious bitch but she was blind. Why would someone like Heather whose family is rich enough to take care of her look for a job in a company as a secretary?
She told her about wanting to stand on her own but never stop collecting money from her parents.
“God, why did you look like you just saw a ghost?” Sapphire asked, still smiling, she snatched the Oreos harshly from her hand.
“I thought you went to some countryside, got tired of it?” Heather asked mockingly, she had quickly masked her shock when she saw that it was really Sapphire that she was talking to.
“I could never get tired of Gisborne,” she said and Heather was surprised, why on earth did she have to go that far. “I came back because of someone,” she said nonchalantly, she turned to the counter and continued picking what she wanted.
“Someone,” Heather asked before laughing. “Don't tell me you came back because of Oliver, that guy is mine now, you should stay away from my man,”
“Don't worry about that, I don't see any reason why I should go back to my leftovers,” she said and Heather scoffed.
Was Sapphire calling her fiance some leftover, why on earth would she think that?
“You make me laugh Sapphire, you are the leftover, Oliver left you for me, remember?” Heather asked.
She is shameless, she even had the nerve to say it , she wrecked someone’s relationship and thinks it is some sort of trophy.
“Simply because I didn't try to call him back when he left doesn't mean that I am the leftover, honey don't waste their time explaining to flies why they are better than shit,” Sapphire explained, dropping the last thing she needed.
“Oliver was mine, he would always be mine if I wanted that, we almost had a wedding remember? We eloped like high school sweethearts that we were and tried to get married, we arranged the priest, witnesses and whatnot, until I told him that we have to do it with our family present, we also had to study and take care of their companies.” Sapphire said, staring straight at Heather.
“You were probably somewhere at that time moping over the fact that another boyfriend of yours dumped you.”
“Stop rambling, stop saying shit!” Heather yelled, she was getting worked up.
“Calm down,you have nothing to fear because at the end of the day,” Sapphire said, dragging the cart closer to herself and moving her face closer to Heather’s. “I didn't come come for Oliver, I came for the both of you and you are going to wish with every fiber in your body after I am done with you that I had stayed at Gisborne,” she completed and turned around walking towards the counter to pay for what she bought while Heather remained frozen to a spot.
She was the closest to Sapphire, meaning she was the only one that knew how scheming and crazy she could be if she decided to do that.
"So you didn't think to call me and tell me about your darn sister's arrival," Heather said when she heard Melissa's voice on the phone.
She had been trying her number since she came back from the mall and she only picked it up now, late in the night.
The nerve of the bitch!
"And why should I do that?" She asked and Melissa checked the phone to make sure she dialed the correct number. "You did what you wanted to do, I played my part and you had Oliver, it was the end of the deal then. We didn't have any business with each other anymore,"
"At least you should have told me that she is back in New York!"
"And you should have told me that the wedding and wedding invitations were fake, you put him up to asking her to come to your wedding when he only proposed and you also asked me to come only for me to get to the Venue and discover that nothing is going on, you made me look like a fool in front of all those rich brats," Melissa replied.
Heather sighed and pursed her lips and kept mum, she discarded Melissa because she thought Sapphire couldn't ever come back.
She was not that brave and she showed how much of a chicken she was when she ran away from home, why on earth is she back with this fiery behavior.
"What? Cat got your tongue?" Melissa asked over the phone when she didn't reply but Heather just hung up rolling her eyes.
She would not get anything from Melissa, she would just mock her and taunt and she couldn't deal with that right now.
Her next action should be making sure that Oliver does not meet or see her, New York is surely big enough to not bump into each other, not even once.
"Darling," someone called and she jumped in fright, she didn't know that someone had entered the room.
"Ollie," she replied and pecked him on the lips.
"What were you thinking, I have entered for a while now and you didn't hear me when I called you," Oliver replied, loosening his tie before sitting on the bed.
"Nothing, how was your day?" She asked to move close to him and sit next to him.
"It was fine, Mrs. Brielle asked me to come to the Conrad mansion tomorrow and I just received an email shortly that I was invited to the Aldine family gala, and it is the same time for both. I am wondering what I should do."
"Don't go!" Heather yelled with widened eyes and a beating heart, Oliver stared at her in surprise and she quickly composed herself, she put her hands in her flustered hair.
"I, uhm I mean, you should not go to the Conrad when you were invited to the Aldine. Yes, you and Mrs. Brielle are closely knitted and you shouldn't disappoint her but the Aldine invitation only comes once in a lifetime." She swallowed and touched Oliver's hand.
"Mrs. Brielle would understand why you didn't show up, you should use the opportunity to meet new partners and get closer to the Mr. Aldine,"
"Alexander is not coming to the gala, he does not come,"
"Alexander is not the only person in the Aldine family and I don't think going to Conrad is a good idea because Madam Emiliana is back."
"And why would she be back?" Oliver asked with furrowed brows. The matriarch swore publicly at a party that she wouldn't go back to the mansion unless Sapphire was there.
Heather noticed the dots were beginning to connect in her fiance's head and sat on his lap, she buried her head in his throat and started kissing a spot there.
"I thought you didn't want to--"
"I am suddenly in the mood," she said, unbuttoning his shirt.
"You are going to the gala tomorrow right?" She asked as she kissed him hard on the lips before burying his head in her chest and he nodded.
"Yes," he groaned.