Sapphire averted her eyes when her eyes met Alexander's but she could still feel him staring holes into her head, why can't he just try to look somewhere else.
Sapphire rubbed her neck, this man is the only one at the table that is capable of making her nervous without trying.
Melissa fisted her hands at the side of her dress as she stared at Alexander and her sister, the man was giving all attention to her and she was enjoying it, trying to cover her face and neck with her hands.
She doesn't want to accept the fact that Alexander may be interested in her sister instead of her, she had approached him first, she had shown him all the tricks she had up her sleeve, why is he staring at Sapphire like she is the only one in the room.
They tricked her, she was supposed to be the one getting married to him not the good for nothing sister, at the end of the day, Grandmother still likes Sapphire the most.
She fooled everyone in the family and made sure she got married to this man.
Turns out the old man who is the grandfather was the CEO of Triple A's until yesterday when he gave the position to his grandson, Alexander, two days ago.
Matriarch Emiliana was still choosing favorite, she stayed with the family all these years and what?!
She saw a favorable position and put Sapphire there. She definitely won't allow her to have a peaceful stay in the family and her mission starts now.
She looked around the room where everybody was and stared at the Aldines one after the other. She couldn't find anyone that's good enough, she gritted her teeth, there must be another, Alexander can't be the only good one in the family.
She stood up and stood at the window facing the backyard where there was a field, she got out of the room and went towards the field when she spot Alexander talking to another guy, even though he was not smiling or laughing at whatever that guy was saying, she noticed that they were at least friendly with each other.
She smirked and walked towards them.
"That's Andrew, Alexander's second cousin, they're quite close,"
Someone said behind her and Melissa jumped in shock, the lady came to stand beside her, she was one of the Aldines.
"Ladies heartthrob, many ladies want him, so I'm not surprised that you are one of them," the lady said, adjusting her brown hair that has a golden hue in the sunlight of the afternoon.
"Who are you?"
"Even though I don't mind girls crushing on him, I don't like some girls doing that, Especially YOU,"
Another girl with blonde hair came out from behind a tree, staring down at Melissa, she glared at her, her chin was raised and her pink lips were curled in distaste.
Melissa does not need anybody to tell her that this girl doesn't like her, not in the least.
"And who the hell are you?" Melissa scoffed.
"Bitchy much, you should have respect for your in-laws and that's no way to speak to your elders,"
"Spare me the bullshits," she said and noticed a girl on a wheelchair wheeling to the place they stood. "I believe respect should be reciprocal and besides the elders should not speak to the younger like that," she rolled her eyes and stared at the girl from in the wheelchair.
The girl clicked her tongue in distaste while the second girl tried to talk.
"Alicia, don't waste your breath on this turd," she said gently, staring at Melissa in disgust.
"What?, T... Turd? Are you talking to me right now," Melissa stuttered.
"Except from being too obtuse to grasp the meaning of common words, you're supposed to be the sophisticated girl of the Conrads or so I have heard," she continued and Melissa stared at the crippled girl in shock.
"But what would you expect from a slut? After getting no way with Xander, she moved quickly to his cousin,Drew. How wanton can you be?" She said before turning to Alicia, go, sis. We have no time to waste with this ninny,"
"Judging by how bad the sibling who stayed home is, I wonder how bad the one who ran away is," Alicia said before grabbing the handle of the wheelchair, "Let's go sis," she wheeled her away and Melissa breathed out in frustration.
"That's how they are, both of them--," she stopped to check her phone. "Sorry, I have got to take this,"
The lady beside her said walked away placing the phone on her ear.
She looked at the field and both men were gone, the Aldines sure have rude bitches, she was already on bad terms with them,she wondered what Alicia's problem was, behaving like a crazed ex-girlfriend and that spineless brat representing the little devil.
The only good thing that came out of this encounter was that she managed to make those brats hate Sapphire before meeting her personally.
They probably hate her more than they do her.
She turned and spotted Sapphire talking with the Patriarch of the Aldine family.
She bawled her hands and glared at her with hatred.
"Haha, I now understand the stink eye you were giving me throughout the dinner," Patriarch Aldine said chuckling and Sapphire smiled, she had managed to escape from Alexander’s prying eyes, only to fall into his grandfather’s palm.
The way Alexander stares at her gives her butterflies in her stomach yet it makes her want to run away, she is not capable of giving the man whatever it may be that he wants.
"You must be like, this pedophile of a man at his seventies consented to the marriage between him and a girl the age of his grandson, how disgusting, but you couldn't deny that Emiliana likes to play games, but still how could she say I am getting married to you, a granddaughter of her, she's really something,"
"Yeah, grandmother is really something , even though it was an absurd idea to marry you, I still found myself believing that she wants the best for me," she replied with a smile, her eyes overlooking the entire estate.
Alexander was talking to a guy at a distance and Melissa was standing with three girls from the Aldine family, that probably won't end well.
"Yeah, I know what's it's like, even though Alexander is so grumpy I still can't find myself thinking that he would do the company any bad, no matter how many times a day he grumble secretly about how much he doesn't want it," The older man said and smiled, his eyes crinkling at the sides.
Anybody could tell that he loves his grandson.
He turned to her and smiled, "you didn't want to come back do you?"he asked but she only started. "It must even be more difficult now, you are getting married to some dude you don't know,"
"And how are you so sure about me not knowing him?" She asked, raising an eyebrow.
"Even the social butterfly doesn't know him and you who changed cities so many times before settling in a very remote town with little or no connectivity?" He dusted his jacket and Sapphire stared at him in surprise.
Alexander is a very private man, yet they still met, she had already met him before she knew that they were arranged together.
She knew that she wasn't going to have the dramatic loveless married life that couples who are arranged together have in movies, Alexander won't allow her to.
"It must be much more difficult when you learned that you are going to be seeing more of Oliver, you would probably hate his gut so much now, but be rest assured. You will have the positive side of the coin because Alexander is like his boss, you are the first daughter of the Conrad family so they don't really stand a chance against both of you," he exhaled heavily "whatever the way, you are welcome into the Aldine family."
He smiled at her and walked away while she bore holes into the back of the in-law who knows about her so much and more.
That name........
Oliver, her ex-fiance who gave her his wedding invitation a week before their wedding.
Part of the reason why she came back is because she wants to show them hell, she has money now, she is rich but they probably can't guess and she is getting married to a billionaire who seems to fancy her.
Maybe the marriage isn't such a curse after all, it can be a blessing in disguise if she plays her cards right.