Chapter 7.
Juicy reproach.
The ringing of my phone woke me up the next morning and I quickly picked it up before the sound could wake up my son.
"Hello?" I whispered into the phone, got out of bed, and went to the bathroom.
"Hello madam, good morning."
"Theo, why call this early? You almost woke up my son!" I snapped calmly at him.
"I'm so sorry, madam."
I snorted.
"What do you want?"
"The O'Reillys will not stop calling, they increased the proposal, madam, from 40% to 50%. I want to know if I should accept it now or wait til we get more increases."
I smiled proudly. Though you're smart, Gerald, it turned out you fell into my little trap.
I haven't even met up with any of Gladys, and I never wanted to.
They were Collins's family, and I wanted to avoid them like the plague.
"What do you think? Should we be selfish with their money?" I questioned my PA.
"The choice is yours, madam. It depends on what you want, but I can assure you, if you want an increase, it will be done."
"Hmm," I pretended to be thinking, "Good, the 50% is good for now. Accept the deal, but make sure to accept it nonchalantly, make it known to them that they can always be replaced."
"Okay, madam, I'll do just that."
"Oh, before you go, there's one more thing."
"What's it, madam?"
"I will be attending Cooper's party later, and you should meet me at the hotel."
"Okay, madam."
"You should be here before ten, though I will gladly be going late to the party."
"Okay, madam."
"There's one last thing."
"Anything, madam?"
"Um, this is a little bit hard, it's about my son."
"I'm up for anything, madam."
"Do you know of anyone I could keep my son with til we're done at the party? I might want to throw a few blows in people's faces, and might want to bust some bottles, if you understand what I mean."
"I understand you perfectly madam, but we can't find a trustworthy person to keep the kid with.
"Don't worry, madam, while you're busy, I will be your kid's nanny, and I will make sure to keep him in sight. I will taste everything he wants to eat, and I will treat him like he's my blood." He volunteered.
"How can I trust you? I only know you for a few days."
"You can't know til you try, madam, and Sean is a very good friend of mine. You can ask him about me."
"Okay, let's see how much of a nanny you can ever be."
"Thanks for the trust you have in me, madam."
"Don't be late."
I dropped the call with my eyes fixed on the mirror and my heart began to race in fright. You just trust your kid with someone else.
Fear began to rise in my heart and I ran to the room to see my child sleeping peacefully.
I sighed and relaxed on the walls and gently slumped to the floor with my eyes, not leaving my kid for anything.
I've lost one, I shouldn't lose the other.
I was on the floor for hours and when I got back myself, it was after nine.
I got up from the floor and my baby woke up.
"Mummy." He muttered, spreading his hands out for me to carry him.
I went to bed and sat down on it, before carrying my child on my lap, "How was your night, sweetie?"
"I'm a very good mummy. I dreamed about you and my sister. She played with me, mummy." He smiled widely at me.
I returned his smile, but behind my smile laced some bitterness, "That's a good revelation. That means you will meet your sister soon, and you will play with her. You might meet her at school."
"I should begin school immediately."
"Why so anxious? Just wait til tomorrow and you'll be at school."
He hugged me happily, "Thank you, mummy."
He was always extra happy whenever we talked about school, and I almost felt bad for depriving that happiness of him for that long time.
I'm sorry, sweetie, I only want to protect you. I thought and pecked his hair.
"So, today, you will be seeing your grandpa."
"Yay! Grandpa."
"But.... You will have to stick with Uncle Theo."
"Uncle Theo? Who's that?"
"He's a very nice Uncle, and he will be taking care of you today when mummy is busy. Though, if he treats you badly, just keep everything in and report him to me, okay?"
He nodded in understanding, "Okay, mummy. I'll snitch on him to you."
"Good boy. Now, let's dress you up before he arrives."
I took him to the bathroom and bathed him up after brushing his teeth. I left him playing with the bubbles in the water and went to search for his clothes.
I returned to the bathroom and rinsed his body before taking him outside and dressing him up.
A knock from outside called out for attention, and I held my son's hand before heading to the door with him. I opened the door and beheld the person by the door.
"Good morning, madam." He greeted her.
"Oh! Theo."
It was so bad of me for not recognizing my PA, and it was not my fault, he was dressed like a guard.
I paved the way for him, "Come in."
He entered and I shut the door.
"So, Daniel sweetie," I called my son.
"Yes, mummy." He looked innocently at me.
"This is Uncle Theo." I gestured to Theo, "Do you like him?"
Daniel stared at Theo before shaking his head, and when I wanted to talk, he suddenly began to nod.
"Uh?" I was astonished.
"I like him, mummy."
I squinched before him, "Why did you change your mind?"
"We have to try his first mummy for the first time. That's our plan. And I will come back to snitch at him." He whispered to me smartly.
I glanced at Theo and chuckled when I saw his curiosity. Though I was unable to see his eyes because of his shades, I could see the curiosity in his gesture. He was leaning in, like to eavesdrop.
I stood up, and he stood right, too, "My son says he likes you, but please, I don't want him to be a victim of any sort of violence."
"I will take very good care of him, madam. I give you my word."
I nodded and turned to Daniel, "I will leave you for Uncle Theo to take a shower and get dressed before we go to Grandpa."
"Okay, mummy."
I glanced at both guys before walking away, leaving them with each other.
I went straight to the bathroom to brush my teeth, took a shower, and shaved.
I returned to the room and brushed down my hair before slipping my body into the red jumpsuit I had selected to wear and I zipped up.
I applied a nude makeover on my face and painted my lips red.
Red for danger.
I picked up my red handbag and was ready to leave.
I left the room for the sitting room and my son ran to me, "Mummy, he gave me food. Fried rice and beef." He began to hop happily.
"Guess what mummy, Uncle Theo loves fried rice and beef too."
I chuckled and squinched in his front, "So you're happy because he loves your favourite."
"Yes, mummy."
"Why don't you go on and see how much of you he loves? You both might have something in common."
"I bet we will."
He ran back to Theo, and he gladly carried him up, "Uncle Theo, what's your favourite colour?"
"Black." Replied Theo and I could see the disappointment in Daniel's face. He had always loved wine colour.
"Well, maybe not everything. At least, you both have the same taste for food."
Daniel's eyes brightened again, "Yes mummy, you're right."
He kept on talking and talking nonstop as we made our way to the elevator and out of the hotel, before entering the car.
We had to go in the same car with Theo because Daniel wanted to talk more.
We arrived at my old home and I sighed.
I stood outside for a minute, just staring at the house and sighing, and when I grabbed myself, I glanced at Theo, who had Daniel in his arms.
"Let's go."
We moved and when we got to the door, the stewards gasped when they saw me. I almost thought they remembered me as Elsa until they yelled, "Elsey!"
"Oh my goodness! She's the one."
I smiled at them.
"Please Elsey, an autograph." One gave me a book and a pen and I signed for him and the others.
"Huh! Your son is cute." They gushed.
"Thank you."
They opened the door for us and I grabbed a shade from my bag before using it.
"I forgot my invitation card in the hotel, that was why I entered with my face," I told Theo.
"You're smart, madam."
I shrugged proudly with a smile on my face and walked on into the semi-crowded area, pulling the people's eyes at myself as I passed them by.
"Elsey!" Someone called, and I hated to see the native being that shouted my name that loud.
I know it just has to be him.
"Oh my! Elsey is in here!" Everyone gasped, and in a minute, I was almost getting crowded, if not for the sake of my guards who stood so mean around me.
"Oh, Elsey!" Another voice rang out, "I invited her myself. Don't get her running away."
My father showed up and got closer to my guards to address me, "Get your guards off, no one here will disturb you, my lady."
I chuckled.
He doesn't recognize me. Nice.
But how did Nina recognize me? She must be following me up badly, I see.
"Thanks, Sean. Go into hiding." I told my guard.
"Okay, madam." He replied to me and walked off with his men, but not without glaring daggers at everyone who set their eyes on me.
I walked closer to my father, "Hello, Mr Cooper. It's nice to see you again."
He smiled, "Thanks for honouring my invitation."
"My pleasure, and oh, by the way," I searched through my bag and grabbed a box.
I stretched it to him, "Happy sixtieth birthday, Mr Cooper."
He chuckled and held the gift dear to himself, showing it would be a thing too precious to him.
He must respect Elsey a lot.
"I will always cherish this gift."
"I hope you love it."
"Dad!" Nina's voice broke between Mr Cooper's conversation and me.
She came forward to us with Collins trailing behind her.
Collins. Wow! I must say that he looked more handsome.
"Dad, what are you doing?" Questioned Nina.
"Just receiving my gift from Elsey. That's so sweet of her, right?" Mr Cooper, as I would love to call him, beamed at Nina.
"Dad!" She snapped at him, "Don't you recognize her?"
Mr Cooper glanced at me, and I flashed him a smile.
He turned back to Nina.
"Stop embarrassing me in front of the great woman, and be useful by greeting her. She might be merciful to you and bless you with some of her magical moves." Mr Cooper glared at Nina.
I know that he glared so much, he was daring her to mess up in front of me.
Nina fixed a fake smile, "Hello, Elsey, it's nice meeting you."
I stared arrogantly at her, "I can't say likewise to you, but I'll let it slide."
She let out a forced chuckle and pulled Collins forward, "Meet my fiancé."
I faked a gasp, "Oh my! Mr Gladys."
He stretched out his hand for a handshake, "Miss Elsey, you look good."
I returned his handshake with a beautiful carved smile, "You're not bad yourself." And I took my hand off.
"I would love to talk with you about business later." He proposed.
"I would have loved to, but my PA will be busy throughout today, and he won't have the chance to have a word with you."
He glanced at Theo before muttering, "Oh! Maybe next time then, and I will hope for it to be with you. Privately."
I let out a smirk.
He's falling too.
"Why waste your time with my business partner? We've sealed a deal that has nothing to do with you."
Now, this is juicy.