Throwing Ethan's jacket upon the couch Rachel made her way to the bedroom without looking back, she could hear Ethan following her but she paid no attention to him. She borrowed a small weekend bag from Valerie, it only contained last night's dress, but she appreciated it. The bag kept the dress safe but also hid it from sight so she wouldn't be reminded by it of the horrible dinner she had.
Dropping the bag on their bed she was about to head to the bathroom, but Ethan stopped her by grabbing onto her wrist, stopping her in her movements. Almost mechanically Rachel turned to look at her boyfriend whose eyes were glittering with expectation. He wanted to talk about their issues right this second, but all she wanted to do was take a bath first and get into some comfortable clothing. Not that the yoga pants and lilac colored sweater she was wearing weren't comfortable, she just wanted her own comfortable clothes to feel better. Ethan, however, wasn't going to let her walk away to take a bath first and change into her own clothing. That much she could tell by his grip on her wrist tightening.
"Let's not run away, we should discuss things first."
Letting out a sigh Rachel pulled away from her boyfriend and took a seat on the bed. He kept standing which made him look a lot more intimidating. He started pacing the room, it was the only sign he showed her of him being just as nervous as she was.
"I know it's been tough meeting my parents, but I did warn you that they're not as welcoming as most people."
"That is not the issue." She told him, not wanting to back down now even though the nerves were causing her fingers to tremble, "They were saying horrible things about me like me being after your money and basically calling me a prostitute. I would have been able to let it pass if you at least would have said something. Just a little 'that's enough' would have sufficed. But you did none of that. You just sat there letting them make me feel worthless and making me want to throw myself in front of a bus." She figured she used up all her tears, but they were streaming down her cheeks without stopping, she hated how weak she looked in front of him, "You just sat there!"
He stopped pacing and stood right in front of her, looking exasperated by her. She saw no sympathy in his usual kind eyes at all. The Ethan everybody liked and wanted to hang around with was completely gone. The Ethan who stood before her looked like he belonged back in that fancy apartment of his parents. Pretending to be all high and mighty and feeling like they were better than the rest of the world. It shut her up and actually made her tears stop flowing endlessly.
"I've told you that my parents are judgmental, they're hard on everyone." He folded his arms across his chest, "That includes me. If I had said anything it only would have added fuel to the fire."
She got up, facing him with a fire burning in her eyes, "Oh, so it's okay for them to call me a prostitute because that's just the kind of people they are?"
"I'm not saying that it's okay." He placed a hand on her cheek, trying to persuade her by being gentle and touchy, but this time it wasn't working, "But there was nothing I could say to make the situation better."
"Then we should have thanked them for dinner and should have left to keep some of our dignity."
He cupped her face in his hands and leaned in, "I'm sorry." He whispered to her, then placed a kiss on her lips thinking that would solve everything.
His words didn't sooth anything within her, she did give into his kiss though. Sometimes actions said more than words if they couldn't communicate with words maybe they could understand each other better with gentle gestures.
Ethan's kiss got more intense he tilted her head back and deepened the kiss. Reaching for his belt she started to undo it. He walked them backward and let her fall down first. She watched him take his belt off and toss it aside, the accessory landing with a thud on their wooden floor. He took off his shoes and socks and then crawled on top of her. She was still wearing all her clothes, including her heels, but Ethan didn't seem to mind. He pressed down on her, letting her feel his weight. Not being able to contain herself she reached for his shirt and started to unbutton it. Being impatient made her sloppy.
"Let me."
He unbuttoned his shirt effortlessly and leaned in again, covering her lips with his. She thought she wanted gentle and slow, but everything which she had bottled in made her want to lash out at him. It made her rip his pants down and reach into his boxers. He pulled away from her, his eyes searching hers. He probably didn't expect her to be that forward, but she didn't care. He pushed her yoga pants down to her knees, brushing his fingers against her soaked panties. Taking charge Rachel ran her hand up and down him and then guided him to her entrance, and let him enter her with them still being fully clothed. It was rough and fast and kind of messy but she didn't care. She kissed him to shut him up and focus entirely on reaching her orgasm. Once she did reach it, she tried to catch her breath while watching Ethan chase his own orgasm. He reached it a little after her, his body tensing up when he rode that wave of pleasure.
When he lowered himself and rested his head against her shoulder she ran her fingers through his hair and tried hard not to regret what just transpired between them. Once he came down from his orgasm as well she pulled away from him, pulled her panties and pants back up and made her way to the bathroom, locking herself away from the rest of the world. She needed to clean up and then soak in some hot floral smelling water to actually calm down from the shitty day she had. She was sure after her bath she'd feel so much better. While she was cleaning up she heard Ethan knock on the closed door.
"Are we good, Rache?"
She held her breath, knowing he'd never see eye to eye with her about dinner at his parents' house. It was better to drop it entirely for both of their sakes.
"We're good." She called back.
Her words calmed him down, she heard him move away from the bathroom door and dared to breathe again. They weren't good, something broke in their relationship, but apparently, she was the only one who felt that way. She hoped that bath she was longing for would also fix the way she was feeling about her relationship.